
Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Destruction (1) Introduction (2) The Term * 1 Early uses of term * 1.1 Evolution of its use * 2 Definitions of the term * 2.1 United States * 2.1.1 Strategic * 2.1.2 Military * 2.1.3 Criminal (civilian) * 3 Common hazard symbols * 3.1 Radioactive weaponry/hazard symbol * 3.2 Biological weaponry/hazard symbol (3) Treaties * 1 General * 2 Delivery systems * 3 Biological weapons * 4 Chemical weapons * 5 Nuclear weapons * 5.1 Non-proliferation * 5.1.1 By region * 5.2 Weapons limitation * 5.3 Cooperation (4) Nuclear (or) Atomic (4.1) Nuclear warfare * 1 Types of nuclear warfare …show more content…

states with stockpiles * 3.2.1 Israel * 3.2.2 North Korea * 4 Manner and form * 5 Disposal * 6 Lethality * 7 Exposure during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn[76] * 8 Unitary versus binary weapons (6) Biological (6.1) Biological Warfare * 1 Overview * 2 History * 3 Modern BW operations * 3.1 Offensive * 3.1.1 Anti-personnel * 3.1.2 Anti-agriculture * 3.1.3 Entomological warfare * 3.2 Defensive * 3.2.1 Research and development into medical counter-measures * 3.2.2 Role of public health and disease surveillance * 3.2.3 Common epidemiological clues that may signal biological attack * 3.2.4 Identification of bioweapons * 3.3 Genetic Warfare * 4 List of BW institutions, programs, projects and sites by country * 4.1 United States * 4.2 United Kingdom * 4.3 Soviet Union and Russia * 4.4 Japan * 4.5 Iraq * 4.6 South Africa * 4.7 Canada * 5 List of people associated with BW * 6 In popular culture (6.2) Biological Agent * 1 Classifications * 1.1 Operational * 1.2 Legal * 1.3 Regulatory * 2 List of biological and toxin agents of military importance * 2.1 Bacterial bio-agents * 2.2 Chlamydial bio-agents * 2.3 Rickettsial bio-agents * 2.4 Viral bio-agents * 2.5 Mycotic bio-agents * 2.6 Biological toxins * 2.7 Biological

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