
Welfare System In Canada Essay

Decent Essays

According to Canada’s Social Report, Welfare is defined as social assistance as the last resort. This program’s intention is to aid the less fortunate until they find some sort of financial stability. This is a fantastic system that has helped many! Sadly, we do not live in a utopia, as there are many flaws with the design of this system. To start, the E.I. system is ineffective, the high rates are making it incredibly expensive for taxpayers, and lastly, the vast amount of inefficiencies every Canadian sees in the healthcare system. Personally, I do not think the Welfare system should be removed, as it is beneficial to Canada’s society; however this system needs many modifications.
The principals of E.I. are great as it provides people …show more content…

This is, however, a misconception, as there are many flaws in our healthcare. Every Canadian has experienced the long delays, longer than most countries as shown in this graph, that result in you reflecting on why this is the case, when you are paying a significant amount of money to ensure that this does not happen. The reasoning behind these long delays is the fact that Canadian hospitals are understaffed. All of the doctors that graduate from Canadian schools, end up moving to the United States to practice medicine because they will receive a higher pay due to the competitive market. To help improve this situation, the government can implement a two-tiered system where the patients have the option to choose between a private healthcare provider and the public system we currently have nationwide. This will then create a competitive edge in Canada’s medical sector, therefore resulting in an increase in passionate doctors. This “passion” is triggered by one thing - money. At the end of the day, we are all human beings and the most important aspect of our lives is health, it is the most important contribution we, as Canadians, as a nation, can make to not only ourselves, but future generations to

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