REFLECTIONS FOR LAB 4- FRICTION The lab 4.1 “What a Drag” was mainly about how friction affects most of our everyday things that people do or use . The “What a Drag” lab shows how friction can pull a block over 5 different surfaces. The different surfaces for each block has a different weight . On the Other hand, each of the surface area has a different surface but each blocks are the same. 4.1 “What a Drag” lab tested 5 different surface areas; Tabletop, Waxed paper, Paper towel, Fine sandpaper,and Coarse sandpaper. These 5 different surface areas caused the weight to appear different . The data shows that it increases each time you do it again. Each time you pull the block over the 5 different surfaces it can increase or decrease. Weight
Triple Sugar Iron Agar test, there was a gas production seen in the media. The media was yellow slant and yellow butt indicating glucose, lactose and/or sucrose fermentation with acid accumulation in slant and butt. For sulfur reduction, it was negative since it did not turn black in color indicating no sulfur was reduced.
My unknown organism #6 is Morganella morganii, which is a gram-negative bacillus rods commonly found in the environment and also in the intestinal tracts of humans, mammals, and reptiles as a normal flora. (3, 5) This bacterium Morganella morganii, was first discovered in the 1906 by a British bacteriologist named H. de R. Morgan. (2) Despite its wide distribution, it is an uncommon cause of community-acquired infection and is most often encountered inpostoperative and other nosocomial settings. (2, 3) Morganella morganii infections respond well to appropriate antibiotic therapy; however, its
Bacteria are ubiquitous; they can be found on the skin, in the soil, and inside the body. Because of the very nature of this ubiquity, it is important to be able to determine between different strains of bacteria. An example of this is determining the causative agent for a disease so that the patient will be treated with the appropriate antibiotics. It may be important to determine the bacteria in a certain region, because like with enteric bacteria, it is normal to find them in the digestive tract as they are in a symbiotic relationship with our bodies in this area; however, they also cause opportunistic infections in places outside of the digestive tract to our detriment, such as with a urinary tract infection. Some strains of bacteria are common to nosocomial infections, and identifying these bacteria as such helps create the guidelines for healthcare workers in antiseptic technique. All of the morphology and characteristics of each strain of bacteria help us to better understand the role of bacteria in the body as well as helps us understand how they can cause illness, and what treatment regimen to set in place. In lab this semester, a sample of unknown
A buffer is a solution that resists changes in pH when H+, OH-, or H20 is added. By using standard lab equipment, a lab pro diagnostic tool, and acidic and basic solutions, the pH can be found. By recording the pH while adding a base or an acid gradually to a buffer solution you can find the capacity of each buffer to resist drastic changes in pH. The best buffers will keep a solution from becoming either too acidic or basic with the addition of a strong base or acid.
The lab five B was about friction and how its always present. The purpose of this lab wat to explore how friction affect motion. There are three types of friction we discuss like air, rolling, and siding.
In this project, C. Elegans are hermaphrodite worms that will be used since they are easy to maintain in lab, as well as have short life cycles. The gene that the project attempted to knockdown in C. Elegans with RNAi treatment is the unc-22 gene. RNAi disrupts gene expression in the presence of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) that is complementary to target gene sequence. The unc-22 gene codes for a muscle protein called twitchin in wild-type worms. The Unc-22 is required for muscle regulation and maintenance in C.Elegans. To verify that the RNAi treatment worked, would check the unc-22 mRNA levels in the worms, in addition to phenotype observation.
The purpose of this lab was to identify unknown bacteria cultures using various differential tests, and my unknown bacteria is #17. The identification of these unknown cultures was accomplished by separating and differentiating possible bacteria based on specific biochemical characteristics. Whether the tests performed identified specific enzymatic reactions or metabolic pathways, each was used in a way to help recognize those specifics and identify the unknown cultures. The differential tests used to identify the unknown cultures were Gram stain, Catalase, Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA), Blood Agar, Novobiocin, Coagulase, and DNAse (Alachi, 2007).
The mole is a convenient unit for analyzing chemical reactions. Avogadro’s number is equal to the mole. The mass of a mole of any compound or element is the mass in grams that corresponds to the molecular formula, also known as the atomic mass. In this experiment, you will observe the reaction of iron nails with a solution of copper (II) chloride and determine the number of moles involved in the reaction. You will determine the number of moles of copper produced in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the number of moles of iron used up in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the ratio of moles of iron to moles of copper, and determine the number of atoms and formula units involved in
The purpose of the Unknown Lab is to practice and implement all that was learned in this microbiology lab this semester about the different test used in identification of an unknown bacteria and to effectively identify an unknown bacterium.
What is the goal of this lab? What question is it trying to answer, or what problem is it trying to explain?
The unknown project was an experiment where the student was given a petri dish of unknown bacteria. Tests were performed on it to identify the specific species. The purpose of the experiment was to learn about the identifying tests, and procedures in the identification of specific microbes. The reason the master plate was used to create a working plate is so that if the working plate becomes contaminated, one can resort back to the master plate for the pure strain of the bacteria and create a new working plate. The purpose of the first procedure, the gram stain, was to be able to dye and then distinguish gram negative and gram-positive cells on a smear. The second procedure, the citrate test is used to see if the bacteria can use citrate as
An unknown was given to our group from the professor. The unknown was in nutrient broth, the group received unknown number 3. And the task was to identify the unknown and try to make an educated guess, and identify the unknown #3.
The overall purpose of the lab is to have the students practice designing an experiment, gathering data, and then analyzing that data to form a conclusion using the scientific method. It also served to understand key terms such as hypothesis, dependent variable, and independent variable. The specific objective of this lab is to determine whether certain human body parts experience allometric or isometric growth. Allometric growth defines when certain parts of an organism grow at unequal rates in comparison to its whole, while isometric growth is when all parts of an organism grow at the same rate in comparison to the entire organism. The specific purpose of the lab is to determine whether or not specific human body parts experience allometric or isometric growth by comparing the ratios of height to two specific body parts, in the students’ case the right hand length and head circumference, in students and newborns. The students formulated the tentative answer that if a team of four compared their height to right hand length ratio, as well as, their height to head circumference ratio, to those of a newborn’s, then the students will discover that the right hand and head experience allometric growth in humans.
The benefit that machine provides is called a mechanical advantage. Its amount is defined by actual mechanical advantage (AMA, includes force of friction). There is also an ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) but it does not take in account the force of friction which is inevitable in our world.
In this laboratory experiment, we was introduce to an introduction to streaking and spreading of bacteria in agar plates such that single cells can be isolated from one another, each cell can reproduces to form a visible colony composed of genetically identical clones. Streaking and spreading bacteria is to obtain individual colonies is usually the first step in genetic manipulation of microorganisms.