Hayesville Elementary School is a small rural low-income school in North Carolina. It currently has 512 students enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 4th Grade (NC School Report Cards, 2016). When determining whether the school is adequately staffed and funds are allocated properly an evaluation of the current staff numbers and budget expenditures must be examined. Taking a look at staff allocations in relation to student performance, recommendations can be made to stakeholders using an evidence-based adequacy approach for budgeting by determining the resources needed for the school to provide an adequate education for all students.
Is Hayesville Elementary Adequately Staff? From a surface perspective Hayesville Elementary School seems to have plenty of staff to provide a high quality education for all of its students. A sufficient number of positions such as, core teachers, specialty teachers, ESL teachers, special-education teachers, summer school teachers, a librarian, and administrative and support staff. Specifically,
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For the 2015-2016 school year, achievement indicator scores were 65 for End of Grade (EOG) reading proficiency and 54 for EOG math proficiency. The State of North Carolina reported that Hayesville Elementary School did not meet their overall performance growth requirement, but met 3 out of the 5 achievement levels required. In comparing this data to current staff allocations it can be assumed that these allotments under the current system are not producing high quality results. In order for the school to rank and receive an above average school performance score for academic growth and achievement the current system and expenditures must be reorganized to become more
After gathering all the information from the DESE website about Warren Elementary and the Francis Howell School District, I also looked at some of the information from the state of Missouri. The data that I found on Warren Elementary for the enrollment is that the majority of students are white (85.2%), the next was African Americans (7.2%), the school didn’t count the other ethnicities (Asian, Hispanic and Indian) in the total because the percent was too low to be factored in. According to DESE the attendance rate for Warren Elementary was 95.8% this is a good percent considering this is just for one school. I did look up the percent for the school district as a whole and it is 96.2%. When looking up some of the information on this particular school, I wanted to compare the numbers to the school districts numbers and these next few categories look to be on the higher side for one school compared to the whole district. The percent for free and reduced lunches for Warren Elementary was 14.9%, for the Francis Howell School District it was 19.9%. As far as the student/teacher ratio its 18 students: 1 teacher, the Francis Howell school district its 15 students: 1 teacher. Obviously, these are just average numbers and are going to fluctuate from each school and the district. The next section of data that I collected was on the AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) status for NCLB, the data on the DESE website was a little outdated it had information from 2009-2011 (no date for
This chapter presents the research findings used to address the research questions presented in Chapter One. To that end, demographic is presented for each of the eighteen school districts studied in rural Kentucky. In addition, statistical analyses is presented as it relates to student success in each of the eighteen school districts at the third grade, the sixth grade, and the eleventh grade levels in the content area of reading. The data examined is from the 2015-2016 school year testing cycle as required by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The statistical analyses focuses on the relationship between students’ success, based on the results of the Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress data, and superintendent tenure in each of the districts.
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, I, Officer McDaniel #147, while at James Coble Middle School, located at 1200 Ballweg Rd, Arlington, TX, I was approached by Assistant Principal Myers, Laura, W/F, DOB 02/16/1968, in reference to a cell phone screen that was broke by another student.
SSCM Gilmore made an unannounced visit to Grovetown Middle School in Grovetown Ga to interview Kaydence Reliford. The interview included SSCM, Kaydence Reliford, and Ryan Brown (school counselor). Kaydence stated that her relationship with mom and dad is that she is able to talk with mom more than dad. She stated she is able to talk with her dad, but it is normally after school. She stated that her parents used to rarely argue; however, now they are arguing every night. She stated she rarely gets punished. She stated normally her punishments for discipline include, banned from television, or phone being taken away. She state she doesn’t get spanked much at all. She commented that she slaps her sister at times, because her sister will get on
I teach in the Westside Consolidated Number Five School District in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The school district is a consolidation of three small rural town school districts Bono, Egypt, and Cash, Arkansas in 1968. I met with my mentor Mr. Scott Gaunt the school district superintendent on January 18, 2017 between meetings with district leaders and countywide superintendents. We met and discussed the community relations plan and identified the two most important issues for our district as identified in the poll by the Phi Delta Kappan and the Gallop poll. The issues were the lack of financial support for the school district to provide an adequate education for students and the testing and regulations imposed on school districts that lower educational time for students while in school.
Saegertown has a new sheriff in town, and his name is Mr. Brian Lipps. On Friday, Dec. 16, Mr. Lipps was announced as the new Dean of Students for Saegertown High School, and his first day was Monday, Dec 19. It is expected that Mr. Lipps will officially be announced at the next board meeting on Jan.12. Most students have already noticed his presence. “It’s different. They [students] are more aware they can get into trouble and have to follow the rules more so they will behave,” said freshman Meadow Campbell.
Willows high School is located in Willows, the county seat for Glenn County. It is approximately 90 miles north of Sacramento and 35 miles west of Chico where California State University, Chico is located.
New Harbor North High School has encountered several complications within the operation of their public school. The school is simultaneously gaining students requiring special needs, while experiencing a decrease in diverse teachers that are capable of addressing these needs. New Harbor North is losing experienced teachers due to funding shortages over that have increased over the past four years. The school is greatly impacted by the economic changes that are currently causing budget cuts and poverty within the community. Although the school is encountering difficulty amongst the school’s operation, the students are managing to excel at high rates compared to the school’s district.
I am writing this letter to you concerning a very critical problem that troubles James River High School. I am conversing on the wealth gap in James River.
Cedar Falls High School will say goodbye to two outstanding teachers at the end of the 2014 -2015 school year. Family Consumer Science teacher Linda Schutte and science and engineering teacher Ron Hoofnagle are both moving on to pursue different interests in the coming year.
Bellevue School District (#405) has consistently ranked as one of the top 100 school districts across the nation. Virtues such as diversity and academic excellence has long defined the success of the school’s district in recent years. However, since 2013 the BSD’s national ranking has dropped significantly and although it’s still highly regarded, many have suggested that the increase in student enrollment has a negative effect on student success due to a larger student to teacher ratio. Although high enrollment numbers in Bellevue isn’t necessarily a negative thing, the district need to consider redrawing attendance boundaries as a step towards preparing for the future. By redistributing student enrollment, BSD can better diversify its
Since this study is strictly quantitative, it faces the limitations of not being suited to answer how and why questions. The data analyzed may not be robust enough to explain complex issues, and makes it difficult to understand the context of a phenomenon (Mills and Gay, 2016). The data in this study indicate the number of opportunities at a given school, but gives little information of the quality about these opportunities. For example, multiple schools may offer Advanced Placement (AP) courses, but the quality of the instruction and implementation of these courses could vary significantly across schools. Additionally, the data do not take into account local school policies and practices that differ between cities, districts, and schools. Moreover, accessing secondary data may be difficult – although the data are readily available online on the school level, it may not be possible to gather all the data into one comprehensive file. Also, since the datasets vary in the types of schools included (e.g. some datasets may exclude some charter schools), the process of merging the files may not result in a one hundred
We would all like to think that schools are going to educate every child and expect them to bring every child to high standards of performance. Until fairly recently it was a permissible practice to reserve the most qualified teachers for those schools serving high-achieving, affluent, college-bound students who were believed to hold the greatest promise of success. Holding school districts accountable for improving the performance of all schools and all students might well require that resources, both human and financial, be allocated according to greatest need (ca.gov). This notion presents a challenge to public
The ELL team within District 427 is a small but effective group of 5 individuals. The teachers and administrators that are involved with the ELs are extremely passionate and constantly working with the numbers that they have to better service their students. The team meets frequently and is in constant contact within one another to help each other overcome obstacles that are occurring within their classrooms with their EL students. Although the team is small, they are only servicing a small population, and always open to change. If the EL enrollment were to increase, the team would increase as well. Their goal is to ensure that all of the students are being serviced for all of their needs for success.
As we review and synthesize data of a district for planning school improvement, the following information is needed to access and determine the needs of a school. First, a thorough analysis of performance data must be reviewed to see how school districts measure up with state and federal accountability. During this process, it is very important that schools focus the performance indicators that will guarantee growth and success. School teams must refer to the districts mission and vision to guide the planning process. The performance indicators will provide data that will be beneficial in creating improvement strategies. So, after careful evaluation of the data, the next step would be to plan effective methods and strategies that will improve student achievement. Moreover, this plan should include needs, demographics and opportunities for students to be successful. Additionally, the baseline data is important information to include in the improvement plan.