
What America Means To Me Research Paper

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What does America Means to Me? What does America Means to Me? It means representative, freedom, equality. Many people, died, to accomplish the goal to have a representative government, to have a nation of freedom, of equality. The goal may not be accomplished, but many people is working towards it together, to make this country a nation of freedom, of equality, and let everyone to have representative in the government. The Revolutionary War, the war makes the thirteen colony becomes the United States of America, a independent country. It starts with more and more conflict between the colonies and Britain, conflicts main focus on the tax Britain added on the colonies, that people called for taxation with representation. More and more tax …show more content…

People give their life this nation will be a nation of equality, like Lincoln, as I said before, he get assigned because of he banned slavery all over the nation. Martin Luther King, he gave his famous speech before the Lincoln Monument, that he called for freedom and equal for his own people, the black people, that he have a dream that they can be treated equal, they won’t be treated unequally just because of their color. But he gave his life, too. People may ask, why they don’t ban slavery in the Declaration of Independence. But have you think about if you banned slavery will those slavery state, or colonies join the Union? I don’t think so. Once you banned slavery, the North and South will be in war, just like what we seen in the Civil War. Although, we can’t just blame the Southerner, and say they are wrong and that’s it, no. We know that the main crop grew in South is cotton, a plant needs a lot of people to grow. If we banned slavery, the whole economy that cotton have build up in South will to totally destroyed, it can bring a total depression to the country. So we can’t blame the Southerners. Also, when we are focusing on black people, it seems we have forgot the Native Americans. They are the people lived in America before French, before Spanish, then become Mexico, before British, which then become America. Have we really treat them equally? No, we all know the Trail of Tears, President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act to move Indians in the South to the other side of Mississippi, which, considered as useless land at that point of time. But we know that people is going rush in that land, so you can imagine what will happened after people move westward. A sad message is that for a long time, Native American’s right have been

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