The issue of ‘should seatbelts be compulsory fittings for all cars’ is a problem debated among Australians. A seatbelt is a belt or strap that is used to secure a person into a seat of a car, airplane, bus, etc. The seatbelt secures around the waist or diagonally across the midsection of the person. In 2013, 20% or 150 people killed in crashes were not wearing any form of seatbelts.
Graph 1: Vehicle occupants killed that were unbelted in metro and rural area.
Arguments for
Newtons first law of motion states that ‘An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. ("Newton's First Law") In this situation, when a car crashes into an
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Wearing a seatbelt during an accident can cause external and internal injuries. When driving at 60km/h and the car comes to a sudden stop it can cause many injuries. Injuries sustained in a car accident when wearing a lap belt are internal injuries to the abdomen and spinal cord. Shoulder belts may cause shoulder, neck and sternum injuries. External injuries may include bruising, swelling, skin discolouration and cuts to the skin.
The majority of seatbelts are 3 points but should all cars be manufactured 5-point with safer seatbelts like a 5-point or 6-point harness. The straps of these harness are thicker and should be worn tightly against the body. The harnesses are safer because it spreads the Force of the crash over the stronger parts of the body such as the rib cage, pelvis and
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Car safety will need to be improved to keep up with the pace of technology. Currently in America some cars are fitted with automatic seatbelts that click into place when the key is put into the ignition. The engine wont start unless the seatbelts are secured. This could be used in Australia to ensure seatbelts are being worn at all times. Ford are currently creating inflatable seatbelts so when the car senses a crash the seat belt fills with air creating more protection for the passengers. Although there are no new laws being discussed in Australia, different American states have decided to enforce the laws that drivers, passengers in the front seat and children under the age of 16 have to wear seatbelts.
I believe that wearing seatbelts should be compulsory throughout the world. After observing all the facts, it is clear that wearing a seatbelt would be more beneficial, less fatal and less fatalities. In accordance with Newtons laws of motion, seatbelts act as an unbalanced force in order to bring a person to rest whilst reducing the force that acts upon the person by increasing the time for
Christie Maliepaard shares her story to encourage all drivers and passengers to wear a seat belt at all times in a car. Unfortunately, her daughter, was not wearing her seat belt and was involved in a disabling car crash that eventually led to
The law should require people to wear seat belts because it prevents people from getting injured or killed in car accidents. Seat belts dramatically reduce the risk of death and serious injuries every day. 53% of the people who have died in car accidents were not wearing a seat belt. Many people that
Opposition believes They may get trapped if car drives off road into water they will get stuck and die. ( ). Commentary That only happens about once out of every 100 crashes. I believe Wearing a seat belt is good for the economy. ( ).
Judge Oliver ruled that, sincethe belts contributed to public safety, they could not be considered unconstitutional.consequently, People think that wearing a seatbelt or not, it doesn’t change the numberof casualties from wrecks but let me tell you why that’s not true. Despite the best effortsof law enforcement and others to educate people about the importance and benefits ofwearing a seatbelt, many still do not.(Hurst). According to the Center for DiseaseControl wearing a seatbelt is the most efficient way to save lives and reduce injuries incar crashes. Considering car crashes are the leading cause of death among thosebetween the ages of 5 and 34, you could say wearing a seat belt is the most
Among drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. Seat belts prevent drivers and passengers from being ejected during a crash. " There are many more valid reasons to always wear your seat belt than to not wear it. When asking some adults in my family if they require passengers to wear their seat belt, they all said yes.
There are many people who do not understand the importance of seat belts for safety. They do not wear their seat belts even though they know the mortality statistics. Most of them think that seat belts do not help when an accident occurs. We have all made the excuse that the seat belt is uncomfortable. Driving is a dangerous duty that should always be practiced with more caution and care. Some people think that not wearing a seatbelt is rebellious. Other people think that they will never get into accident. Some of the consequences of not wearing a seat belt is that you could die, you can get injured and many more. So far, the only way to avoid these consequences from happening is to wear a seatbelt.
By not wearing a seat belt only the driver’s security is affected. First, Whenever a driver is not using his seat belt the protection of others on the road is not affected (Balaker 113). To clarify, There is simply no need to protect people from their poor decisions. Likewise, Laws should focus on protecting the
When you see so many incidents lately on the news regarding the students riding the bus, the lack of supervision, and sometimes the harmful acts being done to other students; you wonder why these things are happening. Or perhaps there was an accident involving a bus where a student was severely hurt. I am for seatbelts being on school buses for the simple fact that anything could happen on a bus even an accident and the students should be safe. The issue of seatbelts on a bus is not a huge controversial issue compared to other issues such as whether or not English should be the official language or abortion, but it is an important issue to be discussed and made a decision on.
The job of a seatbelt is to stop you moving with the car. A crash which stops the car and the driver must take away all its kinetic energy. The work-energy distance then decreases the impact force. For instance, if the force on a 70 kilogram driver, the force is about 4800. A moderate amount of stretch in the seatbelt will reduce the impact
In 2016, 3,773 people died in a motor vehicle traffic accident and of that 3,773, 43.71% were reported not wearing a seatbelt when the crash occurred. The “Click it or Ticket” slogan was made to encourage drivers to wear seatbelts, but it’s impossible to pull over every single person that isn’t wearing
For the people who use the excuse that "They are just going around the corner" should realize that 80% of traffic fatalities occur within a 25-mile radius of your home and at a speed of 40 miles an hour. Buckling up to drive around the block is probably the best time to do so. Everyone knows that car crashes can cause death; yet because people do not buckle up all the time thousands of people still die in traffic crashes yearly. Seatbelts can save your life in a crash and can reduce your risk of a serious injury. Seat belts keep drivers and passengers from being ejected through windows or doors. This is important because your chances of being killed are five times greater if you are thrown from the vehicle. Thousands of people who die in car crashes each year might still be alive today if they had only been wearing their seat belts.
Some people have died and some people lived. It’s okay to have a seat belt on, but I feel like people take it to serious. It’s a good thing to have seat belts but I think it shouldn’t even be a law. Police in different eras say things like “click it or ticket” but they do not even wear the seat belts either. As you read things in the new paper, a lot of people say that it’s pointless to have a seat belt. And some say we should have seat belts for safety reason. So the question is, should seat belts be out of the picture? Yes, because people hardly even using them and it’s pointless. The only time that a diver is going to put on a seat belt is when a police is behind them or when they see on up ahead from them. Some police do not even care about the seat belts law. They just care about the speed limited and how the
Did you know that every hour, someone dies in a car crash for not wearing his or her seat belt? When you are driving or even riding in a vehicle, buckling your seat belt will decrease your chance of death or serious injury, if you are involved in a severe accident. Seat belts are there regarding to your safety and protection for the prevention of your life being in danger. In 2015, seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 13,941 lives, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Seat Belts np). Recognizing the importance, consequences, and how an individual can deal with the problem are the key aspects to this solution.
Seat belts although they are the most effective safety device on cars must be made safer. Out of all people who died in car accidents, 63% of those were not wearing seat belts (seatbelts). This goes to show you the effectiveness of seat belt. Therefore automotive manufactures must mandate the installation of 5-point seatbelt on all cars. In all major race car organization such as NASCAR (National Association Stock Car Automotive Racing) they require these 5-point seat belt. Which is nothing more than a seatbelt that is buckled in 5 spots rather that the conventional 3.
A seat belt is a long strap attached to a car seat, this tool was designed to keep the passenger in place when in a collision. According to, Traffic with a smile, “ Today, the seat belt serves to protect drivers and passengers from injury during any type of collision.” says, “More than 50% of vehicle occupants killed in crashes in Tennessee were not wearing seat belts.” There are many people that die everyday, because they had a collision and were not wearing a seatbelt.