One of the many themes for the novel “West Side Story” is love conquers all. This means that no matter what is happening, through the highs and the lows. Love is stronger than it all and always ends up on top. Throughout the novel this theme is present avidly. We see it when Tony knows it is wrong to love Maria, but yet he meets her on the fire escape. We also see it when Tony dies at the end and the gangs are united together by the love that Tony and Maria had for each other. Even the undying hatred between the Jets and the Sharks could not continue after Maria wept over her true loves dead body.
I believe the author chose this theme because it is so realistic. Love makes people do crazy things but in the end the people in love always
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Loyalty is by definition “giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.” One of the most obvious appearances in the novel of loyalty is the two gangs the Sharks and the Jets. In the book they will use the phrase “Once a Jet, always a Jet”. Sharks had a similar moto and so on so forth. They both were so consistent with what gang they identified themselves it’s hard to miss it.
Although I’ve read the entire book and watched the musical countless times I still find myself asking, why was loyalty such a prominent theme? Besides the oblivious few that read it and didn’t think it was a cheap replica of any other story, you would know that it is almost theme by theme, “Romeo and Juliet”. Loyalty is a virtue that many people should learn to possess, it’s also adds tension to the book. For example, when someone falls in love with the leader of a rival gang the loyalty of the members leaves us wondering what happens next.
The book takes place in the 1950’s, when WW1, and WW2 had come to an end. People enthused that the war had ended. The truth however, was that the wars were both caused by loyalty. Country’s turned against each other, and the ones that could stand each other formed alliances. People showed nationalism and loyalty. They were so glad to be…well themselves, it made other countries hate them even more.
Loyalty is the quality of showing constant and complete support to one another. It is about the people who stay behind your back like family and friends you can trust. Similarly, the play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare shows a great deal of loyalty by Juliet, Friar Lawrence and Romeo. Loyalty and disloyalty is shown by Juliet whom betray loyalty to her parents by loving the son of their enemy, Friar Lawrence whom stays loyal to his friendship with Romeo by helping them hide the relationship and risking his life and Romeo posterior the death of Mercutio.
Loyalty plays a big part in Romeo and Juliet. Ties of loyalty are woven throughout the play, binding certain characters together. The main theme is the feuding families of Romeo and Juliet that holds an “ancient grudge” against each other: the Montague’s and the Capulet’s. Romeo’s family and friends despise Juliet’s family, the Capulet’s, and as the play progresses you will find them defending each other in the face of an enemy. Romeo and Juliet have to defy their parent’s expressive wish not to see each other, and accept the consequences of their forbidden love. They question the fact that there’s no solid fact that the two family’s hate each other: merely time has blown the feuding out of proportion.
Loyalty is trait that every person in the world should have. An example of loyalty is when
Love was the theme used to describe how Jackson, and his wife, Rachel faced many obstacles. Obstacles
West Side Story came out in 1961 as a melodramatic musical that took place in New York. It takes the same theme as Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet, in that it is about two lovers whose relationship is not accepted by others because of conflicting backgrounds.
Loyalty is a concept, which can be seen in many point of views. Some people relate loyalty to love, friendships and family. Loyalty isn’t just loving someone, being kind and helpful, it’s being devoted to someone, when times get hard, appreciating them for what they’ve done for you, putting them before you; and no matter what you will always be there for them even at the hardest of times. For some people being loyal is harder at the hard times, some people let inhumanity take over man itself or people betray and sometimes for many different reasons like rumors going around school but sometimes for reasons you feel at first to be a good reason but in the end you just feel guilty like in the novel Night by Elie Wiesel; like the son of the Rabbi
Loyalty is heroic. Loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, cause, obligations, or duties. In Homer's Odyssey one can see loyalty in many forms. Odysseus is loyal to the gods whom he realized held his life in their hands. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus, while trying not to offend the rude suitors. Telemachus was loyal to a father whom he only knew from the stories he had been told. Time and time again we see loyalty in the strongest sense, complete fidelity in time of uncertainty.
Although there were several themes in this book, a major theme seemed to dominate the story. This theme is the importance of love and loss in a male emale relationship. These two lovers were so absorbed in each other that they needed no one else in their life.
I read How I Met My Husband by Alice Munro. This is a short story told in the first-person narrative. The theme of this story is a simple, but good one. The theme is love. Or to put it in broader terms, the theme could be described as while sometimes it may come from heartbreak, fate can bring is to the person we are meant to love forever.
The dictionary defines the word loyalty as a strong feeling of support or allegiance. Schools across the nation stand every morning, put their hands on their hearts and pledge their loyalty to their country. The novel Ship Breaker is about a young boy named Nailer who works to break ships apart in a futuristic society. His mom died and his father, Richard, became an addict leaving them very poor and reliant on Nailer’s income. One day, Nailer is walking the beach with his friend Pima recovering supplies after a hurricane, there they find a massive clipper ship with one survivor inside. The girl inside, Nita, was fleeing capture from her family’s enemies and shipwrecked. Soon after, Richard Lopez and his crew found Nailer, Nita, and Pima and captured them, planning to sell Nita to her enemies. With a stroke of luck, the three manage to escape from Richard. Nailer and Nita fled to New Orleans with an unfaithful member of Lopez’s crew. While in Orleans, the trio finds work, allies, and an escape from Nita’s enemies. Then, Nita is captured by the enemy who has allied with Richard Lopez. In response, Nailer set out on the clipper ship of his dreams to find her, and unknowingly, to find himself. True loyalty doesn't come with any ties, it is unconditional and without hesitation. In Paolo Baciagalupi’s Science Fiction book Ship Breaker, use of symbolism and conflict tell the story of Nailer Lopez and his journey to find that loyalty doesn't just lie in family, it's who has your
The theme of loyalty is present in the short story “After Twenty Years.” The two main characters are friends, but while one of the friends named Silky Bob is loyal to his friend Jimmy Wells, Jimmy was more loyal to his job. “I (Silky Bob) know Jimmy will meet me here if he’s alive, for he always was the truest, staunchest old chap in the world.” This quote took place when Silky Bob had hope
The West Side Story portrays the lives of two different gangs living in America, as well as their beliefs and examples of living a good life. The expectations of what people consider the good life to be may vary on a person’s morals and their dreams of what life is truly about. In this movie, whether or not these characters were good people, lived a good life, or lived in a good society is a very controversial topic.
Loyalty is like a shadow it’s something that’s with you all of the time, but sometimes it’s hidden. Most people don’t show their loyalty hidden, but loyalty is something that’s not supposed to be hidden .To me loyalty is when someone is there for someone else. Loyalty is a characteristic many people should strive to have; it earns the trust and respect of many. A loyal person would never be able to fail someone because they are trustable. Loyalty is everywhere and there are many different kinds of loyalty.
In the movie, love and romance are used since the central plot is the love story between Jack and Rose. Romantic films often explore the essential themes of love at first sight, forbidden love, and even sacrificial love. All three elements that were practiced during the film. Rose was a troubled young woman living in a rich society, engaged to a millionaire that her mother had sought out. She was residing in a nightmare, a nightmare that she didn't want, and she was looking for a way out. Jack saved Rose's life and was quickly pushed into her. Jack was the only one that could see the pain that Rose had. He was the only one who could get her out of
someone’s back even though they might’ve stabbed you in yours. When you have loyalty, you don’t leave someone just because they said something mean about you or you heard something from someone else. They might have hurt you, or you might’ve gotten into an argument, but at the end of the day you will always be best friends. When you have loyalty is doesn’t matter what they said or what they did, you love them anyway. Similarly, how Romeo and Juliet get married behind their parents’ backs. Also, how when Romeo thought that Juliet was dead, he went and got a poison and killed himself. Another example is when Tybalt kept his loyalty to the Capulet family by killing Mercutio.