West Nile virus is a very serious mosquito-borne virus. This virus is known to affect mostly the people in North America. It is also known to break up during the summer time and extends toward fall. The virus was introduced into the Western Hemisphere during 1999 later summer and has been causing significant and at times severe human diseases ever since that time (Colpitts et al., 2014).
The virus is commonly found in Africa, Middle East, and West Asia. It may have entered the United States in an infected mosquito, bird, or traveler. “Between 1999 and 2005, WNV caused 19,602 cases of the disease in the United States, including 785 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” (National Institutes of Health 2007)
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These studies can also help decreases the cases of West Nile Virus in the United State.
West Nile Virus affects both our local communities and state communities. If the communities are filled with infected mosquitoes that can cause these viruses, these mosquitoes can travel to other mosquitoes, then to other states. For example if a community have stagnant water, the people in the community will be at risk of getting the virus. People who are infected can also pass in on to other people. Communities can reduce their risk of having the West Nile Virus by take some precautions like the following:
• Getting rid of old tires, bottles, tin cans or any container that can hold water.
• Keeping drains and ditches free of trash and weeds so water can drain properly.
• Keeping ruff gutter free.
• Covering trash containers.
• Keeping grass cut short.
• Unused pools should be drained and kept dry especially during mosquito season.
(Illinois Department of Public Health, 2008)
Illinois has had many cases of the West Nile Virus resulting in more than 800 cases and more than 60 deaths in the year 2002 (idph, 2008). This outbreak occurred during one summer with above normal temperatures, the summers that followed were much cooler than normal so there were fewer cases of the virus (idph, 2008). The public health agencies can educate state and local communities on things like the temperature to be most careful of the virus.
The World
In the article, Virus killing Ontario lambs has troubling echoes of Zika, written by Jennifer Yang for The Star, we learn that there is an outbreak of Cache-Valley virus in Canada. The Cache-Valley virus has existed in Canada for a long period of time but new evidence shows that the virus could evolve into something similar to the Zika virus and effect humans too.
The Iowa Department of Public Health has confirmed a rare case of disease caused by the Jamestown Canyon virus. In addition, there are two cases has been reported to the Iowa’s Health Department about West Nile Virus, which is also an illness spread by mosquitoes, along with Jamestown Canyon virus. According to the author, people who are infected by these two viruses will experience: “fever, headache, and flulike illness.” Luckily, however, “the patients who had Jamestown Canyon virus and West Nile virus are slowly recovering.”
Jane Addams was a Progressive reformer and famous advocate for the settlement house movement. Addams mostly focused on improving social conditions for immigrants and for other residents of urban slums. Jane Addams’s health problem caused her to become famous reformer. In 1881 she travelled many medical schools. In one of her journey she took her friend Ellen Gates Starr with her. They visited well known Toynbee Hall in London. The purpose of Toynbee Hall was to reduce urban problems such as poverty. This visitation inspired them to create one settlement house in Chicago. In short term their dream became true. In 1889 they opened Hull House in the neighborhood of slums in Chicago. Hull House provided services for the poor immigrants in that
Consequently, the spread of the Zika virus from its originating countries of Africa and Asia, to American countries has linked the virus as an ongoing epidemic. Due to climate changes, warmer winter temperatures, there is an increase of egg survival (Ali, 2017). Warmer spring, summer, and fall temperatures may also lengthen the season transmission of the virus in temperate regions as well. In addition, the spread of the flu- like virus in humans is is also due to natural disasters, such as, earthquakes and hurricanes destroying homes forcing residents to sleep outside exposing themselves to infected mosquitoes. International travelers are also at potential risk of contracting the virus, especially in industrialized countries. Furthermore, pregnant women or women of child bearing age should refrain from traveling to countries that are known for the Zika mosquito infestation.
West Nile Virus has many effects on the human body as well as on the bodies of other animals. West Nile is an extremely dangerous virus that attacks the Central Nervous System. It can cause inflammation of tissues in and around the brain and spinal cord. In humans, there are three levels of West Nile Virus, which have different symptoms. Humans can also get specific diseases such as encephalitis from West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus also affects animals. Wild birds and horses are the most susceptible to the virus and most animal deaths occur in these species. Dogs and cats are much less likely to contract the disease. The only way for a human or animal to get the disease is to be bitten by a mosquito
In New Mexico, we started off with 47 West Nile cases in the year 2012, in the year 2013 there were 38 cases, and in the year 2014 there 24 cases were identified (CDC, n.d.). With these CDC statistics, it can be said that both Epidemiologists and Public Health Professionals are doing an adequate job of educating and preventing further West Nile cases. There are also tools such as the CDC website that give information on how to prevent people from catching West Nile. No new information has been learned about the virus and viral transmission. However, a few small amount of cases have shown human infection which consisted of the
Ebola and West Nile virus have negative effects on human health. Both Ebola and West Nile virus ara capable of disabling protein receptors within cells. This allows the pathogen to continue to spread through the body, therefore evading the immune system. Ebola causes flu like symptoms, including fever, headaches, muscle pain, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, and even unexplained hemorrhaging. These symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure. Survival rate is dependant on the person's immune system due to the lack of a specific treatment. Symptoms are typically treated as they appear. West Nile virus, however, is different. Most people infected do not experience symptoms, while a small amount (1 in 5) will experience symptoms similar to Ebola. About 1 in 150 people will experience severe symptoms such as high fever, disorientation, coma,
The West Nile Virus is a virus that people can get from an infected mosquito bite. This virus disappeared and no one heard much of many people getting the virus for about 20 years. In the 1990´s there was a big comeback on the rise for the West Nile Virus. That also consisted of the infected bugs slowly but surely making their way to America from Africa, the Native country to this virus (Phillip).
The incidence is highest in late summer and early autumn, until the first hard frost does away with the mosquito population for that year. Birds and other animals (such as horses) are the usual reservoir for the infection, and they are involved in its dissemination. Initial viral symptoms may give way to high fever and neck stiffness (meningeal signs). However, as with most forms of encephalitis, it is the confusion and depressed levels of consciousness (stupor) that mark the infection as being of the brain (encephalitis) and not just the meninges. West Nile Virus is an acute central nervous disease (McCance & Huether, 2014).
The main point of the press release is to notify the public that the West Nile Virus has surfaced and is active. One of the sub-points is to inform the public of the current case and the number of cases over the years of people who have been infected with the West Nile Virus. Another sub-point is to give the description and signs of the West Nile Virus. Another sub-point is to notify the public where the West Nile Virus is coming from. Another sub-point what is causing the mosquitoes to breed and how to prevent the breeding of the mosquitoes to notify the public that there are two types of West Nile Virus. The West Nile encephalitis and the West Nile poliomyelitis are the two viruses the press release also notified the public of the signs and symptoms of the west Nile virus. What to do and who to contact once bitten the press release gives a statistic of number of cases from 2002 to 2011 (2012). The press release also notifies the public who is at the highest risk to becoming ill with this type of virus. The press release also gives other website to seek out more information regarding the West Nile Virus.
Yesterday I got bit by a mosquito and left a red bump on my skin while I was in Brazil. 4 Day later I was starting to have headaches, fatigue, fever, and vomiting. I went to the clinic to see what was causing this. They took a blood sample and told me, that they would call me back once testing was finished. A few day later they had called me to come back to the clinic, and told me that I had the West Nile Virus.(General Questions About West Nile Virus | West Nile Virus …)
West Nile Virus has emerged in recent years throughout the temporate zones of Europe and North America. Causing a variety of conditions in its hosts, the most serious manifestation of WN virus infection is fatal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in humans and horses, and many birds.
What is West Nile Fever? West Nile fever also known as West Nile virus is a mosquito borne disease transferred from mosquito to person. Encephalitis is a disease that West nile virus can cause. What encephalitis does is it causes inflammation of the brain which in some cases can be fatal. The west Nile virus wasn’t discovered until 1937 in Africa. The disease didn’t make its way into the United States until 1999. The Virus is most common during the summer months (July- September) which is when mosquitos the carrier of the disease are most active. But in some states it is at risk all year round. Most people who are bitten and infected even receive the virus.
Jeff Hawkins founded Palm Computing Inc, a hand-held computer business, in 1992 which has since changed names (Yoffie & Kwak, 2001). In 1999 it changed to Palm Inc (Yahoo Finance, 2006). The case study concentrated on Jeff Hawkins, the founder of Palm, and Donna Dubinsky the former CEO of the company. These two left Palm in 1998 and founded a company called Handspring, the only company as of 2001 to take a meaningful share of the market away from Palm (Yoffie, 2001). Currently the CEO at Palm, Inc is Edward T. Colligan. For the period ending May 31, 2006, Palm had sales of $1.578 billion and a net income in excess of $336 million (Yahoo Finance, 2006). This is a significant increase over the
There are many forms of energy that we may use everyday ,but one of the most important types of energy is nuclear energy. While one can not use nuclear energy to power a lawnmower, it is used on a much larger scale. There are countless ways to obtain energy, but nuclear energy is obtained in a somewhat unique way compared to other forms. In this way nuclear energy is differentiated from other forms of energy like hydro and geothermal energy. This along with many other reasons like nuclear energy produces more energy with fewer resources and being better for the environment is why many governments and their scientist prefer nuclear energy.