Diseases can result in an immune system leading you to death. What causes weak immune systems are immunodeficiencies, overactive immune responses, asthma, etc. For example HIV targets T cells and that allows it to infect certain parts. Some more diseases that can lead your system into failure are vitiligo, multiple sclerosis, Graves disease,etc. Many things can affect the body in many ways. EVen the smallest things in your body can cause something
However there is another ways that people can get ill for example people can be with a low defence if they feel depress this is cause as they may have emotional or social problems with themselves or society, this can cause a health problem.
I decided to read the book Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers chapter 8 a chapter we didn’t cover in class. The chapter is named Immunity, stress, and disease which made me interested in the chapter. The reason is because, in the past, I have been sick many times and want to see how stress may impact from someone getting sick. Reading the chapter first thing that caught my attention was how the body’s immune system works. The system is very complex and has many ways to which it protects us from infectious agents. I also learned how stress may inhibit the immune functions, but also there may be other factors that contribute as well. The human immune system fascinates me and I want to learn more about it. The fact is killing bacteria, makes antibodies
The bear have evolved along time ago and now there is only eight species existing. They evolved from early canids during the late Oligocene and early Miocene, about 25 million years ago. The earliest ancestors where the Dormaalocyon Latouri. An intermediate ancestor was the short faced bear, very similar to the modern day bear. It lived through the pleistocene period. It grew to thirteen feet long and was a herbivore. The ancestors to the modern day bears lived in the same climate and ate the same things. The modern bear contrast from the ancestor because the ancestor was more skinny and was smaller, and it was more cat like. The eight species of bear that still exist. They are the Polar bear, Brown bear, American black bear, Asian
A T cell are also referred to as T lymphocytes which are key cells of specific immunity as referenced by Krasner and Shors.
People with stress also engage in behaviors that are not good for their immune system. This is shown many times in Evicted when people get sick and get diagnosed with a disease after years of living in poverty, getting evicted, or being stressed. For example, Scott grew up in awful conditions and was in poverty as a child, but later was able to educate himself and get a good job. Unfortunately, after an incident at his nursing home that he worked at and his doctor retiring, he became very stressed out and started taking prescription drugs. He also began stilling drugs from people at the nursing home. This affected him a lot and he had to leave his job and live in poverty due to all the money he spent on drugs. After all of these events, he became even more stressed, which made his health even worse. Similar to what the textbook said, when people are stressed, they do things that are not good for their bodies, such as stop exercising, not sleeping well, not eating well, and turning to drugs and alcohol. For Scott, he turned to drugs and alcohol when he was stressed, which affected his life in a negative way. Another example was Ned, who had the stress of having to move his family after an eviction. The eviction was a huge stress on him. He began to miss work and make mistakes at work. This lead to him getting fired from his construction
➢ Physical disease or a Physical illness – This type of disease affects the functioning parts of the human body. Some examples of physical diseases are; Bronchitis, Coronary Heart Disease and Arthritis.
Like the world around us the medical field is always changing. It is always pushing forward, trying to understand mysteries of the human body that have boggled researchers for decades. What confuses scientists more, are the organisms or conditions that create these abnormalities that can send the human body into a downward spiral. Disease is something that has affected human civilization since the dawn of time. It can either be chronic or acute, but in either case it has the potential to bring havoc to the human body systems that can lead to devastating consequences. Generally there are two main types of diseases, ones caused by invading pathogens and those which are hereditary. One hereditary disease that can be particularly tragic is
Health is affected, positively and negatively, by many factors. At an individual level there many factors that affect health and these include are fixed biological factors, such as age, sex and genetic makeup, as well as potentially modifiable lifestyle factors, such as smoking, diet and exercise.
Entering human body is not easy. The bacteria and other harmful materials can enter human body either via food or cuts and injuries on the skin. However, there foreign agents are not always welcomed in the human body. There are immune cells that fight harmful agents. The immunity system in the human body identifies harmful microbes like bacteria, viruses, and others and provides defense to the body against these substances. There are antigens present in viruses, fungi, or bacteria and these antigens are normally proteins or toxins, chemicals, drugs, etc. that show the presence of foreign harmful agent. The immunity system of man identifies these antigens and fights the microbes producing them.
In my review of chronic illnesses, there were many contributing factors associated with the causes such as environmental, habits in diet, genetic predisposition and age. Asthma is a condition where the airways are swollen and extra mucus is produced which makes it difficult to breath. People would asthma may experience shortness of breath and chest pain. Inhalers can assist in the treatment but there is no cure present. Another chronic illness is Type 2 Diabetes which affects how the body processes glucose, whether it is resisting the hormone insulin, or unable to produce an efficient amount. Symptoms associated with this type of diabetes includes frequent urination, fatigue and vision that is blurred. There are medications to treat the illness, but the disease is lifelong. Osteoporosis is an aging condition in which bones are weak. Linked with this disorder is loss of height, stoop posture and back pain. There are medication used to assist with this condition as well as healthy habits such as calcium intake and exercise. Coronary artery disease occurs when there is plague build up in the arteries and leads to the decrease in blood circulation. Symptoms connected to the disease include chest pain, heart attacks and shortness of breath. The final disease I read about which a neurological disorder that triggers seizures is
I have received your letter and I would like to talk to you what is happening. I am so thankful that you are the only one happy. You are the only crayon that liked what you are doing and I would like to thank you for congratulating me on coloring things green. I think I could do it as a career like you had said. I absolutely love to color with you because after all dinosaurs, crocodiles, frogs, and trees are not supposed to be any other color. Green Crayon you are my BEST color always look'n sharp.(pun)
Research is looking into genetic, hormonal and environmental risk factors in the cause of diseases. Possible exposure to certain things in the environment like the sun, infections, drugs, or, in some cases, pregnancy, may cause the immune system to
In the poem “I like a look of Agony,” by Emily Dickinson, one of the ways the poem’s affects on the reader is improved is though the use of literary devices. People normally have trepidation of agony, but Dickinson uses literary devices such as imagery, personification, and connotation to reveal her contrasting enjoyment to the social norm. The opening line “I like a look of Agony,” (line 1) could be interpreted as sadistic and cold. Completely reading the poem allows the reader to understand what the first line actually means. Dickinson does not like a look of agony because she enjoys watching others suffer; she is fascinated by the expression of agony. The second line of the poem “Because I know it’s true-,”
Some people obtain autoimmune disease through bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and, just simply getting sick can cause these symptoms. There are also some drugs that can start the process of autoimmune disease, because they will break down your healthy cells, or cause an adverse reaction inside your body. Auto immune can also be caused by environmental irritants, and chemical irritants. Also, you may be more susceptible to developing an autoimmune disease if you have a family member with one
All the systems in the human body are vital to our survival and well-being. If you take away the functions of just one of these systems our whole body will cease to work properly. The main systems of the human body are the nervous, endocrine respiratory, circulatory, immune, digestive, excretory, skeletal, muscular, and the reproductive systems. They all work together in harmony and unison to keep us alive.