Western political thought has evolved over centuries to be what we know today. It has been majorly influenced by the Romans and the Greeks, Judeo-Christians ideals, and the Enlightenment. The Greeks and the Romans offered a lot to the world, but their ideas on the separation of powers, the rule of law, and many forms of government were their contributions to western political thought. Thier ideals on the separation of powers originated in Rome out of power-abusive rulers and eventually manifested in a three-way split in the power with only temporarily elected officials. The first was the executive branch, which consisted of supervisors of the empire, such as city police, tax collectors and others positions of power. The second was the legislative branch composed of the senate and the tribal assembly who were both involved in the law and decision making for the empire. The third was the judicial branch, responsible for the upholding of the jurisprudence and the maintaining of the law.The Greeks and Romans also believed in the rule of law, or the idea that a county should be ruled by law, not the decisions …show more content…
The Judeo-Christian ideals came out of three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They all believed in the divine spark of life, where their God breathed in life to every man, making all men equal and dignified as the children of God. They also believed in the same principles of morality, which stemmed from the teachings of prophets such as Jesus and Muhammad and the Ten Commandments of God. Both, in the most basic terms, promoted the ideas of all life being equal and sacred, attempting to make the world a better place through love and tolerance, and a sense of community open to anyone who wished to join. The Judeo-Christian ideals were about the raising of the individual and the unity of all spirits in
The Constitution had a way of breaking it into three branches of government. The first branch was Legislative branch who made the laws. The second branch was the Judicial and their job was to Interpret the laws that were made. The last, and final branch of government was the Executive branch and they enforced all the laws that were passed through the other two branches. Having
There were three branches created for our government, the Legislative (Senate), Executive (President), and Judicial (Supreme Court). Each branch is responsible for their own part in functioning our government. As distinguished in (Doc. 1) of the D.B.Q, the Constitution divided the responsibilities into sections to evenly level power among the branches, this is called
The three branches would be called the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. Document 4 describes that the duties of each part are "Legislative (Congress)- makes the laws... Executive (President)- carries out and enforces the laws... Judicial (Courts)- interprets laws and punishes law breakers" (Doc 4). The chart in this document separates the branches and describes what their jobs are under the U.S. Constitution.
There is the Legislative Branch (congress) they make laws. Then there is the Executive Branch (the president), they carry out and enforces the laws. The last branch is the Judicial Branch (courts) they interpret laws and punish law breakers. This is according to document four. They also added The Bill of Rights to the new government.
In the winter of December 7th, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the U.S. Constitution was ratified to establish the new country of the United States as a democracy. After their victory over the British for American Independence, the United States government created the Constitution in an effort to further establish themselves as an independent nation. With a new form of government that would not allow the injustices caused by the British monarchy to occur again, the Constitution’s fundamental principles abided by many of the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian beliefs about people and government. The Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman seeds of democracy contributed to the United States’ democratic government by protecting the rights of the individual and by giving the ability for the citizens to vote on its leaders and laws.
The legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the Judicial branch. The Legislative would be Congress and in the house of representatives and senate. Legislative gave Congress the ability to make new laws, tax, form a military, and was the most powerful of the three branches. The executive branch would be led by the president which was in charge of running and enforcing the laws made and appoint government officials. The judicial branch, led by the supreme court, is in charge of interpreting laws and making sure they’re run in a way that agrees with the constitution.
These three branches are the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judiciary Branch. The Legislative Branch is the congress it can move or develop the law, collect taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce with foreign countries and among the states, establish post offices, and declare war and raise and support and Army or Navy. The second branch is the Executive Branch. The Executive Branch is the President. The President can chose to pass or veto a law made by congress, however the President can not make a law, and if he does he will be impeached. The Executive Branch can make treaties with foreign nations and act as an commander in chief of the armed forces and the point certain important government officials. The third and last branch is the Judiciary Branch. The Judiciary Branch is the National Court System, or the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court can overrule states laws or congress laws that violate the constitution, and decide disputes between the national government and state or a citizen. With these three branches the system of the separation of powers was
The Constitution, however, provided for division of power of the National government into three distinct branches, each with specified duties. The Legislature composed of the Senate and House of Representatives is mandated with making laws (Maier, 2010). The executive was to enforce laws with the President while the Judiciary and inferior courts is to judge using the law. A mechanism was also provided to each of the three branches to view the power on other two and encroachments into other branches ' powers.
In this paper, I intend to show that ancient Athenian democracy influenced western political thought, specifically, western democracies. By influencing such modern day democracies, ancient Greek culture remains a presence in contemporary life.
As an academic discipline, Western political philosophy has its origins in ancient Greek society, when city-states were experimenting with various forms of political organization including monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, and democracy. One of the first, extremely important classical works of political philosophy is Plato's The Republic, which was followed by Aristotle's Politics. Roman political philosophy was influenced by the Stoics, and the Roman statesman Cicero wrote on political philosophy.
There are three branches of the federal government, the executive, the judicial, and the legislative. The executive branch consists of such people as the president, the cabinet, and the executive offices of the president. The executive branch is known for enforcing laws created by the legislative branch. The judicial branch entails the United States Supreme Court and the Federal Judiciary. The judicial branch must review the laws the executive branch is to enforce. There is also the legislative branch. This branch contains the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the Library of Congress. Laws are created through the legislative branch.
The Greek civilization contributed greatly to the development of modern Western culture. Three of the most important contribution that are the foundations of our society are Language, Philosophy, and Government.
Both Greek Democracy and the Roman Republic contributed greatly to the development of the modern world, bringing into it the notions of democracy and republic. The evolution of these concepts took them to a level much higher than one present in Ancient Greece and Rome respectively. However, modern society continues to draw on somewhat idealized accounts of the ancient world for inspiration in improving today’s governing procedures.
Roman government is the origin for all of our current government system. The Romans has three branches of government: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. The executive had two councils that decided on pretty much every affair within the empire. In the legislative branch was a senate, which advised the executive branch. Lastly in the judicial they had a Supreme Court. Also there was a written law consisting of twelve tablets that gave allowed the citizens to know their rights. As one can tell, the Roman system of government is much like the one currently residing in the United States of America.
Western Europe. But how did this western way of life come to be? Their are many different