
West Coast Guard

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Hiss vehemently denied these claims,saying that he had “never been a communist”, but then was eventually found guilty. At this point, he had gone too long without being charged and could not be charged with espionage, his original charge, but he was found to be lying under oath. He was charged with perjury, and served 44 months in jail. This is one of many examples of the type of persecution present during this period. Thousands of people were convicted, and even those that were not convicted suffered setbacks and ostracism by their friends, family, co-workers and employers. Many people who were even suspected of being Communist were almost immediately fired from their jobs. An example of this is the West Coast Port Security Program. This …show more content…

The justification behind this was that any Communist that was working with the ports was a security risk between Russia and the United States. At first, almost all of the unions of dockworkers and seamen joined in this program, because they were all anticommunist. After some time, the Coast Guard became involved in the program. The Coast Guard took over many functions that the unions had been handling by themselves when it came to this project, and this was met by growing hostility from the unions as well as the individual employers. After the involvement of the Coast Guard, many unions became angry and hostile toward the Coast Guard: “There was considerable opposition on the part of the maritime unions to the original transfer of these functions to the Coast Guard and this antagonism toward the Coast Guard has not altogether abated.” (Brown/Fassett). Not only did this lead to a huge invasion of privacy, “nearly 3,800 seamen and dockworkers lost their jobs under the West Coast Port Security Program that had been established in the immediate aftermath of the Korean War” (Schrecker). Communism was viewed as a huge security risk, and with the government’s propaganda hard at work, all

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