
Welfare Reform Essay

Decent Essays

The welfare reform signed by President Clinton in the United States on August 22, 1966. This reform’s objective was to cause a change in the State’s Welfare system because of the increased level of poverty within the country. It was to offer a personal work opportunity and responsibility and was to offer support to many needy families and children within the country. This program had a focus on accountability and work to provide a state with the flexibility in addressing poverty challenges (Chan & Moffitt 2018). This direction undertaken by the UK Coalition government was in line with its plan towards a radical reform for the benefits associated with welfare that began at the establishment of the welfare state. One of the aims associated …show more content…

The racial attitudes over this matter became closely associated with the welfare attitudes. This period saw the rise in poverty issues to many communities within the United States, which caused an awareness within the political debates. It was argued that the people who received assistance from the government at this time were not to have the permission to have their full while the people within the middle age were still struggling (Duncan & Brooks‐Gunn, 2000). This condition led to several debates within the welfare reforms that people could share what they had. The increasing government activities causes a difficulty in denying that the policies associated to the public activities were both outputs and critical inputs to the political activities that would shape the economic, political, and the social condition of the whole …show more content…

These changes include the bedroom tax, the Benefit Cap, and the rolling out of the Universal Credit (ROSENBAUM 2018). The American government plans to create an introduction to the new welfare reforms within the Welfare and Work Bill.

The housing associations have always revealed their hard work towards supporting the affected tenants through the occurring changes and the adjustment of their business planning. Apart from this, the housing associations strife towards making a significant contribution to the reduction of the welfare bill through the providence of employment and other fundamental skills services, which offer assistance to people towards setting benefits aside and getting involved into sustainable work. The housing association has played important roles in making sure that they alleviate food poverty among the tenants through the establishment of food banks for the tenants (Duncan & Brooks‐Gunn,

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