
Week Two Journal Entry: Journal Analysis

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Week Two Journal Entry
Pattern recognition helps to develop the skills necessary to develop a differential diagnosis. When seeing patients in the clinical setting, practitioners begin to recognize associated symptoms, health history details, and assessment findings that are related to specific system alterations. By acknowledging these repetitive patterned-like affiliations from clinical scenarios, we as learners can begin to transform our foundational knowledge to critical thinking, diagnostic reasoning, and differential development. According to work by Flott and Linden (2015), a positive learning environment can be supported by understanding "attributes" that support learning (p. 501). Hence, pattern recognition is an example of an attribute that will contribute to learning in the clinical setting for nurse practitioner students. Consequently, being able to mentally sort a group of symptoms, findings, and diagnostics that are related to a particular problem can help build an intellectual database of reference. As a result, these steps help students develop a diagnosis, differential, and plan of care. A reflection of pattern recognition, problem-based learning, and clinical experiences will be examined further to help substantiate the contributions to the learning experience.

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The relevance of this concept reinforces learning. According to Kuennen (2015), a strategy that can incorporate the use of critical reflection provides support to can lead to new ways of "interpreting the meaning of experience" (p. 306). Therefore, by appreciating the significance of pattern recognition in the clinical setting, students can apply this attribute to practice and advance their diagnostic

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