Week 6 Exam Part 1: Define each of the following terms as they are used in the context of the study of personality (20 pts.) |The unconscious |All the thoughts,ideas, and feelings of which we are not and normally cannot become aware. | |Collective unconscious |The level of unconscious that is inherited and common to all members of a species. | |Unconditional positive regard |The full acceptance and love of another person regardless of his or her behavior. | |Extrovert |An outgoing person who is more interested in other people and what goes on around him/her than in | | |his/her own thoughts or feelings …show more content…
True or False (20 pts.) |Freud’s theory has been fully confirmed by research. |FALSE | |Erikson believed that personality continued to develop throughout the lifespan. |TRUE | |According to Jung, maladjustment occurs when people lose touch with their inner feelings. |TRUE | |Psychodynamic theories are mostly concerned with external events that influence behavior. |FALSE | |Humanistic theories stress the potential for growth and change. |TRUE | |Trait theories emphasize the influence of childhood experiences on the development of personality. |TRUE | |There is no evidence to support the idea that personality traits may be inherited. |TRUE | |The “Big Five” personality traits are only observed in Western cultures. |FALSE |
As Sigmund Freud’s (1915) theory stated, the conscious mind includes sensations, perceptions, memories and feeling inside of people’s current awareness. According to Martin, N. (2008), he stated out that the unconscious mind has impact on people’s behaviors and habits. People will be driven by their unconscious mind instead
The article was written by Sharon Begley, who is a science writer. It published on December 1, 2008, and it has been illustrated by Harry Campbell for Newsweek. We always think our personality is related to our genes, which is stable or cannot be changed. However, Begley assume we can change our personality as we grow up. It depends on environment and our parents. They both play a great role in shaping our personality.
The nature vs nurture issue has been a controversial argument among psychologist for decades. This argument exposes two different views. One of them emphasizes that our personality depends solely on genetics (nature). On the other hand, the second view suggests that humans “develop through experience” (Myers 2013, SG 6) (nurture).
held and acted upon by a person’s subconscious mind and often is unknown to them
This article was published in 1987, therefore the information Kihlstrom gives us is now either accepted or outdated. Cognitive science was still considered a new field in the 80’s and many of the concepts were largely unexplored. The unconscious mind's existence was still widely debated on during the paper's time period. Since the publication date, much more research has been done on the unconscious and monumental discoveries have been made. More focus has been given to the field of cognitive science and more accreditation to the study of the unconscious. This paper was one of many in the era that attempted to revolutionize the way we thought of, well, thought.
Burkitt, I. (2010). Fragments of unconscious experience: Towards a dialogical, relational, and sociological analysis. Theory Psychology, 20(3), 322 – 341. doi: 10.1177/0959354310362827
The unconscious is one of the most powerful effects on behaviour and emotion. (Your Dictionary,2014)
There are many facts that are unknown about the mind. For centuries, philosophers and scientists have tried to understand how it works. We have learned that the mind has a number of different levels of processing. Before Sigmund Freud “nearly all the previous research and theorizing of psychologists had dealt with conscious, such as perception, memory, judgment, and learning“ (Hunt185). Freud brought forth a number of theories that dealt with “the unconscious and its crucial role in human behavior”(Hunt 185). The unconscious is a storage area for information that is not being used. It is also the home of “powerful primitive drives and forbidden wishes that constantly generated pressure on the conscious mind”(Hunt
Throughout time several personality trait theories have argued differently. Some state that traits are inherently part of our DNA and others state that they are solely based on the context or environment. My argument aligns with Costa and McRae’s theory in that personality traits are ‘situated in a comprehensive model of genetic and environmental causes and contexts (McCrae & Costa,1994).’
The personal unconscious – according to Carl Jung, the component of the mind contains thoughts and feelings that are currently not yet part of any conscious awareness, e.g. An individual that doesn’t like a certain type of room but not sure why, might be where something traumatic took place.
Will be explained with reference to Sigmund Freud and his important theory which consists of the ego, superego, and id. How he thought humans have become civilized by repressing primitive drives. I will also look at how
Studies of behavioural genetics implied that differences in personalities are result entirely of genes and non-shared environment. (Borkenau, Riemann, Angleitner, & Spinath, 2001)
I completely disagree with the fact that we are oblivious to our unconscious behavior, as I believe that the unconscious mind is a mere shadow of the conscious and attentive mind. Like a young child, the unconscious mind likes to serve, and it needs very clear instructions. And just like a child it's based on certain ethics taught and accepted by one's self or their surroundings. So if someone once thought "blacks are dangerous", the unconscious mind would respond to that even after your conscious mind has later on rejected that thought. The two unconscious and conscious minds are two separate minds; however they both function in the same person with the same values and moral views. In conclusion, the unconscious mind cannot be used as a scapegoat
The collective unconscious, refers to a segment of the deepest unconscious mind not shaped by personal experience. It's genetically inherited and common to all human beings. These collective unconscious was expressed through 'archetypes', universal thought forms or mental images that influenced an individual's feelings and action.
The conscious holds our thoughts that are present right now, the conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. The preconscious is where we hold our thoughts and memories that are currently not in awareness, but can be easily retrieved. The preconscious holds our fears, emotions, and memories. The unconscious thoughts are things a person cannot voluntarily bring to awareness. We cannot access our unconscious without professional help, the unconscious initiates extreme anxiety and can’t be revealed to the conscious mind. We can’t know or see what’s in our unconscious, but we can work with it. In 1923 Freud came out with a new theory describing our personality, most people know of this theory as "Freud 's personality