
Wealth In Ancient Rome

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One of the major emphasis of roman society was very much so the law. Unlike the previously covered Greek society that put an emphasis on the individual, roman society put the law at the forefront above all else. This in turn puts a supplementary interest in the attention to detail when it comes to law, order, discipline, and efficiency. Overall, they show to be directed and fully dedicated to realistic and feasible goals. The romans were far more interested in practicality rather than theory and speculation. This led to the romans achieving major feats of their time in the realms of engineering with the establishment of their aqueducts and their sewage removal to name a few. After the Dorians disposal at the hands of the group of the invaders …show more content…

This wealth began to spawn problems within the roman society, as well as erode the ideals that they based on. Self-indulgence and greed began to take the places of those ideals that helped them grow to prominence. The wealth wasn’t being spread throughout Rome as well as greed spreading to the point where the patricians selfishly went out to the countryside and started claiming massive parts of land for themselves. Due to this development, along with the mass number of slave’s present, the lower working-class plebeian’s farms took major hits along with agriculture as a whole. The plebeians simply couldn’t keep up with the production and prices of the slave labor. Ultimately, the plebeians were left unemployed and left in search of help. This new problem left Rome in a serious economic and social strait all at the hands of the growing greed of the aristocratic class. This development is the driving force in the roman rebellion. The changes were not only economic. They stretched over to politics as well. The roman senate really lost motivation to maintain the res publica due to the growing greed and turmoil sprouting in Rome. A prominent leader by the name of Tiberius Gracchus along with many other roman leaders tried to remedy the rising problems in Rome before it was too late. Tiberius held the position of roman tribune, which was a member of the roman government that represented the plebian class. He proposed that all Rome needed to do was to revert back to how things were in hopes of restoring the ideals that got them where they are today. But the growth of greed had become too much to the point where those ideals that put them on the map were shown to be severely forgotten. Tiberius’s proposal was seen as trying to throw shots at the roman senate and the leaders in particular. The senate in turn took his

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