I have selected West Brook High because it is the largest public high school in my area, averaging 500 students a class. The school has one of the best academic, athletic and extra-curricular activities program that’s allows students to explore many career fields. 78.6% of the student body continues on to either a two year or four year college after graduation. I will target that percentage of the schools population with the various National Guard educational incentives we offer, such as tuition assistance. 12.7% go immediately into the workforce, from which the training from the National Guard would serve as a benefit to them, allowing these young adults to gain skills otherwise paid for by their pockets. The remaining 8.7% fail to complete their education. Sterling High School, as per their policy, will allow two LRDs (lunch room displays) and one school presentation a month. With roughly 1000 high school seniors and juniors, I intend to deploy other SEVs (school entry vehicles) to reach my targeted audience. In order to achieve establishment and success in my schools, it is imperative that I am present in my schools before the beginning of the school year. The National Guard brand and “face” needs to be established, especially …show more content…
Given the fact the area has been vacant of a National Guard recruiter for the past two years, there will be some time spent building relationships and re-establishing the previous ones. There is a new for a reorientation with not only the faculty, but the community itself. I will be maximizing all allocated time in the area. I realize that as a new recruiter, compliancy is not an option. One of the many resources I will use, outside of my table displays and presentations, is an appearance at sporting events. There is a yearly rivalry match between Sterling and Lee High school. I intend to make this National Guard
Communication within the Westside School District No. 5 between the school district and the communities and families that it serves is a very dynamic process. I talked with district administrators, community members, researched pertinent information in the Arkansas State University library, and various governmental online sources and found very helpful information to include in this sociological inventory. Westside Consolidated School District No. 5 is a consolidation of primarily three school districts Bono, Cash and Egypt located in Craighead County, Arkansas in 1966 (Westside, 2017). The district also includes parts of Walnut Ridge and Alicia in Lawrence County and parts of Jonesboro in Craighead County. The district has three school buildings housing students from pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. The elementary school is the school for
Sebastian is an eight year old child who is currently in the 2nd grade at Brooklyn Friends School.
Park Middle is located in Scotch Plains, New Jersey and is one of two middle schools within the town. On average there are 930 students enrolled at Park over the past three years (See Appendix A, Table A1). Additionally, Scotch Plains’ population consists of 77.4% White citizens, but is also composed of 11.1% of African Americans, 7.7% Asian, and 6.7% Hispanic citizens (see Appendix B, Table B1). The town’s population is largely representative of the school’s demographics (see Appendix C, Graph C1). When referencing the school’s performance on district benchmarks and state testing, Park Middle School has met most of their established targets. However, even with most established targets met, certain subgroups are in need of further attention
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
Leaguetown Independent School District is currently facing a conflict of whether having later start times would perhaps help the improvement of academic performance of Leaguetown Middle School and high school students. Superintendent Judith Owens has proposed a new schedule that would set later start times. A group of Leaguetown Middle School parents has organized to oppose the proposal.
The Rock Brook School, located in Skillman, NJ, is a private, non-profit school for Communication Impaired and Multiply Disabled children. The school provides services for children age 3-21. The school is approved by the New Jersey State Department of Education and received accreditation from the (MSCES). There are presently around 50 students from 25 different school districts throughout central New Jersey. The home school district is required to pay tuition, if placement is approved through the IEP (The 'Individualized Education Program) and the school district cannot provide the services needed for the child. The program runs from 8:45 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. The school year is from September through June, with an Extended
I teach in the Westside Consolidated Number Five School District in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The school district is a consolidation of three small rural town school districts Bono, Egypt, and Cash, Arkansas in 1968. I met with my mentor Mr. Scott Gaunt the school district superintendent on January 18, 2017 between meetings with district leaders and countywide superintendents. We met and discussed the community relations plan and identified the two most important issues for our district as identified in the poll by the Phi Delta Kappan and the Gallop poll. The issues were the lack of financial support for the school district to provide an adequate education for students and the testing and regulations imposed on school districts that lower educational time for students while in school.
Saegertown has a new sheriff in town, and his name is Mr. Brian Lipps. On Friday, Dec. 16, Mr. Lipps was announced as the new Dean of Students for Saegertown High School, and his first day was Monday, Dec 19. It is expected that Mr. Lipps will officially be announced at the next board meeting on Jan.12. Most students have already noticed his presence. “It’s different. They [students] are more aware they can get into trouble and have to follow the rules more so they will behave,” said freshman Meadow Campbell.
To determinate if the personnel director at East High School is in trouble for these lawsuit is important to consider the two sides and see if the laws that protects minorities are valid for this case or the arguments from Tory Bolton are valid in the case.
1. ) With new technology such as Satellites scanning the surface of the earth, cartographers can use geographic information science or (GIS) to help them make more detailed and accurate maps. This has allowed scientists to get very precise and complex information from all of the data coming from the satellite orbiting around the earth at all different distances and angles. Another use for all of the Satellites is remote sensing, this allows satellite images to be scanned in thin lines any time a satellite could scan a small area or a pixel. With this we can look at very small features of earth from space and removals send it back down to earth for Analysis. A scientist can use this tech for making very accurate maps about features such as population
On February 22, 2016, I was assigned this case for follow up. I was assigned a second case on February 24, 2016. The person involved in both investigations is Ms. Kassidy Pullara a fourteen year old T.C. Williams High School student. I contacted Doris L. Stanley (Guardian) and was granted access at school to interview Kassidy Pullara in school.
Well it was January and teachers were ready for Spring 2008. The area superintendent was first on the morning agenda to share that Principal Mrs. C would no longer be a part of Creek Middle School, as she had decided to leave the district and seek employment elsewhere. The area superintendent was also there to introduce the interim principal that would be leading the campus until further notice. As Principal Mrs. D was being introduced teachers were whispering to one another about what was taking place at Creek Middle School. Principal Mrs. D took the floor and shared with staff about her experience as a teacher and principal. Mrs. D had actually retired after 35 years in education, and was a part of the district interim program where retirees
I think students valley view high school that are in athletics should get a drug test, because schools will not allow students that play sports and have drugs in the blood. If the students have drugs in their bodies can get out of the sports that they play and schools are not going to risk the pride of the school if other districts find out that students play in under drug conditions valley view district can get in trouble.
At East Granby High School, there are no honor codes or a system that would cultivate integrity and prevent cheating and plagiarizing. This is troubling because cheating and plagiarizing play a large role in the school’s community. For example, some teachers have had to make different versions of tests to prevent cheating in the classroom. By establishing a system in which students would have to sign a statement ensuring that they would not cheat, steal, or plagiarize on any of their assignments at the beginning of each quarter, the community as a whole would benefit through the maintaining of the honesty of more of the student body. Even though honor codes would not eliminate dishonorable behavior entirely, the act of signing a statement would make those who cheat or plagiarize understand the reality of their actions. Furthermore, the principles within the system could explain the punishments that would be administered for the violating of the established code. The student body at East Granby High School would benefit from the formation of an honor system that would provide rules that made it clear that cheating, stealing, and
When I was a freshman, I shared a homeroom with nineteen other freshmen students and six seniors. Those seniors were known as “Bomber Pilots”, whose purpose was to mentor freshman students and demonstrate how to succeed at St. Xavier High School. The significant impact that my bomber pilots had on me, and the way in which I looked up to them, started my aspirations to do the same for other students. In that same year, I was nominated to be an “Ambassador” whose primary duties are to show interested 8th graders around the school and explain all of the advantages of becoming a St. Xavier student . My Sophomore year I was a tour guide at the St. X open house for families who wished to be better informed about the school’s academic and extracurricular