I see a bottle with blue fluid filled to 1/3 of the bottle falling on the ground so a toddler boy picks up. He grabs from the bottom of the bottle and put it on the green bench. There are two more bottles with purple fluid filled to ½ of the bottle and dark blue fluid filled over ½ of the bottle on the floor. He is bending over and trying to pick up the green fluid bottle. He stops trying to pick up the bottle and put his right hand on the top white cap. His knees are bent and two hands hug the bottle against his body, he proceeds to pick up the bottle again. He walks to the bench and places the bottle with dark blue fluid next to the blue fluid bottle. He comes back for the purple fluid bottle. He picks up the bottle with two hands but drops it. He bends down and does it again. He holds on the cap of the bottle. He squats down and grabs the bottle with two hands. Then he grabs the top again and drags it closer to the bench. He drops the purple fluid bottle in front of him, and then he drops the dark blue fluid bottle. Then using one hand, he grabs the top of the blue fluid bottle and brings it down to the ground. He stands the bottles up in order of how much fluid inside of the bottle. …show more content…
It seemed like he was asking or talking out loud when he could not pick up the dark blue fluid bottle. He begins to grasp concepts of more complex, abstract thinking, and cause and effect. He bent down and grabbed with two hands tightly holding against his body. He was using is motor skill. I see that he was using critical thinking and solving problem by using his knees and legs. He tried different methods to pick up the bottles. He was able to sort the bottle by volume of liquid. He showed an understanding of sorting and classifying to help him learn to sort. This requires logical thinking and to organize
Add RO water to the 25 ml volumetric flask up to the mark. Put stopper on the flask and shake it properly.
From below the frame a green trash barrel is seen being lifted from its place next to the pumps, and for a moment Viking #1 can be seen
IT pulls away from me, puzzled. I reach in and wrap my fingers around a triangle of glass. I hold it to Andy Evan’s neck. He freezes. I push just hard enough to raise one drop of blood.
Dispense .5 mL water into the already weighed conical vial, replace cap and face insert on its down side.
Upon realizing that he will have to come up with the idea and carry it out himself, he formulates a picture of a flow chart in his mind, then crosses out
Instead, I have to walk down this boring lagoon. During that time was when I found the two bottles. I was sitting on a rock beside the water when the waves started crashing and two bottles with something inside of them bumped up onto the sand. I jumped up, at first scared. The bottles seemed to look like a monster for a second.
He bent the arm below the wound. The arm bent back easily. He ground his teeth to overcome the pain… He broke the neck of the iodine bottle and let the bitter fluid drip into the wound. A paroxysm of pain swept through him.
Make sure to keep the original soda bottle’s at least half way full so the participants can see the color of the original beverages. The Sprite bottle will be green but have clear soda in it, the grape bottle will be clear but have purple soda in it, the orange bottle will be clear but have orange colored soda in it, and the ICE cherry limeade will be clear but have red colored soda in it. This part will consist of four rounds as oppose to three. For the first round, mix together two 1/4 teaspoons of red food coloring and two tablespoons of Grape soda until it’s a dark red. Just like before, make sure to quietly observe until the participants are finished.
the boy looks at the problem he cannot work it. However, after being showed the
Water is deadlier than we think. The story, “Notes from a Bottle” is an incredible example of this fact. In the story the mysterious water destroys electricity, mobility, and lives, but oddly not spirits. The water additionally migrates the city of New York to their maximum heights of their buildings, where they just sit there, waiting for their death.
The next frame shows a close shot of a cola product being poured onto a rug sample. Vince lifts the sample to show underneath and explains the problems with leaving it to dry on the sample to add to growing list of examples to apply the ShamWow to use. Cutting to the next frame, Vince asks if the camera guy is watching and places it onto the rug sample, doesn't apply pressure, and finally wrung it out over a bowl placed to the left of the frame.
Tyler pours a bit of the flaked lye onto Jack's hand. Jack's whole body jerks. Tyler holds tight to Jack's hand and arms.” (74). symbolizing Tyler’s philosophy “It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything” (1:04:02).
“He got a cold bottle and a straw. So he held a bottle in one hand and a penis in the
The experimental setup will be a pH meter placed inside each water bottle of water to check the acidity in each one, and it will be tested with a pH meter. The purpose of the investigation is to see which company of water bottles has the highest pH level. The independent variables are the different companies of water, the dependent variable will be the pH level of the water, and the controlled variable will be the pH meter, the computer and wires, the glass of water, and the distilled water.
Under each cone is a car. Two cars are blue and the other car is