
Wayne Grudem's Business For The Glory Of God

Decent Essays

Business for the glory of God, written by author Wayne Grudem, discusses the relevance of business according to Biblical principles. Identifying specific verses in Scripture, Grudem details how every aspect of business exists as a means for humanity to glorify God by imitating His sovereignty over universe. In addition, he dispels the myth that business, “in itself”, exists as morally neutral (Grudem, 2003, pg. 24). Evidence supporting Grudem’s opinion of the long-held belief that neutrality repudiates the morality of business, exists with Calvinist Philosopher, R.J. Rushdoony. In his book, The institutes of Biblical Law, he states that “neutrality is the basic supposition of humanism not Christianity…everything is God revealed, universal or neutral principles of law, language, or culture do not exist” (Rushdoony, 1986). Therefore, business inherently exists as an entity of good and not evil, unless, as Grudem acknowledges, one perverts it with sin. Based …show more content…

In the first chapter of the book, Grudem briefly discusses both the good and evil aspects property ownership (Grudem, 2003, pg. 19). Concurring with Grudem, ownership of possessions serves as a tool for humanity to emulate God’s autonomous attributes. Scripture reminds us that “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much”

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