
Western Gender Roles

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In western movies portray most of the strong, successful characters as male and the whole movies circle around them and they are the main characters are the movies. In most of the films and novels, women have been confined to the social roles of the wife and the mother, domestic production, childbirth and childcare, family relationships and other female tasks, even unmarried one. The roles of women were set forth for them that a woman was limited in her abilities to survive in man’s world and that she was expected to focus only on her domestic duties. For many western women happily set forth creating a home for their husband and children as we watched in several western movies such as Shane movie, Red River, Stagecoach. Most of the movies show women who totally depend on the men and they are so fragile. …show more content…

It portrays Dallas weakness and she can not manage her life without the man. What we see and learn from stereotyping movies are uneducated, needy, weak, obedient women who rely on men and they are just good to cook, raise children and take care of their men’s needs. Shane Movie shows how week and obedience are Mrs. Starett and her role in the movie was cooking, took care of her husband and her child. She became so happy by little things such as going for dance or shopping with other families.
In the Novel Fools Crow, the whole novel is about White Man’s Dog that he was weak at the beginning and how he tried hard to become strong and increase his moral and finally he achieved Fools Crow

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