~Introduction~ This lab will answer the question whether or not the water in the U-Creek is polluted using invertebrates as in indicator? Although there are many ways of measuring water quality, invertebrates are good indicators because the number of invertebrates indicates the ability to sustain life. Invertebrates will thrive in better quality water, whereas in poor quality water, invertebrates will not survive as well. Other indicators of water quality such as dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrogen and phosphorus. Dissolved oxygen is oxygen found in water. A high dissolved oxygen content is helpful for aquatic life. Also, pH and measure water quality, a pH of 6.5 and 8.5 is healthy. Nitrogen can measure water quality, more than 2.2 mg per liter is unhealthy. Phosphorus is necessary for life, however too much phosphorus is unhealthy. Bottom dwelling invertebrates are the “canaries” of rivers and lake when indicating pollution. When recovering invertebrates from bodies of water you can see traces of pollution. Invertebrates live for a long time so that means that the pollution can be traced over a long period of time. If the water were to be polluted than invertebrates that can tolerate said pollution, therefore there is pollution. Invertebrates are animals without backbones. There are many different kinds and the help with many things in ecosystems. They can be classified into different functional feeding groups based on what and how they eat. Energy flows from the sun through
We did 3 different test to help conclude the water quality. The first testing/station i did was to see what kind of critters were living in the water. Then, my next group was to take a test to see if eutrophication was in the water. We also took
Dissolved Oxygen, pH levels, Temperature Change, Fecal Coliform, BOD, Nitrate, Phosphates, Turbidity, and Total Solids were each tested in the stream at least one time. If more time and enough supplies were given, then certain tests should be done more than once. Temperature Changes should be tested every other month because it is quick and a change in temperature can affect the health of the organisms living in the stream and therefore the quality of the stream. Temperatures can also drastically change in a short amount of time and there is a large difference in water temperatures in summer and winter. Another test that should be done every other month is dissolved oxygen because it is related to the temperature of the water. Cooler waters have a greater capacity for dissolved oxygen than warmer waters. This test is important because due to human activity and industrial processes, can increase water temperature and therefore decrease the dissolved oxygen levels. Certain organisms living in the stream need a sufficient amount of dissolved oxygen to survive. Another test that should be done more often is the
At the first station I was at, we were looking for macroinvertebrates and crustaceans. When we found one of the insects we had to determine which group they belonged in. One way to determine if the water is polluted is to look at which group the critters are mostly from. My group and I tested this by taking turns going into the creek and finding a rock to bring out. When we brought the rock out of the water and back to our group we had to make sure to turn the rock over because the critters normally live on the bottoms of the rocks and most likely would fall off if you didn’t turn it over. After we all took turns a couple of times
As the data showed, the Conodoguinet creek is NOT polluted! There were many macroinvertebrates living in the creek that could only live in non polluted
The first piece of evidence supporting this statement is a water quality index of 48. The 7 pollution sensitive organisms in the creek are worth three points each on the water quality index, plus the 10 moderately tolerant organisms each 2 points and the 7 tolerant organisms each 1 point add up to get the 48 water quality index. The water quality level is considered excellent if it is 23 or above. The water quality in the U-High creek is more than twice that. There were many different types of organisms found in the creek including 7 pollution intolerant micro invertebrates. The total number of organisms including the 88 pollution intolerant Caddis fly larvae point to a low pollution level in the creek. The 10 moderately tolerant micro invertebrates also point to low polluted creek. There were also a high number of midges and aquatic worms. The water in the creek was also very clear and did not have a smell. There were many small fish and plants growing in and around it concluding a low pollution level in the
The first station we had was counting crustaceans and macroinvertebrates in the water. We found 113 critters that belonged in group 1 which means it is quality water. There were 2 organisms in group 2 which was somewhat quality water. Also, 16 critters in group 3 which means the water is very polluted. Overall, based on the critter
we counted the little critters that live under rocks. then we sorted them into 3 different groups. group 1 they are pollution sensitive and found in good quality water. group 2 are somewhat sensitive and can only live and good are medium quality water. group 3 are tolerant to pollution and can be found in any quality water.
So we can conclude that the creek is not polluted based on this evidence. The creek creature are mostly from group 1 and 2. Also, the creek water contains little to no nitrates and phosphates. The creek also contains a high amount of dissolved oxygen (9.8ppm to be exact) Lastly, the creek limestone neutralize acid rain. The pH of the water is also a healthy 7. After all this evidence we can conclude that the creek is not
The eutrophication test tested if the creek has too many nutrients. If we found high levels of phosphate and nitrate in the water, that would mean the creek has eutrophication, which is bad. Phosphate and nitrates are found in fertilizers, and some detergents. On average, we found out the creek had .1% phosphate in it which is good.We, also, found out that was .9% nitrate in the creek, which is also good. The dissolved oxygen test tested how much oxygen was in the water. We found a 9.8% average for dissolved oxygen, which determines the type and number of macroinvertebrates that may live there. In past years it was tested that the water was warmer. The velocity of the water could affect this. As a result, I conducted the river does not have eutrophication.
One of the tests we conducted while I was at Lake Tonetta we learned about pH. Why is pH so important? pH is a good indicator of the lakes healthiness.pH is a way to measure how acidic or how alkaline a body of water pH scale goes from 0-14 a zero is the strongest acid. A reading of 14 would be the strongest base. Pure water is considered neutral-rather an acid or a base with a pH reading of 7 Indicator measure the pH in watersheds to determine whether the water is acidic/neutral, or base.Most living things have adapted to a life in water with specific pH. If the pH changes the organisms may die. The best pH for water is between 6.5-7.5 right near neutral. The pH we tested on November 3, 2016, was 7.This is excellent because all creatures can live in that water it is the healthiest it can be.
Several species and organisms rely on water to survive. Some organisms use it as a source to drink and others uses water as their living environment. This experiment is to calculate many aspects of the water that surrounds Corpus Christi. Water is the key to life on Earth and thus why water is so important. According to the Lab Report water quality is the quality of water and if it is considered acceptable drinking water. Water quality consist of its chemical, physical and biological characteristics. These properties can be studied through pH testing, nitrogen testing, Phosphorous testing and many other useful ways. Water quality is important because it allows scientist to identify if the water is in a good condition to drink or sustain life overall and it dramatically effects how healthy it is. The objective of this lab was to experiment if the water quality around the Corpus Christi is a reliable source of water for organisms and to reach an understanding of the water quality of the water surrounding Corpus Christi.
Through our research we aimed to determine if there were any differences in water quality of both the north and south forks of Strawberry Creek. As time progresses and the environment changes it is important to keep track of how certain species are being impacted by these features, and how they cope with change. We hypothesized that due to the lack of pollution, the south fork will promote a greater diversity of macroinvertebrates. This was due to the fact that there was less runoff and trash that could be introduced to the water in the south fork, than there was in the north fork. We gathered data by analyzing the different organisms living in both forks. We collected a total of fifty vials composed of five organisms from each fork, and inspected them under microscopic view. After gathering data and identifying the different kinds of organisms living in the different forks we assessed whether the organisms from the samples could live in high or low resolution water. We also took a t-test to assess the probability of these differences being due to relevant factors or by chance. Our major findings suggest that organisms in the south fork showed a higher demand to living in cleaner water indicating that our hypothesis was correct.
The legend of the chupacabra has been a legend in mexico for a long time. I would have to say that this is my absolute favorite legend. I first heard this legend when I was at disney world at ten years of age. I hadn't thought anything of it, but when I saw a fake news clip about it I became very interested in this new creature. Conversely, I started watching paranormal phenomenons and el chupacabra would always be stated. Consequently, when I went to mexico on a cruise the year before last, you heard about this creature at farms and anywhere a chicken was, there were several reports of sightings.
During the period from starting of the Collaborative Learning Community till date, there has been considerable progress related to the assignment. The preliminary work was directed towards the completion of the agreement and individual task assignment, which was completed successfully with mutual understanding. The next important part was to select a vendor, which was completed with some research and from the member’s experience with particular product.
Throughout the course of about a week,the 9th grade class at CEEC took samples of the pond at UNCC for an experiment to determine whether or not if the pond is in a safe or in a harmful environment and if the pond is healthy or unclean. University of North Carolina-Charlotte and its health is an important factor to the survival of the animals around it. North Carolina is a southern US state with landscape ranging from the atlantic ocean to the appalachian mountains. Charlotte is the state largest city it is home to the NFL’s Carolina Panthers and the Nascar Hall of Fame UNCC’s campus has a early college program named the Charlotte Engineering Early College, with a pond located to the left of CEEC.This pond is the home to many animals such as fish, ducks, tadpoles, canadian geese, turtles, and cattail, and is a source of water for the university. In order to be able to use this water, the pond health must be healthy. However, what makes a pond really healthy?