As I began to pursue my dream to become a nursing professor, I realized there a was a knowledge deficit; not a total lack of awareness, but definitely an opportunity to grow as a holistic practitioner. I have always been an advocate for my patients, but the concept of wellness in wholeness is very intriguing and an area of growth for me. As a nurse leader, I am learning self-care is essential to caring for others; living a full life can be a challenge. I am learning to take time for myself and to encourage those I have a direct connection with to do the same. When leaders learn they share and teach others the lessons they learned. As an aspiring professor, I feel very fortunate that my nursing school emphasizes holistic care because I
Over the last one hundred years there has been a great change in the way nurses, doctors, and others in the medical field, as well as the general public, have come to view health and wellness. Where once health was thought to only be comprised of our physical body and the physical things that affect it, we now know that health encompasses so much more. We know that who we are is made up not only of the physical body, but also of mind, and spirit (Koerner, 2011), and that this not only affects each of us individually but also those
My passion and determination to undertake study within the mental health sector dwells from the insight I have been privileged to gain in my current role as a link care coordinator, working with people who suffer from a range of ailments within the mental health spectrum; from learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, OCD, Autism to name but a few.
In fact, I have started practicing the diverse areas of the holistic nursing, such as holistic communication, holistic ethics, holistic education and holistic theories, and self-care, and so on. Moreover, unlike the past, I have encompassed compassion, empathy, sympathy and friendliness to a greater extent in my daily professional chores to produce more constructive health related outcomes.
The nurse, the client, the environment, teaching/learning, and nursing education are the main points in VU’s Nursing Philosophy. VU’s Nursing Philosophy has lead me to view nurses as caring, culturally sensitive, and trustworthy individuals that stand as advocates for their patients and their community. Also, nurses collaborate with other health care professionals and use problem solving skills to promote physical, spiritual, and psychosocial, health and wellness (2014). Vincennes University’s Nursing Philosophy as taught me that a client can be any person, family, community, or population, who should all be cared for as a holistic being, worthy of dignity and respect. Although the client’s needs vary largely throughout their lifespan VU’s Nursing Philosophy supports their right to determine and actively participate in reaching their own health goals (2014). Vincennes University’s Nursing Philosophy defines health as any point of being between death and an optimal level of wellness (2014). This affects me as a nursing students because promotion, restoration, and maintaining the optimal level of wellness is the goal of nursing, this results from positive adaption between the client and the environment (Vincennes University, 2014). The environment can be defined as any external or internal aspect of the client, this is ever-changing as the world around us changes (Vincennes University, 2014).
Health is described by McEwen & Wills (2014) as the ability to function independently, having successful adaptation to life’s stressors, achieving one’s full life potential, and having unity of mind, body, and soul. As nurses, our focus is not only on treating physiologic ailments, we are also concerned with a patient’s emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. We must understand that all levels of a patient’s health are equally important and restoring unity among levels is our optimal goal. Health is also
You always here goals about people wanting to lose weight. More often than not people are going to the gym to try and lose weight. There’s also those few people who want to put on weight. I happen to be one of those people. My goal is to gain 10 pounds of muscle by the time I start my next semester which would be August 22nd, putting me at 180lbs. This has been a goal of mine for a while, but I haven’t put it into action until now.
After working as RN, I decided that I wanted to advance in my practice in professional responsibility, autonomy, and flexibility. I want to put a positive influence on the lives of my patients and their families and become NP. With a goal to engage in advanced practice nursing, I hope to pursue people more, educating them to know how to take care of their health in the way they feel most comfortable. To me, nursing is a gift of giving, loving, and caring, and the rewards in nursing are limitless. Accomplishing my goal of growing to be a Nurse Practitioner will enable me to strengthen my current nursing knowledge base, improve my relationship with my patients and their families, and participate in a noble profession. Becoming a Nurse Practitioner combines the nursing’s compassion, knowledge and skills with the autonomy to practice, diagnose, and treat patients holistically. I may not heal everybody, but I could make it better by listening, providing care, and leading my patients and their families to their desired
Modern nursing is a rewarding, but challenging, career choice. The modern nurse's role is not limited only to assist the doctor in procedures, however. Instead, the contemporary nursing professional takes on a partnership role with both the doctor and patient as advocate caregiver, teacher, researcher, counselor, and case manager. The caregiver role includes those activities that assist the client physically, mentally, and emotionally, while still preserving the client's dignity. In order for a nurse to be an effective caregiver, the patient must be treated in a holistic manner. Within the subject of nursing, there are often times in which different aspects of the practice must be analyzed by using primary research from other scholars. Nursing scholarship is vital to the profession, as we have seen, in order for the modern nurse to remain current with scholarship and practice. At the very core of this paradigm, though, is the manner in which the blend of art and science in nursing will be expressed to others, to the next generation, and through pedagogical theory (Alligood & Tomey, 2002). To do this, however, requires a new approach to the paradigm of nursing leadership strategic thinking, planning and action and above all appropriate integration of a more holistic and multidisciplinary approach to professional nursing.
My interest for public health stems from the need to aid numerous people in disease and injury prevention, health protection, and strategies for health promotion. I hope to earn a Master of Public Health with a focus in the area of health care management as well as hospital administration in relation to public health policy development and education. I aspire to develop enhanced intervention policies that can provide the population with direct access to primary health care due to public health preparedness education and strategic planning.
Developing my holistic nursing practice or looking at who I have become as a nurse today has been a journey that has helped defined who I am today. When I look back at when I originally became a nurse over 16 years ago, I am proud of who I have become. When I finished nursing school and began my job as a new nurse I thought I had all the tools to be the best nurse I could be. I understood the nursing process, I recognized the skills needed at the bedside to be a nurse, and I felt I had great nursing documentation skills. Soon I learned that wasn’t all of what I needed.
The practice of public health most aligns with my passion for science, culture, and the community. The aspects of public health that I am most drawn to is the opportunity to work with diverse and underserved patient populations, and the emphasis that is placed on disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion. My academic and extracurricular experiences during my college career contributed to my interest and preparation for a career as a physician in the public health practice. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science with a minor in Anthropology. I took a variety of classes that expanded my perspective of the role of nutrition in disease prevention and treatment. Through my studies in anthropology, I learned about the complex
The goal I chose is to live a healthy lifestyle which in terms will add years to my life. In this transformation I chose to eat healthier, exercise more, drink plenty water and add supplements to my personal wellness plan. I will devote a significant amount of time to each area of this wellness plan over the next eight weeks to get the ultimate results. Below are specific goals and a plan of action that I will be doing over the course of eight weeks; in an effort to make lifestyle changes. I will be reviewing the various area of my health deciding which areas I would like to make improvements. My present situation is that I have gained a significant amount of weight that has made my life a little uncomfortable. I started by making a chart to track my plan of action in each area that I will be working on.
I was intrigued by the profession of a Nurse at a young age. However, what truly sparked my interest in this thriving career was when a close friend of mine was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Ever since she was diagnosed I wanted to help to create an encouraging, loving and supporting environment around in her time of need and sorrow. Since then I have always been fascinated and interested by the scientific and academic side of nursing along with the caregiving duties of the profession. Because of this, it has lead me to study Level 3 Health and Social Care programme. I am particularly enjoying my Level 3 Health and Social Care programme as it allowed me to carry out the theoretical side of my course in a real life environment as I have a work placement with a care agency. Now I am striving to further my knowledge and proficiencies through taking a university level course in Nursing.
In November 2015, my world was changed because my daughter was born. As a new mom, I had a hard time getting through baby blues due to sleep deprivation, breast engorgement, worrying about insufficient breastmilk and being a good mom. I felt isolated and lack of social support since I was the first one being a mom among my friends, as a racial minority in the U.S. and an international student. At the one-month checkup, I did a survey from the pediatrician about postpartum depression, and I got 7 points out of 10. I decided to go out and looked for new mom groups and talked to them; I realized that I was not alone. The experience inspired me to find solutions to benefit new moms and this community and to explore the role of technology in personal
I did not choose a career in Health Information Management (HIM). Health Information Management chose me. Although it was not my first love, HIM is my true love. My extreme desire to study HIM to become a medical auditor is not just another degree or temporary lust, it’s my life. Despite being accidental, I believe my background, passion, and skill sets will enable me to pursue a graduate certificate in Health Information Management to become an effective medical auditor.