“Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,” said the wisest of wise men. “The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” In this moment in the story, it’s a story in a story. The young boy is talking to an older wise man who is telling the young boy about a story. The story is also about a young boy who is traveling around the world and finds himself at a palace. At this palace the young boy wants to explore but the owner of the palace wants him to hold a spoon of oil. With this spoon of oil the boy walks around the palace but doesn’t observe anything. When he comes back the older wise palace owner asks him what he observed and boy replied with nothing. So the wise man says to him go around the palace again and observe and don’t worry about the oil so much but don’t let it spill. The boy does as told and goes around the palace again but this time he does spill the oil. In turn when he comes back the old man says to him that quote. The significance of this quote is so important because the young boy, Santiago, is actually going around and traveling. So the old wise man wants to give him advice of saying, you may be able to travel but don’t forget where you come from. …show more content…
Again, in the story being to to Santiago, we knew as readers the second time the young child walked around the palace he was going to drop the oil but in that suspense it made the story telling realistic and it brought up a point to Santiago that reflects his own life. We already know that Santiago is traveling but in this mini story it makes me question or challenge if he will ever go back home to where he came from or travel
1. What do you think Santiago will do with his life after he travels back to Egypt for Fatima?
Santiago’s growth was inspiring to me. He has learned a great deal from action. He learns quite a lot about the land and his sheep by being a shepherd and paying attention to the world around him. His grandfather had mentioned to him a while back of an omen. “By traveling, watching and paying attention, the world will speak to Santiago to help him find is Personal Legend.” Through action, Santiago learns how easy it is to search for one’s Personal Legend. Everyone has their own way of learning things. For example when Santiago decides to try reading the Englishman’s book and he would try and read the signs of the desert. The boy does not learn a thing from the book and the Englishman learns nothing from watching the caravan. Just as Santiago
Hurricane Katrina destroyed the wonderful city of New Orleans leaving its citizens to rot. In Trouble the Water we got an inside look at what the city went through post Hurricane Katrina and the government’s response to save the people in danger. The film displays one family’s quest to survive the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina.
David Foster Wallace was an American novelist, short story writer, and essayist, as well as a professor of English and creative writing - at least that’s what Wikipedia says. Anyway, he had graduated from Amherst College and majored in English and Philosophy. It was at University of Arizona where he gathered a masters degree in creative writing; and then going to graduate school in Harvard for philosophy. He had a wife, lived under a roof in his youth through two English professors with his sister; he taught at Emerson College, Illinois State University and Pomona College. Along the way, he was awarded the MacArthur Fellowship, a Lannan Literary Award and a Whiting Writers' Award. I mean, it sounds like he had his life together. Had. It was on September 12th, 2008 when his wife, Karen L Green, found her 46 year old husband dead in the patio of their home. He had hung himself. Even the people who are successful - like Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain, Ernest Hemingway, and Vincent Van Gogh - can hide deep secrets that cause them to jump over the brink of death
First, Santiago realizes that he wants to travel. For example, when Santiago is in his hometown of Andalusia, he is talking with his father about his love for travel and decides that he would like to become a shepherd to travel to new castles and lands instead of becoming a priest like his father would prefer. “Well, I’d like to see their land, and see how they live” (50). Santiago is realizing that he has a passion for traveling and that his heart wants to explore and find new places. Santiago believes that he will be happier if he travels, instead of becoming a priest. Finally, he realizes that he has to travel and that nothing can stop him from pursuing his passion and as a result, he believes that traveling is his true destiny. To conclude, Santiago
“What the hell is water?” “This is Water” was originally given as a speech to college students before it was published in essay form. David Foster Wallace, in his essay “This is Water”, addresses the importance of awareness and perceptiveness of others. He believes this and proper education can help people become well-adjusted to the world around them. He adopts a humorous, personal, and important tone in order to accomplish his rhetorical purpose.
Santiago finds his treasure at the place where he first dreamt of. The ending, then, can be interpreted as Santiago needs to go in a difficult situation and time to gain the knowledge or wisdom.
I view Santiago as someone we can all relate to as a person with a dream, and after reading this book, I see that life does try to help us in some way. It could be through people we meet, similar to Santiago meeting all theses people that shaped his life, or events happening in the universe itself. At first, the language of the book and its contents were confusing, but after rereading and examining the material thoroughly, I understood the messages and references the author were making. I liked how he involved realism within his writing, such as the mentions of Christianity and the Islamic religion, how it is related with the “Soul of the World”, and of the universe itself. As a Christian, I have somewhat of an advantage in understanding the allusions and memos made throughout in the story. There is also the ways of alchemy, which I am already intrigued upon. It elaborates how alchemy is not only turning metals into gold, but in understanding the elements of the universe, which I thought were fascinating. One key point I saw within the writing was the mentioning of characters, where the author stopped calling Santiago by his name, and only referred to him as “the boy”. I felt it evokes a different type of storytelling, in the same way of a fable or moral are told rather than a novel being read. It gives the story more of a personal level and in a way, easier to
The article summarizes the main points on how the water is beneficial to the world and its population, the effects of deforestation, and how society can become united as a whole. It goes on to say that one of the most important aspects of water is indeed to give life to not just plants, but also to human beings and animals itself. Water is one of the most important substances in order to prosper life on Earth and to help construct infrastructures to society. Unfortunately enough humans tend to take water for granted, but it seems like the biggest city of the Western community named São Paulo had to learn their lesson the hard way.
Over 650 million people live without safe water, 2.3 billion people don't have access to adequate sanitation, one in three of the world's population and over 500,000 children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation. That's 1,400 children a day. These were the problems before WaterAid started helping across the world. Without safe water or sanitation, people are trapped in a cycle of poverty and disease. Across the developing world, millions of women are wasting precious time collecting dirty water, children are dying from preventable diarrhoeal diseases, and communities have open sewers running through them.
Coal is found in deeper layers of earth. To retrieve coal from those layers, underground tunnels need to build. These underground tunnels tend to fill with
The samples were collect at Fred Howard Park Tarpon Springs, Florida. All samples were collected on the Northside of the park. The research was performed on April 11th, 2017 in late afternoon. While performing the experiment tide started to fluctuate with high tide. The site where research was collected has a sandy bottoms and seagrass beds along the shore line. The impact of human activity on the research was minimal with little tourism at the park. The weather conditions while taking the samples was sunny with clouds.
Santiago has a few desires, he loves to roam with his sheeps while having a book in his bag. In his meeting with the Melchizedek who consider himself to be a king of a far off land, decided to search for his treasures. Upon arriving in Africa after selling his sheeps to pursue his dream, he faced many difficulties in his journey of searching for treasure. He was robbed off the first day and he can’t even speak Arabic. He became dishearted and decided to give up and return back but then he remember the words of the Melchizedek an continued his journey, He got a job in a crystal store and earned enough money to buy sheeps but rather than buying them, he joined a caravan to Egypt.
Santiago makes it to Africa, where he looses all his money to a thief. He is now a strange person in a strange land, helpless and penniless. At this point of his journey, Santiago was in real need for an assistant to help his dream survive this challenge. Santiago starts to search for a way to get money and luckily a crystal merchant struggling to keep his trade afloat hires him. Using omens, he brings new ideas and enhances the merchant’s business. As time passes, his dream of the treasure starts fading away. Months go by, and the boy builds up quite a nest egg. The crystal merchant is a clear helper; he gave Santiago a hand when he really needed it. At this stage, Santiago is once again split in choice; he could return to Europe and double his sheep flock or try to peruse his dream again. Even though the crystal merchant supported Santiago through his hard times, he also reflects a negative example for the Shepard to avoid, as he is someone who gave up on his personal legend. This gives the boy an enthusiastic push to get on a caravan and head to the pyramids. During this checkpoint, Santiago learns Arabic and gains a great deal of money as well as experience, which really came in handy all the way through the
Santiago informs the boy about his journey and offers to pay him as guide. The boy explains to Santiago that the trip through the Sahara Desert is a dangerous and risky course. Santiago, determined to uncover the treasure awaiting him, assures the boy that he will be able to pay and that the trip will be worth it. Santiago gives the boy money to buy camels for the trip; however, after getting distracted among the marketplace the boy takes all of Santiago’s money. Santiago then acquires a job from a crystal merchant who offers to pay him for his cleaning