
Wellesville Elementary School Case Study

Decent Essays

Hayesville Elementary School is a small rural low-income school in North Carolina. It currently has 512 students enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 4th Grade (NC School Report Cards, 2016). When determining whether the school is adequately staffed and funds are allocated properly an evaluation of the current staff numbers and budget expenditures must be examined. Taking a look at staff allocations in relation to student performance, recommendations can be made to stakeholders using an evidence-based adequacy approach for budgeting by determining the resources needed for the school to provide an adequate education for all students.
Is Hayesville Elementary Adequately Staff? From a surface perspective Hayesville Elementary School seems to have plenty of staff to provide a high quality education for all of its students. A sufficient number of positions such as, core teachers, specialty teachers, ESL teachers, special-education teachers, summer school teachers, a librarian, and administrative and support staff. Specifically, …show more content…

For the 2015-2016 school year, achievement indicator scores were 65 for End of Grade (EOG) reading proficiency and 54 for EOG math proficiency. The State of North Carolina reported that Hayesville Elementary School did not meet their overall performance growth requirement, but met 3 out of the 5 achievement levels required. In comparing this data to current staff allocations it can be assumed that these allotments under the current system are not producing high quality results. In order for the school to rank and receive an above average school performance score for academic growth and achievement the current system and expenditures must be reorganized to become more

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