Water is the most essential substance on earth. All plants and creatures must have water to survive . without water life on earth will not exist. Water can be used in unlimited aspects of life , such as cooking , washing and irrigating plans and trees.A lot of global problems are water issues related , ranging from protecting clean water to water and climate change .moreover , There is a huge loss of water in developing countries due to the hurdles that these countries face in extracting aquifer water and the inefficiency of the current agricultural system .In addition , to the polluted water resources which develop an increasing numbers of infected people by several dangerous diseases .
One of the main water issues is the lack of
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Despite India’s wide spread water shortage, only 17 of 28 states have adopted any serious legislation regarding groundwater management.The Indian government tries to regulate the extraction of groundwater , but the problem is not the lack of legislation but the inability to control private drilling (Ramachandran 4).
In order to dwell over this problem multiple solutions can be applied .Firstly, desalination of sea salt water ,which is :“ the removal of salts and minerals from sea water to make it fit for drinking or for industrial use ”(Hunashikatti et al.2).
Moreover , developing country should follow a specific irrigation system to save and not waste water .there are several effective systems such as irrigation by foot which is a device you can pump with your feet that pulls water from 30 feet underground with enough pressure to irrigate up to two acres of land. This enables more frequent harvests of high-value crops like vegetables rather than grains. In Africa, more than 65,000 such pumps are currently in use (rowan). Secondly , for people who lack clean water, a bit of chlorine could go a long way toward providing it. Using two ounces of salt water and some muscle.professor Craig University of Iowa engineering can enough bleach to kill the
Water, like food, is a necessity for human life that is used for many purposes such as agricultural, industrial, and domestic systems. While water is a common element around the world not all of it is clean and able to be consumed or used by humans. With only a percentage of the world’s water being clean and the use of water increasing, the availability of water around the world has become a common issue in the developing and even the developed world. This may be a smaller problem in areas close to clean water sources compared to areas far from a clean water source but, the availability of water is not strictly based on location, it also depends on the specific political and social needs and issues of the area as well. These all become issues that must be accounted for when deciphering whether water is a basic human right or a commodity and what action must be taken to aid the developing water systems in community’s that lack them.
Water and its properties are very essential for all living things. In fact, scientists are paying close attention to presence of liquid water on other planets in efforts to find extraterrestrial life in space. Water has properties that makes it a key role to sustain life 1. As it is a universal solvent, it acts as a medium for most biochemical reactions 2. Without water, it is impossible for a living thing to function. Zooming out, water is important in daily life as many aspects depend on water. Water is used for domestic and industrial purposes. On average, people in the United States drink 110 million gallon of water everyday 3. In total, 400 billion gallon of water is used in United states everyday 4.
Water is a critical source that is utilized by most living things on Earth to support it ways of live. The usage of water ranges from basic household needs to agricultural purposes. Water is one of the resources on the Earth that is becoming more and more scarce and the water available for usage is being further contaminated by pollution causing sickness and death.(World Health Organization).Countries are experiencing droughts affecting the water supply needed to maintain irrigation, thermoelectric power, and public supply. The definition of water pollution is the result of when too many toxic materials are present, in which negatively impact the water to be unsafe for its intended purpose, which may be drinking to industrial processes
Water is a very important resource, every life depends on fresh water to survive. There are three per cent of fresh water of the world’s water and all life on earth can only depends on half of it. Water has become a very fragile resources because, people have damaged the water bodies badly from the use of chemicals, irrigation to household. Consequently, these reasons have severely affected the water, the environment and many lives on earth.
Groundwater is the main source of drinkable water in the world. Groundwater represents about 90% of the world’s readily available freshwater resource, and some 1.5 billion people depend upon groundwater for their drinking water (Vital Water Graphics 1). Although we are surrounded by vast bodies of water, only 2.5% of the commodity is fresh water. The environmental disruption of water privatization has caused a scarcity of water around the world, especially in third world countries. Agricultural water use accounts for about 75% of total global consumption - mainly through crop irrigation - while industrial use accounts for about 20%, and the remaining 5% is used for domestic purposes (Vital water Graphics 3). Many countries depend on groundwater for drinking and agricultural growth, but with the increase of water extraction from large companies, such as coca cola, these communities will become hindered in the grand scheme of life. Water in some unfortunate countries has always been scarce, yet big companies continue to thrive on the fact that they can use deception in order to maintain that countries natural resource. By definition, a commodity is sold to the highest bidder, not the customer with the most compelling moral claim (The New Oil 3). In our society today, companies are so consumed with greed that they show no moral regard for others. Companies completely disregard people in order to get a hold of water to create their precious
Water is essential for all living organisms. It is known to everyone around the world as one of the most important requirements for life. Based on a research by Harvard University, water covers about 75% of the earth’s surface and it’s necessary in all different natural environments such as forests, grasslands, tundra, marine etc. Water also plays a major role for industry and commerce, recreation, energy, health environments and more.
Many people know that water is essential for human-being and it is not only valuable for health and life, but water is also important for industry and agriculture. Furthermore, use of water has a spiritual, cultural and recreational dimension. However, water resources are not infinite. Wide and inefficient use of water resources can lead to irreversible consequences, such as water shortage. This essay will firstly discuss the problem of water shortage on examples of developed and developing countries and include the diversification of the same issue in the different parts of the world. It will also identify causes and effects of this environmental problem on society and other spheres of life. Moreover, in this essay I am going to propose
It is an essential resource for sustaining life as well as central to agriculture and rural development, and is intrinsically linked to global challenges of food insecurity and poverty, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as degradation and depletion of natural resources that affect the livelihoods of millions of people across the world. According to the World Bank, (2010) report, water is a scarce resource with multiple interwoven uses that range from drinking water, energy, irrigation, manufacturing things, transport of people and goods among others. The report further states that, more than one-sixth of the Worlds’ population does not have access to safe drinking water, with 80% living in rural areas thus access to water cannot not be guaranteed globally.
Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value.
Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world with essentially an agricultural based economy. Water is an absolutely essential element for agriculture. However, Pakistan’s inability to plan for its future, and currently having poor infrastructure, outdated irrigation system and its internal politics has placed it on a disastrous path towards water scarcity. The apathy in the role played by the various stakeholders and the water institution that deals with the water allocation and its distribution has really been substandard to say the least. In essence it’s been the management aspect that has been the core reason why Pakistan finds itself in current disastrous situation today as far as water scarcity is concerned.
Michael Garbachev, the ex-president of the Soviet Union and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, once said that ‘water has the power to move millions of people’. Earth has water everywhere on the surface, underground, and above the earth in the air. There is only 2.5 percent of fresh water share in total global water availability and it is only 1.2 percent of all fresh water. Why is water so important? The simple answer is Water is essential for meeting human needs and wants. It is used directly for drinking, sanitation, and food production, and only slightly less directly for economic production across a very broad range of sectors. It is thus a primary basis for sustaining human well-being for generations to come.. Dr. Bhumbla, a
Everyday humans and animals all across the world consume large amounts of water to keep their bodily systems functioning. While water is an essential aspect of life it can also be dangerous as most water will never be 100% pure, as such water will contain what is known as contaminants. There are many forms of contaminants ranging from microorganisms to chemicals. These contaminants have the ability to cause serious health issues depending of the amount consumed. This has serious effect on third world countries such as those within Africa. As the populations of countries increase more water is needed but less safe supplies are present. This has required new ways of supplying water beyond what was previously necessary. As such methods of purification have become necessary for creating enough safe water to drink, however some of these methods have serious drawbacks which need to be considered.
The band Papadosio has once sang, “Please remember that water comprises over 70 percent of the mature human body, and covers the same amount of our planet. Water is the very source of all life.” This is an important statement because it shows how significant water is to everybody and every creature on earth. Water shapes everything, and one thing in particular water shapes is the state of Michigan. Michigan is over 50, 000 miles of land between the two peninsulas, and it is surrounded by four great lakes. These lakes include Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and Lake Erie. The Upper Peninsula includes some of the oldest rock formations, many streams and lakes, and a very heavy forest. The Lower Peninsula includes a ton of land area, a few slopes (not mountains), and a few lakes. Michigan is abundant with fresh water. A curious, observed fact about Michigan is that the state is shaped like a mitten! Investigating more about water and glaciers will begin to explain why Michigan is a mitten.
Water is one of the world’s most precious resources, but only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. Even more astonishing only one percent is easily accessible due to the amounts frozen in glaciers (Schnoor). Water sustainability “could be defined as supplying or being supplied with water for life or, perhaps more precisely, as the continual supply of clean water for human uses and for other living things” (Schnoor). In third world countries such as India and China there has always been a struggle for the allocation of water. Who is entitled to the water, who needs it more, and where will the water come from? Asia obtains agricultural self-sufficiency by emptying rivers into irrigation canals, while on the other hand India’s farmlands are watered by plundering the countries underground water. Neither, are sufficient solutions that allow for the immortality of water for future generations to come. This excessive tapping into groundwater is wringing third world countries dry. As farmers take digging wells into their own hands there is no regulation on how deep or how many wells can be dug. On the other hand, in first world countries there is excess water in areas that is not being allocated to those in need. For a country to achieve water sustainability, it requires an entire country to cooperate. The government needs to provide knowledge to both urban and rural areas about the state of emergency their groundwater levels are in and how they can help alongside to prevent furthering the