
Wellesley Academy Case Study

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Wellesley Academy is a clandestine foundation that was accustomed in 1870. It has an accumulated apprentice application of 2,323, its ambience is rural, and the area admeasurement is 500 sections of land. It uses a semester-based bookish schedule. Wellesley School's accession in the 2016 absolution of Best Universities is National Artful Sciences Schools, 4. Its educational amount and costs are $46,836 (2015-16). Wellesley School, begin 12 west afar alfresco of Boston in Wellesley, Massachusetts, has a admirable area including a lake, forests, an acreage and accessible knolls. It is an artful sciences academy for ladies and is one of the aboriginal Seven Sisters Universities, which incorporates Mount Holyoke, Vassar, Smith, Radcliffe (now

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