Emotions are a fact of life, and when we get caught in a storm of emotion, often all we can say is “It’s hard to explain.”. This is why the world needs storytelling, stories dive into the depths of emotion, and no matter the medium used to tell the story, the audience receives a message away from a well-crafted story, messages that are otherwise buried in thought.
For today’s up and coming storytellers, it’s hard to get their name out there, but the struggle in the end is what makes it worth it. This year, I put my foot in the door on a website known as Wattpad with my first short story called People Like Me. And this story for me was a way of exploring themes of love, isolation, and provides an insight of how such deep-rooted anger can
There are many different story elements that will make one story a lot more interesting to read. A good story will get the reader emotional. Developed characters, figurative language, and an intense plot are a few ways to get the emotion that makes a good story. Emotion is important is because it makes the reader engaged with the story; which is the whole point of writing. By using characters, figurative language, and plot, the author is able to write a story that enjoyable to read and challenging.
This book explores lots of different emotions, all tying into each other. Each emotions feeds off others, and different people experience different feelings. Emotion is a major part of the book because, while it doesn’t often go that deep into it, it is the driving force for lots of the plot
Emotion is a feeling you experience when doing something, it can be good or bad, it can drive one’s mind in a positive way, while it can drive one’s mind in a negative way. In the texts I HAD NEVER HELD A GUN and IN THE KITCHEN, from A Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds, the idea of emotion driving one’s mind in a negative direction is very strong. Both excerpts from the text demonstrate emotion impacting one in a negative way. Through the use of tone, word choice, and imagery. Even though both excerpts were created by Jason Reynolds, he demonstrates negative emotions in different ways, both themes are developed through the use of tone, word-choice and imagery, through these concepts, Reynolds develops the theme: Emotion impacts one’s thoughts negatively.
Life is full of emotions, whether it be happy or sad. It is what keeps everyone going.
Before I began the fiction unit for this creative writing class, I did not think I would have an easy time constructing flash fiction or short story pieces. Previously, I never had the opportunity to write creative pieces for any of my English classes; therefore, the prospect of writing a full piece with a beginning, middle, and end frightened me a little. However, I believe the work I presented in this unit truly reflects my growth in understanding how to place words together to create thought-provoking themes about human relationships, trends that correspond to the themes, and writing processes that utilize writing techniques. I think my growth occurred because of my interest in writing about human relationships and experiences within flash fiction and short story pieces.
“Stories are being told and shared like particles in the universe, a constant swirl of words filled with emotions creating a pattern – explosions – smashing into each other creating a layering effect –
Our parents raise us hoping for us to develop certain character traits, but there comes to a point when we start to become our own person based on the experiences we go through, any situation, good or bad, can influence our personality mentally and emotionally. Emotion is what makes us human, it's how we cope and how we manage our crazy lives’. When our feelings get damaged or even nourished, it will change how we react
Both Boyd and Hsu reinforce the idea that emotions are what create good stories. “Stories have a unique power to persuade and motivate, because they appeal to our emotions and empathetic side.”(Hsu, 2008). The narrative is a light-hearted comedy where the protagonist Julia is unwittingly trapped in the boys bathroom. This evokes emotions in the audience e.g. embarrassment which is a feeling many can relate to. Another emotion which will be evoked is empathy
Through the representation of mental and emotional states, it primes the reader to simulate the emotional experiences of the hero; to invest effectively in his situation by entertaining the emotions presented in the textual fiction; and to enter a text world that stresses joy over other possible emotional keys. (Harbus)
So, it is time for us all to meet again. Although we have not heard stories from all, many of you who spoke led a commendable effort. Many of you managed to tell good stories, but there’s a distinction between good and exceptional. A great story keeps us on our toes with dynamic characters. Also, a speaker’s unique flair in storytelling is needed to keep us engaged throughout the tale. Lastly, great stories have a lesson that is applicable to us all.
Verghese recurrently variates the mood throughout his text. Through vivid imagery, Verghese illustrates emotion visually on the faces, as well as through actions of the characters. In addition to imagery, emotions are aroused through onomatopoeic words and aroma. The reader is then struck with a macabre backstory arousing sorrowful emotions within the reader. Verghese uses sensory details, along with backstory to efficaciously expose the reader to the emotional duality of happiness and sadness.
Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” There is a feeling of greatness and satisfaction in reading and thinking about different situations, of looking at things form the point of view of another. It is here, in the art of story and of writing fantastical literature, in which I have found both my passion and, as I believe at this time in my life, calling. There is more to telling a story than simply pulling story elements from thin air. In a miniscule nutshell, it takes, to various degrees, planning, delving into psychology, and research.
Storytelling helps other people to emotionally connect themselves to the author so that they know they are not the only ones who are experiencing a painful or exciting experience, and are able to share the same emotions. It often helps other people to know what they should do in order to get over it when it comes to a painful experience. Maya Angelou’s I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings explores the life of Maya Angelou and the struggles she has been throughout her childhood to her adulthood. Richard Wagemese’s Indian Horse explores the life of Saul Indian Horse and the struggles he has been through after departing from his family. The power of storytelling can unfold questions which ask the audience of how and why are the events are unfold the
The power of storytelling can create connections between people and allow individuals to find their inner
author will create a character’s emotions to demonstrate their point to help the reader understand