One favorite pastime of mine that I am completely enthralled with is coding, specifically web design. I first discovered my passion for web design when I took a class on the topic in my sophomore year. I had a penchant for the challenge of it, and the reward when you finish the website and get to see the culmination of all your efforts. While I liked it at the time, I never really became engrossed with it, at least not until my junior year. I am a member of our schools Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter, and decided to compete in web design my junior year. I remembered loving web design in the class, and I thought it would be fun to do it as an event. The prior year in BPA I completed in a group event focused on marketing, chosen by one of my friends. I found marketing to be mostly esoteric, and therefore did not really put a ton of effort into the project. …show more content…
I learned through working on this project that I loved web design; when I selected the event I knew I liked it, but through the process of creating our website I realized I really loved it. I would spend every free minute I had coding, trying to ameliorate the website in every possible way. I had never really set aside so much effort for one individual project before, and therefore it turned out to be one of the most copacetic things I had ever made. There were times when I had hours of homework left, but decided instead to work on the website. I was demonstrably hooked, and spent every second researching online possible additions I could make, and then working until they were implemented. I believe the combination of working for the competition, learning new things, and the challenge of figuring things out is what kept me transfixed on this project. Also, this website was the first I made that was live on the web, and it was just so incredible to see the site I made on the internet, available to
Unlike most other kids my age, playing with plastic toys and pretend fighting; I started to design and code websites. At first, writing code felt cumbersome. Nevertheless, I quickly picked up new concepts until coding felt instinctual. As I moved my hands across the keyboard, I would type out code, line by line. Each keystroke felt like a further progression down a path of successful development. Developing websites felt like an art. This passion for web design led to me joining the Computer Animation and Web Design program at the Center for Technology, Essex. Thriving in this environment, I placed first in the National SkillsUSA competition for Web Design and made the National Technical Honor Society.
One thing I have a strong passion for in life is sports. My favorite one was volleyball. It taught me a lot about life and myself. My sophomore year I made varsity, but was upset when I sat the bench more than I played. However, I still pushed myself every practice and never gave up hope. This payed off because the next season I was a starter and a team captain. Being a student athlete has been an incremental part of who I have become in the future. I did not realize it at the time, but my participation in sports has affected my life in more ways than I thought. Consequently, sports have had a major influence on the career path I have chosen, and have also been a significant part of bringing my family together.
Outside of school, I have numerous hobbies to help take my mind off the heavy schoolwork. My number one hobby in my life is ice hockey. I have been playing ever since I moved from New York at the age of five. I play for a club team that plays at Ice Line called the Quakers, and I also play for East. I made the varsity team as a freshman and I have made
The reading “Civil Service Reform in the United States” written by Kellough and Nigro analyses the notion adjustments and movement that that reforms have created throughout history. As we have learned form chapter three, reforms are adjusted in accordance with the internal beliefs, political ideologies or economic practices. Kellough & Nigro (2010) argued, “…they were and are driven by interests and purposes ranging from the outright partisan to the mostly technical” (p. 74). The effects of each reform goes along with the internal beliefs of participants that may not be able to assess or evaluate the effects of such reforms until the modification or creation of new reforms. The human resources department plays an important role on the management
I am interested in applying for the acting apprenticeship for the Commonweal Theater Company for the 2017-2018 program. I am a recent graduate of Carleton College, with a degree in Biology, but I have always had a passion for theater and the performing arts. I started dancing when I was 4, was in my first play when I was 8, was a competitive cheerleader and performed in musicals in high school. When I studied at Carleton I danced for student-led ensembles, choreographed for musicals, sang in choir, took voice lessons, and acted in student films and faculty-directed plays. However, like any performer, I faced rejection along the way. I knew that if I wanted to succeed I could never let the dismissals get to me, though sometimes this was harder than others.
Zig Ziglar once said, “When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there.” Any journey has the potential to be a challenge, and perseverance is essential to overcome obstacles. In “Searching for Summer” by Joan Aiken, Tom and Lily set a goal to find sunlight, but things take an unexpected turn and do not proceed as planned. I think they achieve their goal, and gain even more than what they seek. As they dream of sunlight and stars, Tom and Lily can not seem to find sunlight anywhere because of the bombs from the war that block the sunlight. At Mrs. Hatching’s cottage, they achieve their goal and see the sunlight and also form new friendships.
I have participated in the program Lunch Is Served, held at the First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls. The goal of this program is to gather volunteers to pack lunches to aid the working poor, ultimately fixing the major hunger problem in Sioux Falls. I have attended this volunteer opportunity five times, and plan to volunteer again in the future. Essentially, those who participate pack as many brown paper bag lunches as possible in a streamlined fashion. Included in the bag is usually various nutritious snacks and a wrapped sandwich that will be given to those in need. My experiences there was very humbling, due to the fact that it made me realize the impact one person can have on the community. All it takes is a half hour of
The only thing that I have kept on doing for over ten years besides things I need to do in order to survive is listening to music, and somehow I am lucky enough to make a living out of it, as I ended up working managing a indie music website. Both my parents have been writing codes since computers came along, and they are wildly considered as pioneers and experts in their field. Continually spending time on a certain subject really makes you
One non-academic pursuit that best describes me is Soccer. The fundamentals of the beautiful game was instilled within me starting at a young age. What the sport and passion has taught me is the ability to lead others, working with others to achieve a common goal, hard work, dedication, self-control, and most importantly defeat. The game has also shown me that no matter what race, gender, or ethnicity. Soccer is something that unifies people all over the world for a common interest. Looking at my character and personality, I can see the traits of soccer within me. From leading a group of peers down the road less traveled, learning how to adapt to situations when facing new adversity, and the struggles of enduring defeat. The greatest challenge
The main thing that stood out for me was Universal Design for Learning, and how much “assistive technology” and “accessibility” tools benefits EVERYONE! There is no such thing as average! Even as adults we benefit from this approach!
Hello my name is Diwash Khadka and I am a senior at University of Milwaukee. My major is Healthcare Administration. DMP4 is amazing. It has lots of information regarding Organizational skill and behavior. It also challenges us to get involved in making a website. We don’t get to make website everyday in a class. This is a very challenging project. Since this class is online it required a group of 3 or more people to work on a project. We even did some email communication and targeted to execute this task within deadline. For early submission. This the week of finals, all the pressures are upon classes now. Time distribution is the key factor here. We are not concerned to ruin others grade or points by acting sloppy or tardy on projects. Dominic and Hamazah really worked hard for this project. There went above and all for visual layout of website and content. I would like to express a huge thank you to them.
Describe an interest or passion. How did you become interested in this area? What motivates your passion?
This opportunity allowed me to experience first hand that any show, project, workshop, or intensive has a dedicated team of volunteers, teachers and staff that work tirelessly to help everything run smoothly. I learned a valuable lesson that helped me better understand the active role that I have to take as an artist to make sure that anything that I am involved in receives my best effort. Through continued commitment to this program I have learned that I want to pursue a career involving the education of
I enjoy a challenge when it comes to creating, which is why I am interested in technical hobbies such as welding and woodworking. I have always been fascinated by machines, robotics, planes, and engines. Additionally, I enjoy working with others whether it be on major or minor projects. I am always passionate and focused on the work that I am given and will work until I feel content.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to write my desired future based Master Program in Software Engineering. I feel that a higher education for Masters enable me to approach to the most recent technologies and to practice myself in a competitive environment and learn more skills in the field of Software Engineering.