Website Diversity The purpose of this website is to allow individuals the necessary documents to become a United States Citizen. The website is set up for non-technical individuals who need facts and figures explained before they fill out any form or document. With having the English and Spanish dialect available it allows the website to become diverse. Although the website is translated in the English and Spanish languages, it is not a multilingual website, which does not allow the website to be diverse in several regions around the globe.
Website Recommendations The website is set for individuals who need assistance with applying for citizenship, green cards and U.S Visas within the United States. Adding more knowledge based information
We act in a wide variety of immigration matters, including: temporary residence for business visitors, workers and students. permanent residence applications
The purpose of the immigrant program is to assist men, women, and families who are having difficulties in regards to cultural
Above all I would like to accomplish those of you who read this paper to be more educated on immigration and the players, and to try and understand the thinking and risk taking ideas of these new immigrants in and out of our country.
This article is about a Social Worker advocating for undocumented Latino families here in the United States. The article addresses the needs for undocumented Latino immigrants as they attempt to settle in America. These needs include mental health, physical health care, education, information and support services, and community effort. It talks about the economic crisis that has left the Latinos with higher unemployment rates. In certain parts of the country, it is mandatory to have documents proving their legal residency in the U.S before receiving health care services.
As of 2013, the foreign-born population has reached 41.3 million, accounting for approximately 13.1% of U.S. residents. The immigrant population comprises naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents (green card holders), temporary workers (most commonly on H-1 visa), and foreign students (most commonly on F-1 or J-1 visa). For the purpose of this paper, I only focus on legal permanent residents (about 13.3 million of them). According to admission requirements by Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this body can be further divided into four groups based on their admission criteria: (1) family-sponsored preferences; (2) immediate relatives of U.S. citizens; (3) employment-based preferences and (4) others. However, employment-based immigrants also include many types, priority workers, skilled workers, unskilled workers, investors,
The United States is known as the melting pot because of the many different cultures that live here. Hispanics make up 35.3 million according to the 2000 census. Many people don’t realize that within the Hispanic culture there are many different groups. The different groups have different linguistic, political, social, economic, religion, and statues. Most Hispanics see themselves in terms of their individual ethnic identity, as Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, etc. instead of members of the larger, more ambiguous term Hispanic or Latino (U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 2009).
The sites vaguely state that they’re wanting to help families by having the reassurance of being a citizen however our President, Donald Trump, is forcibly deporting illegal immigrants and wants to build his wall (ego) to separate Mexico and United States. But if I had to choose a website that somewhat relates with my view it would be Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR) because they believe in making illegal immigrants into Americans by using a process and making sure that they loyal people and willing to become American citizens. It is vaguely similar to what I believe that immigrants policies should be, however their needs to be a more affective and quicker route to find a conclusive
This research project will investigate the migration process/journey Latin American immigrants endure in their attempts to immigrate to the United States. This paper will also study past and present immigration Laws and Policies such as: The Bracero Program (1942), the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Immigration and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, The Development, Relief, and Education
Diversity is an ongoing discussion in day-to-day life. Not many situations occur without diversity having a role. There are a multitude of topics that introduces or involves diversity, to include age, sex, race, gender, ethnicity and so on. Prior to participating in this Diversity Awareness class, I’ve always thought diversity was more geared around discrimination and racism. Through weekly readings and discussions, I have discovered that diversity is much broader than that. There are many countries that are mixed culturally
At some point in time in your life you have heard the terms Latino or Hispanic. What was the first thing that came to your mind? There are many different types of Latinos and/or Hispanics in the United States today. In 2003, 37.4 million Latinos reside in the U.S., outnumbering 34.7 million African Americans (Ramirez and de la Cruz 2003 Racial and Ethnic Groups Chapter 9). Each of these types has similar cultures and customs, but is uniquely different. No one person can be so sure of which of these ethnicities one belongs to, unless you already know the person.
For more information on US citizenship and immigration services, contact The Law Offices of Nathan Christensen PC in the Dallas, Texas area at (972)
Applicants for "lawful permanent residence" in the United States generally enter through one of four channels. Family reunification is the largest of these channels and accounts for approximately two-thirds of total permanent immigration to the U.S. every year. The other channels are employment-based immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, and diversity-based immigration (also known as the lottery). These four categories account for more than 99 percent of immigration into the U.S.” .
The United States has always been termed as land of opportunity which attracted immigrants to come to country so as to manage better living and to cash in employment opportunities. Immigrants coming to US are either low skilled or high skilled people however they have made their significant respective contribution to enable economic growth for the country (Diana, 2014). The Immigration and Naturalization Act provide permanent immigrants limit of 675,000 and these immigrants could be family based like spouse, unmarried minor children and parents of US citizens or employment based immigrants working on temporary visas (AIC, 2014). Presently there are around twelve million immigrants in the US who even have partial papers or no paper works and considered as illegal immigrant. The largest immigrants are Hispanic-Americans who represent the 16.7% of US population (Aguilar, 2013).
The process of immigrating to the U.S. involves more than one pathway and extensive requirements.
Specific Purpose: To provide a new perspective to people on the beneficial side of increasing legal immigration