I, Jessica Cleary-Reuning, want to be part of the We the People program, in order to develop my knowledge, gain insight, insure younger generations awareness, speak up for the greater good, promote my generation's voice, and engage my curiosity, about the government of the United States of America. I live in Eliot Maine with my father, mother, and brother. I take immense pride in my school work, sports, and other extra curricular activities.
Ever since I was a little girl I have always had an interest in the government. Ever since 5th grade Social Studies has been my favorite subject; I remember being fascinated in 6th grade while learning about the code of Hammurabi, and in 7th grade learning about how the U.S constitution became. My father was a Social Studies teacher, so when I was growing up I was surrounded by a historic influence that has stayed with me throughout my life so far; making me more interested in civics.
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Knowledge about the United States constitution and the laws, policies, and procedures, of our government affects everybody's life. This experience will affect who I am by giving me opportunities; these opportunities will lead me to a happier life. One goal I have that is motivating me to be to learn more about the United states is my dream of becoming a lawyer. Becoming a lawyer is important to me as it will be a challenging job, but will also involve defending the constitution of the United
The Constitution has three major purposes that consists of a judicial, a legislative, and an executive branch. As well as a system of checks and balances distributed among these three branches. The Constitution also divides power between the federal government and the states. The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution worked greatly together to create a fair and free government for the citizens of the U.S., who were not used to a fair and free government from the British in the past. America has grown and changed during the last two hundred years, and so has the U.S. constitution, including amendments to our voting laws and age, and limiting presidential terms in office. The Constitution, in a way, instructs the people of practical
After watching "The U.S. Constitution.... Built to Last?" by Peter Sagal, there were three topics that stood out to me and in many ways. Each topic showcased the positive and negative affects ordinary Americans faced by the constitution. The first positive impact was the introduction of Title IX and this law revolutionized women sports by giving equal access and funding to women athletes around the world. In 1972, Title IX was a law that passed in order to give gender equality to not only men but women as well.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” These are the first 52 words of the constitution looked at to be the most important part of the constitution; it lists six objectives and purposes of government. Everything in this Constitution is supposed to serve theses six purposes.
is helping make the U.S. constitution possible this is a long lasting impact on the U.S. because. If the U.S did not have the constitution it would be hard for American government and presidents to make laws these days because most of the U.S. laws are made off of the constitution making sure that the U.S. is not breaking a rule from the constitution when making a new law. The U.S. also helps the government when they do not know what to do or if the president doesn't know if he should veto a law or not they would look at the constitution because all U.S. laws are based off the constitution. The U.S also uses the constitution to determine state rights like the amendments and that is only possible because of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson has wrote it but it was only possible because of George Washington himself. The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.--George
Without our ability to change and develop our nation through articles and compacts we might not be living in such a great nation. As Americans we get to live a life of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that our forefathers sought and worked hard to achieve for us. With the many trials and the many errors they faced we have a US Constitution that serves us still today and ensures the right of the American people and the states we live in.
The United States constitution established America’s national government and laws. This document helps the government provide security for the people and allows us to keep our natural rights. The United States constitution is still adequate for today. In no way is the constitution perfect, however it covers our natural rights, checks and balances, and it allows America to be a democracy.
The United States Constitution is the most important document in our history. It establishes equality, freedom, and the rights of the people. Also, it establishes the form of our national government and allows us to change the constitution, so we have a strong sturdy government. The Constitution has survived and stayed current for over 220 years, because it was written in a way so it could change as the world evolved. For example, there are four ways to change the constitution which are the elastic cause, amendment procedure, the Bill of Rights, and Supreme Court decisions.
Some citizens of the United States believed that this document created a weak and unstable government from the start. Delegates from the colonies came together at a convention to create something greater for “all citizens,” and it was at this moment after months of intense deliberation that the Constitution was born. Although he was not the sole author, many contribute the Constitution to James Madison who had big part in writing it. The importance of the Constitution lies simple in its cardinal principle: freedom for all. Its advancement in allowing the people to choose their own form of government is remarkable furthermore, a government that places power within the people rather than a king.
The Constitution, a document crafted by our founding father, is the very roots of our nation. The Constitution was not written over night, in fact, it took the minds of many intellectuals who studied past government systems and stood for one main idea, limitation of government and the freedom of the people. A European philosopher, known as John Locke, stood for the natural rights of human beings, which is a massive concept in our Constitution. Another main point that impacted our Constitution was the Petition of Rights, which laid out basic freedoms that the government couldn't interfere with. Lastly, the Articles of Confederation, was created, and ended up being the base for our Constitution we have today. John Locke, the Petition of Rights, and the Article of Confederation all had major impacts on the creation of our Constitution.
The Constitution affects my life in many ways. The biggest effect of the Constitution on my life is that it gives me the right to freedom of speech. This is a right that I exercise nearly every day, at school and at home. My life would be drastically changed without this right. Another right that I am affected by is the right to freedom of the press.
I am also interested in the program because it will supply me with skills and experience needed to make a difference in our country. The more I see and learn about the state of our country,
"Throughout history, many important events, inventions, and ideas have been made and brought into our world. None more important than the creation of everything that shapes our nation today. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence has impacted in multiple ways including how we live and what we do. The Constitution is the most important out of the three. It has done so much for this country and its people like: abolish slavery, give people of all color the right to vote, gave women the ability to vote, and it also gave us the base of our political system. The Constitution also contains the Bill of Rights which impacts us every day. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to practice our own religions. We’d be forced
Over two hundred years have passed since the founding fathers of the United States of America, had created the constitution, the very document that is viewed, by many, as the milestone for what has later become the most powerful country in the world, as well as, the beacon for democracy. Having derived its values from the simple, yet intrinsic principles of liberty, the constitution has played the role of a safeguard to always ensure the freedoms of the people of America will remain intact.
The Preamble to the Constitution is important because it gives us freedom and security from infringement on these rights. It talks about our goal to form a “more perfect Union” and establishes the Constitution. The goal is to bring justice to those who have been awaiting it. Justice means to bring to the surface what matters and to make it right. This will help to make us into that union or unit of people. To unite us and make us one nation. By uniting the people you are making the nation stronger and more prepared to face situations.
As the preamble to the Consitution states "We the people...". We the people have unalienable rights endowed by our creator (referencing the preamble to the Declaration of Independence), have been given rights, that we are abided to. I am here to explain to, give reason to, to dive into "How does learning about government and our America help you become a future guardian of the liberties of our country?" I will be handing out information about three specific topics, what we have as of now, how we can protect it, and how we should leave it for the next generation. Without further ado.