
Wells Fargo Case Summary

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In a recent case involving the Wells Fargo company, the judge ordered the company to pay a penalty worth $5.4 million to a manager who had been fired from the company in 2010 for reporting his suspicion on fraudulent behavior to seniors on the ethics hotline. The decision that the employee should resume back into his position in the company was also included in the verdict reached by the judge. The supposed $ 5.4 million was meant to be the compensatory fees for all the damages that he had been caused as well as to cater the legal fees. According to the reports from OSHA, the fired manager had received positive reviews for his job performance but was unsuspectingly dismissed after he had reported the cases of blackmail and wire fraud by some …show more content…

Wells Fargo’ decision making could also be an ethical issue. It is because the management failed to seek a fair solution that could help in solving its current internal problems by addressing all the fraudulent activities that were being reported. Instead, they opted to sack all the employees who reported the matter without even taking action to investigate the case and evaluate the possible actions that could be deployed to reflect fairness in the outcome of the decision. Basically, the ethical decision making in business entails ensuring that the company can protect the rights of their employees and customers. Sacking of the manager was, therefore, an illustration of the breach of the ethics as his right was violated.
In the utilitarian approach of ethics, individuals are expected to uphold actions that are expected to override evil. The employees failed to uphold the utilitarian approach of ethics by failing to comply with the company’s demands and rationally attain its expectations. Instead of engaging in vibrant marketing and sales promotions to register more customers for the company, they resorted to opening numerous fake accounts to meet their expected targets. The given action was an illustration of lack of commitment and dedication to the company. In fact, their actions depicted more evil than the anticipated

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