
Western Political Thought: The Greeks And Judeo-Christian Ideas

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Western political thought has evolved over centuries to be what we know today. It has been majorly influenced by the Romans and the Greeks, Judeo-Christians ideals, and the Enlightenment. The Greeks and the Romans offered a lot to the world, but their ideas on the separation of powers, the rule of law, and many forms of government were their contributions to western political thought. Thier ideals on the separation of powers originated in Rome out of power-abusive rulers and eventually manifested in a three-way split in the power with only temporarily elected officials. The first was the executive branch, which consisted of supervisors of the empire, such as city police, tax collectors and others positions of power. The second was the legislative branch composed of the senate and the tribal assembly who were both involved in the law and decision making for the empire. The third was the judicial branch, responsible for the upholding of the jurisprudence and the maintaining of the law.The Greeks and Romans also believed in the rule of law, or the idea that a county should be ruled by law, not the decisions …show more content…

The Judeo-Christian ideals came out of three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They all believed in the divine spark of life, where their God breathed in life to every man, making all men equal and dignified as the children of God. They also believed in the same principles of morality, which stemmed from the teachings of prophets such as Jesus and Muhammad and the Ten Commandments of God. Both, in the most basic terms, promoted the ideas of all life being equal and sacred, attempting to make the world a better place through love and tolerance, and a sense of community open to anyone who wished to join. The Judeo-Christian ideals were about the raising of the individual and the unity of all spirits in

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