Cybersecurity is one of the most important topics in business today; It is something that must be accounted for by all businesses, large or small, due to its ability to disrupt or even paralyze all business functions. What vulnerability and threats are drawing the most attention today? Why? What changes have occurred in Cybersecurity during the past decade or so? What protective and preventative measures are available today? How well do they work? What are their limitations? Who are the hostile “bad actors” today? Does this represent a change? What are potential motivations of the “bad actors”? What advice would you give businesses regarding these threats and protecting against them? What advice would you give individuals regarding these threats …show more content…
A part of this discussion deals with necessary funding for confronting developing treats. Throughout the past decade, cybersecurity budgets and standards have been upgraded to deal with past incidents of developed attacks and the future threats they impose. In addressing this issue, cybersecurity has been the attention of major investments and budget allocations to support both research and its defense fields. For example, North America’s planned IT budget for cyber security was 7.75% in 2006 (Davis) growing tremendously by 2016 and allocating a 35 percent increase from US President’s Fiscal Year investment in overall Federal resources for cybersecurity (The White House). Additionally, in 2012, global defense organizations planned and increased their cybersecurity budgets by 6% over the next year (Defense). These actions are mainly provisions to encounter new vulnerabilities based on previous incidences. Powerful attacks proved vulnerabilities of industrial sized systems and thus showing leads to new forms of local and global terrorism. For example, Stuxnet was a “game changer”, being a first of its kind cyber-attack infecting industrial scaled systems by using sophisticated malware used to exploit machines (Langill). States have placed numerous safeguards to ensure more security in dealing with threats of this nature. In another example, the stealing of 5.6 million user biometric fingerprints created a lifelong identity theft problem which was addressed by the Office of Personnel Management. This has caused behavior analytics to develop standards in determining and protecting your identity (OPM). Overall, the time, energy, and resources allocated for cybersecurity is in proportion to the needs and the seriousness of the threats and as technology advances and the ability to cause damage intensifies, we can forecast a growth in cybersecurity investments for both
The Cybersecurity Act of 2012 and its revised version S.3414 addressed several cyber security needs, which have been often overlooked or opposed. The nation stands vulnerable to cyber-attacks, as everyday technology is revamped and upgraded, while laws to protect the nation creep slowly through Congress. Many politicians have argued that these bills have imposed too much regulation on the cyber world and therefor oppose it (CITATION NEEDED). Congress needs to pass laws and regulations if they wish to help protect the nation from the growing threat of cyber-attacks, which can easily cripple the United States from across the globe. The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report reveals that the threat of cybercrime is a growing concern.
Following the US and Israeli Stuxnet attack on Iran’s Nuclear program in 2010, enemy states have been targeting some critical infrastructures and federal government agencies. As the US interest in securing its borders against all threats both domestic and abroad continue to grow, several new threats and vulnerabilities colossus in its cyberspace. In a recent report by Bhattacharyya (2016), “Russian hackers attacked the State Department email system and the Office of Personnel Management reported that 5.6 million Americans’ fingerprints were stolen as
The issue of strong cybersecurity efforts in the United States has been especially topical in 2017, and on the rise over the last few years. The Equifax breach and the breaching of the Democratic Party during the 2016 Presidential Election are recent examples that are bringing up the conversation of cybersecurity and make citizens curious of whether or not the United States government has plans in place to deter these events from happening. People are already worried about the damages these attacks can cause with consequences such as stolen information or monetary loss of close to five billion dollars in 2017 alone ( Although there are already solid plans in place to raise cybersecurity efforts in the United
Cyber security, also referred to as information technology security, focuses on protecting computers, networks, software programs and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. Post 9/11 and other terrorist attacks, the United States grows its endeavors to repulse cyberattacks, U.S. corporate organizations and the government agencies wind up in strife over how to adjust to new methods of security and privacy. The current state of security measure protocols and privacy policies placed by the US government in cyberspace raises concerns for the 99%. This is due to the recent cyber-attacks on American corporate organization systems and government alike, where their digital information and network infrastructures within the systems were compromised, and personal data was hacked and stolen.
1. UMUC (2012).The Future of Cybersecurity Technology and Policy, CSEC 670 (Module 2). Document posted in University of Maryland University College CSEC 670 9042 online classroom, archived at:
Today, businesses both large and small face immense cyber threats and must continuously evolve to
Since the onset of the first packet switching event that many believe to be beginning of the internet, no other technology besides the printing press has ever transformed the ability to deliver information. Although the internet is used by a large percentage of the civilized world, few Americans realize how vital cyberspace is to our national infrastructure. Today, we are faced with even more threats although it has been a recognized problem since 2009, when President Barrack Obama said “The cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation. It’s also clear that we’re not as prepared as we should be, as a government or as a country (Obama, 2009).” Every industry that operates in the United States is dependent on the internet for some aspect of their business. Commerce, transportation, financial institutions, military, as well as industrial control systems are all interconnected. This interconnectedness has created vulnerabilities within their infrastructure that have increasingly become targets of terrorists, script kiddies, foreign governments and hackers of all types.
The research paper will take an in-depth view of the current cyber threat and will explore the current efforts taken by the United States in combating the rapidly growing cyber threat. The research conducted will revolve around recent piece of legislation that are said to be the answer to combating cyber-crime. This paper will also look at past efforts and explore their failure and compare with the new piece of legislation to see if it will actually be effective. There are many cyber security techniques which have been implemented in the attempt to thwart the threat and have failed, what makes this approach different.
This source is reliable because it gave realistic examples of how corporations are having a very difficult time dealing with cyber threats. Companies had suffered a huge loss which cause the financial stability to decline. It can be helpful in my research studies because I can explain the dangerous risks for corporations and their
"The next generation of terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more powerful and easy-to-use hacking tools at their disposal." - Dorothy E. Denning. This is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on. You hear something new every day about some company being "hacked" by the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, or North Koreans. The world we live in is becoming more and more digitized and, perhaps unsurprisingly, the threat of cyber-terrorism is only growing with the evolving technology. Tensions have been rising rapidly largely due to the multiple cyber-attacks being waged every day against various political
Whether it is Iran targeting American banks or casinos, China hacking into the federal government 's network, criminals attacking companies like Target, North Korea punishing Sony or Russia hacking President Obama’s email, cyber security is a major source of anxiety for the U.S. government and private sector. In a survey, 84% of global financial institutions ranked cyber-risk as one of their top five concerns.
Securing cyberspace is one of the most important and urgent challenges of our time. In light of the growing threat and the national security and economic ramifications of successful attacks against American businesses, it is essential that corporate leaders know their responsibility for managing and disclosing information security risk. (Rockefeller, Menendez, Whitehouse, Warner, & Blumenthal)
Some of the most prescient threats to cyber security are online identity theft, critical infrastructure protection, industrial cyber espionage and bonnets.
These days cyber-attacks are one of the top crimes in the world. We all connected online in some way. I have personally been a victim of a cyber hack when my bank card was stolen and sold on the dark web. In a matter of minutes my card made multiple purchases in several different states. This has made me more aware of my digital footprint. Based on my own actions and the actions of the institutes I choose to occupy. Cyber security and surveillance has become a constant challenge for any person, company, institution and country. Even our own government has taken measures to protect the nation’s information.
Cybersecurity is one of many important elements when it comes to information security and how to protect it. From the laws and regulations to who is ultimately responsible and the one to assume responsibility when breaches take place. Whether it is the government or the private sector, someone has to take charge because we all have a vested interest in protecting our families, our businesses and our nation’s security in cyberspace.