
Web Design Personal Statement

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One favorite pastime of mine that I am completely enthralled with is coding, specifically web design. I first discovered my passion for web design when I took a class on the topic in my sophomore year. I had a penchant for the challenge of it, and the reward when you finish the website and get to see the culmination of all your efforts. While I liked it at the time, I never really became engrossed with it, at least not until my junior year. I am a member of our schools Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter, and decided to compete in web design my junior year. I remembered loving web design in the class, and I thought it would be fun to do it as an event. The prior year in BPA I completed in a group event focused on marketing, chosen by one of my friends. I found marketing to be mostly esoteric, and therefore did not really put a ton of effort into the project. …show more content…

I learned through working on this project that I loved web design; when I selected the event I knew I liked it, but through the process of creating our website I realized I really loved it. I would spend every free minute I had coding, trying to ameliorate the website in every possible way. I had never really set aside so much effort for one individual project before, and therefore it turned out to be one of the most copacetic things I had ever made. There were times when I had hours of homework left, but decided instead to work on the website. I was demonstrably hooked, and spent every second researching online possible additions I could make, and then working until they were implemented. I believe the combination of working for the competition, learning new things, and the challenge of figuring things out is what kept me transfixed on this project. Also, this website was the first I made that was live on the web, and it was just so incredible to see the site I made on the internet, available to

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