To help my roommate's chances of making the football team I have devised a weight loss program focusing on the techniques of reinforcement to monitor his progress. The program I devised is a one month long routine involving meal preparation and exercise. Starting with meal preparation I had to look at the current weight of my roommate and the weight goal he wants to achieve after this one month long program. Since my roommate weighs around 220lbs and wants to weigh 200lbs by the end of this program I calculated the amount of proteins, simple carbohydrates, and vegetables that need to be in each meal to support enough nutrients to the body without adding extra weight. Each meal contains around 7 ounces of proteins, preferably lean ground beef, chicken and fish. For carbohydrates a cup of rice or quinoa will be used with each meal and for …show more content…
If my roommate is on track and loosing weight there will be a celebration workout that involves something fun and enjoyable for my roommate. One specific celebration I devised is paintball, I chose this activity because it still involves cardio while adding an enjoyable aspect of shooting a paintball gun. There will be no rewards that contain unhealthy food choices such as fast food, candy and junk food. This is because each bad meal choice will result in weigh gain making it counter productive for the goals my roommate is trying to achieve. If my roommate does not follow each step of this program there will be signs of negative reinforcement such as harder and longer workouts to keep him on track to make the football team. This program is devised to help my roommate loose weight but this can only be achieved by him, he is ultimately the deciding factor. I can only tell my roommate what to do while watching his activities and progress as closely as possible but if he is not committed there will be no opportunity for
A weight loss program in a month is a hard obstacle to tackle. If a roommate is in need of help so that he can lose weight to make the football team, there are ways in which you can help. A behavior modification program can be set up to help the roommate. To begin, the principles of operant conditioning will get him started on his weight loss journey. In order for a successful program we need to use positive reinforcement, progress reports, and a schedule of reinforcement.
The athlete I have chosen is a 22 year old city soccer player named Erika Ibarra. It is important for Erika to have a nutrition that supports her power and endurance training for soccer. It is important for her to have a well balanced source of nutrients. She needs a goof source of carbohydrates and fats to help give her the energy she needs to support her endurance work outs. She also should have a good amount of protein to repair muscles before and after her workout. Her recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 calories according to the super tracker tool. I would also recommend her taking 1 serving size of multivitamins in the morning to insure that she is getting a good source of vitamins and minerals. Below is the 24 hour meal recall for
To sum things up I have added my weekly information as far as calorie percentage for eat meal of the day with breakfast 34% (526 Cal), lunch 34% (526 Cal), Dinner, 22% (341 Cal), Early Morning Snack 4% (62 Cal) and Mid-Day Snack 6% (93 Cal). Listed is the more detail list for week one, but on average I went over by 11% Carbohydrates, was under by 7% when it came to fat and under by 4% when it came to protein. When an assessment of my fitness and because I am in the Army I have to do fitness training at least 5 times per week. During our cardio days I would do thing like Sprints, Long distance running (three to four miles), elliptical, ruck march or the stationary bike. In return during strength days we would be things circuit
The myth indicates that first-year college students either gain fifteen pound from eating unhealthy or lose fifteen pounds due to not eating during their first years in college. We are all encouraged to take health class in college and learn about nutrients, but we can barely apply our knowledge to campus food. Cal Poly Pomona provides various options for food around campus, but not every dining space is healthy. As diligent students around campus, I believe the campus should improve its dining options. The common phrase: “You are what you eat” is highly emphasized in health class. I suggest the replacement of Round Table Pizza with healthier local restaurants that will serve students. Our campus does not serve fish to its students, but fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which boost body and brain functions. As students visually see the implementation of healthy food alternatives on campus, they will apply the knowledge from health class upon their diets. In health class, we were instructed to track our diets with the MyPlate. Through my food tracking on the website, I learned what food groups I was overeating and others that I was under eating. This website mapped out my goals for dairy, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, calories and sugars intakes which enabled me to visualize my diet. I would suggest that Cal Poly Pomona offers the MyPlate as an option for students to do over a quarter of 0.5 units so students
The HHFKA did not take into consideration that athletes burn more calories than normal students. When a student athlete performs his or her’s sport, they burn calories in the process. Because the HHFKA did not take this into consideration, student athletes may not be receiving the proper amount of calories. Instead, the HHFKA created a one size fits all meal plan. This meal plan restricts the caloric intake of students in order to help them from gaining weight, without taking into account not all students need to have their calories restricted. In reality there is not a meal plan that can fit the needs of all students, therefore there needs to be multiple meal plans for the various types of students that schools encounter. For example, normal students should receive a tray with 750 to 850 calories, as the HHFKA requires. Student athletes should receive a tray the contains 900 to 1000 in order to help them perform to their maximum
In a society which shames a curvy body and worships skin and bones there are various weight loss supplements, programs and exercise routines to help individuals achieve that ever desired appearance. One weight loss supplement is featured in the August 2015 issue of Family Circle magazine, a supplement powder called Almased. The advertisement for this product is meant to appeal to the eyes and needs of its target audience, the multitude of people trying to lose weight or become healthy; however, upon closer analysis of the advertisement as a whole, many aspects may draw a person towards the product but simple color scheme flaws may lead potential buyers elsewhere.
Both Mr. William and I choose two weeks period to measure the actions. The reward would be experienced by Mr. William such as reduce the feeling of sluggishness and increase of energy from exercise regularly. If he follows through by limiting empty calorie snacks, it would be beneficial in his weight loss as well. As the counseling process progressing, my client would like to upgrade his reward by treating himself with a seasonal ticket to the game of his favorite football team. It is a great decision because the higher the reward, the harder he would try to accomplish his goals.
In this report it will be analyzing my personal diet. I analyzed myself over a 3 day period. During this period, I analyzed my eating habits on national holidays versus my day to day life. I am a 20 year old female (not pregnant or lactating) I estimate my weight to be 195 lbs. and my height is 5 foot 6 inches. My daily activity level is sedentary. My job is as a leasing professional and in that profession there is some foot traffic but not much. There is also limited heavy lifting. Out of work I participate in limited physical activity. I rock climb on some occasions and attend the gym occasionally. My personal goals currently is to stay healthy. As I lessen my work load I would like to increase my physical activity with strength training and cardio. Pertaining to my nutrition within the 3 days due to their being a holiday I ate more meat than usual. I try to add more vegetables to my diet. Fruit are not often added to my meals due to how quickly they decompose. I eat mostly organic products and limited dairy. I try to avoid bread and pasta and use vegetables as substitute in recipes that require them.
The first client was a male at height 5’11”, 145 lbs and 15% body fat. Based on his current activity levels his total daily calorie expenditure equated to 2,435. The 1-2-3 would mean a 470:940:1410 fat to protein to carb ratio. This client wants to increase total body weight while decreasing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass, then he would increase his caloric intake by 280 calories 4 or 5 days a week while returning to 2,435 calories 2 or 3 days of the week. According to Hatfield’s requirement, his minimum daily protein requirement came to 159g based on his activity.
Are you struggling with weight loss? Did you know that 95% of weight loss plans fail long-term? While Medifast® and Weight Watchers are both effective weight loss plans, they differ in success rate, cost, and health risks. Do you believe that based on these reasons, one weight loss is preferable to another? Both of these plans are two of the most popular weight loss options available in today’s marketplace. How do you decide which is the best plan for you? Is their advertising true? As this journey begins, the curtain will be lifted to see what is really behind each of these weight loss options and then you can decide for
I decided to take Weight Training because I needed a fitness class and I believe that this course would motivate me to attain my personal and physical goals. My personal goals are to find an outlet to improve my mood and reduce my stress levels and gain a positive self-image. Exercising has been shown to enhance moods and lower stress. Currently, stress is having negative effects on my lifestyle because I experience fluctuating moods and barely get a good night’s sleep. I previously experienced the positive effects of exercising when I used to do Shaun’s T Focus T25. Since then, I abandoned it and have not been working out since then.
Obesity, along with over weight, have rapidly risen over the past years. In particularly obesity within children has nearly doubled causing an increase in intervention and treatments to reduce this epidemic. Obesity is linked to the development of different health issues, including heart problems, cholesterol, and diabetes. In order to reduce these health risk factors, it is important to introduce those at risk to weight loss interventions and treatments. But implementating some weight loss interventions and treatments to children may be difficult. Most interventions and treatment require the involvement of the caregiver to change and promote a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the interventions and treatments require resources, time and support
Robert is a freshman in college and like many freshmen. He is fairly smart with a 3.0 gpa so far and is taking honor type classes. His goals include going for the dean list and getting more money for college so that he may further his education after he receives his bachelors. He may not be well known but he has enough friends who are interested in the same things as him. While not in school, Robert is either involved with the engineering club or is doing community service for his city. Robert is also trying to find a job to help sustain his college work while also finding an internship for engineering while trying to receive his degree. Even though Robert is enjoying his college life, he, like many other freshmen’s, has been hit by an epidemic that is known as the freshmen fifteen. Robert has never had to deal with weight issues as he was not much of an eater but was able to maintain a healthy weight according to doctors. However, because of his love for fast food now, his weight has increased and has caused him to have body image issues. Now, Robert wants to lose the weight but not give up on fast foods. In order for Robert to lose weight, he must watch calorie intake and outtake, eat smaller portions, and adapt to healthier food.
Honestly I have been making wrong choices on what I eat. Instead of having a balanced and healthy diet I been eating junk food and barely drinking water, not only that but I am also skipping meals and eating at any time of day, mostly really late at night which is terrible. My plan for the next week is to replace my bad habits with a diet and exercise, by doing that I will Increase my energy. I am planning on doing 1 hour of cardio after work every day of the week. I will Drink eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon a day and drop the liquid calories by not drinking sugary beverages. Increase fruits, vegetables, whole grain, chicken, fish, meat, eggs and other foods that contain less calories, in another words
Unfortunately, for most people gaining weight is much easier than losing weight. It is not uncommon for a person to start developing poor eating habits, and then they let their weight gain go too far and get out of control.