
We Are Going Oodgeroo Noonuccal Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

“We are going” An important theme explored in Oodgeroo Nooonuccals powerful poem “We are going “is the importance of culture and identity to aboriginal people. In the poem Oodgeroo looks at the impact that while white man have had on their traditional ways of life which has less of loss of identity and connection to the land. Oodgeroo Noonucal effectively communicates this theme through a number of techniques such as repition, simile and alliteration. Oodgeroo explores the loss of aboriginal people by drawing on a sympathy for the people returning to their traditional land this is evident in the first three lines of the poem the tribe returns to their little town “semi-naked band subdued and silent “Oodgeroo uses the use of alliteration in the repetition of “s” in “semi-naked” subdued and “silent”. This creates a sad image which draws on our sympathy for the reaming people in their tribe there for, Oodgeroo suggested in there lines that the loss of traditional land desires aboriginal people as sense of identity. …show more content…

A way that Oodgeroo expresses this in the poem is by saying “We are nature and the past, all the old ways, all the old ways. The repition of the quote reinforces the link to aboriginal people have with the natural environment and the traditional lifestyles. This emphasises the loss of aboriginal identity when lifestyle and culture is taken away. Gradually the tribe is disappearing and eventually the tribe will be all gone and so will the lifestyle of the aboriginal

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