High school sports tend to play a principle role in Americans society with over a million adolescents taking course from the veriety of school years.But more or less the question wether High school sport programs are beneficial or not still remain unclear but after reading the following articles. It is evident that they are not beneficial. One of these reasons may be dude to the fact that they cause a define downfall amongst the education of said youth. According to the source "Are High-School Sports Good for Kids?" Taking role in sports lays a over emphasis that drives away the teen from what really is important. Education. The participitations year round along with the harships that one must face adds a significant amont of preassure upon …show more content…
"What in the name of High School Football" by Hank Hill says that sports seem to be taking over other special departments. There is a great amount of scandal heard through local Television, yet the other programs receive no kind of treatment for that matter and events like auditions that took place for the "All Capes and Island" music festival in "Marthas Vineyard Regional" High school. Unfortunately all costs are spent on the sports programs more than anything else. The Drama department is left without decent equipment, Advanced English Seminars had to be compressed into one class because 26,000 dollars were easily vaporized on Sport Programs needs. They shouldn't be placed for such center of attention, in fact. They are probably the most dangerous department yet. Many injuries and serious accidents can happen during one of their games that may even lead to permanent damage. They should be spending money on something that is more safer and has a less chance of getting someone …show more content…
The second source states that students who participate in sport programs are more than likely to gain a good amount of "Sportsmanship" because most High School sports are recognized for their "Potentional Educational Benefits. The National Federation of State Highschool Activity Association promotes this to gain better chances of the youth having a more positive outcome as well as expanding their horizons of educational oppurtunities.bBut there are more things to depend on for education just than sports like "Have Sports Teams Brought Down Americas Schools?" by Elizabeth Kolbert stated, American high schools spend more time wasting money on sports than on more significant subjects such as Math or Language
In America, sport is not only a physical activity, which is used for competition or games but it is also one of the main missions in schools in the US. However, there is a post named "The Case Against High-School Sports" written by Amanda Ripley, which are on a website named The Atlantic. In this post, the main idea of the author is that sports are taking too many times and money in schools and that makes some negative impacts on students, schools, and society. In this post, she claims that she can see the benefits of high-school sports and these sports are becoming likely more important than other academics in schools. However, she has wondered about a trend that participating high-school sports too much could lead to some problems. Although
Amanda Ripley argues in her essay “The Case Against High School Sports,” that high school sports should be removed in favor of a higher focus on education. Ripley presents her argument why removing high school sports would help “America’s mediocrity in education” (1). Ripley draws the comparison between the educational capabilities of South Korea and the United States. Ripley presents the story of one Texas high school, an area considered the heart and soul of American football from movies such as “Friday Night Lights.” While Ripley presents multiple arguments against high school sports, there are some other arguments that can still be made, such as the heavy financial burden on our schools and the potential injuries to our students.
The impact of preserving sports in high schools has been surrounded by much controversy as people suspect that it is the reason behind the poor academic achievement of students. Opponents to high school sports feel that allowing athletics to be a part of schools sidetracks the focus of the student body, which goes completely against the main purpose of schools. Indeed, this assertion is completely true and based upon plentiful evidence. High school sports undoubtedly come at the expense of student academic achievement since they divert the attention of students away from academics and they come with far too many financial costs, both of which incur negative impacts on the academics within a school. The bottomline is that sports are harming the education of students, so a school must make the decision between composing quality sports teams or providing high level academics; both of these choices simply cannot occur simultaneously.
First, youth sports help develop character and confidence in children. In the article “Are High School Sports Good For Kids?” it states “... develop good citizens through interscholastic activities which provide equitable opportunities, positive recognition and learning experiences.” Another reason is that it creates more rewarding friendships. As it states in the News article “Kids and Sports” by CBS News “... Having athletic confidence helps a child greaty and it doesn't have to be a team sport or a high pressure one either.” This tells us that if your children are in sports it will benefit them as they get older and when they are adults they will be prepared more than people who didn’t participate in sports.
High school sports make student athletes strive for better success in their education. Sure some Schools have a minimum G.P.A requirement of 2.0, and to get that all your classes have to be “C” or better. Well that’s better than letting them have a 1.0 and letting them play. It makes them have something worth studying for, For example my friend Bryan Garcia does not like school or work but he is always looking for ways to make his grades better so that he may play with the John F. Kennedy soccer team. Also not all the states in the United States of America have a G.P.A requirement to play in a sport activity, twelve out of the fifty states in the USA require a G.P.A to play."A High School Athlete 's GPA Vs. Average High School Student 's GPA." Everyday Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2016.”Sports participation is associated with higher GPAs, lower dropout rates and stronger commitments to school compared to the average,non-athlete high school student”. Also they made a study for Kansas in 2008-2009 between athletes and non-athletes,Academic Performance Of Athletes And Non‐Athletes, and Page 41. COMPARING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES AND NON-ATHLETES IN KANSAS IN 2008-2009 (n.d.): n. pag. Web.”high school athletes earned higher grades,graduated at a higher rate, dropped out of school less frequently, and scored higher on state assessments than did non-athletes”. Student athletes have a greater chance of graduating with a 3.0 or more. They are more
Sports are not everything, they get too much focus in high school. This is because the athletes get special treatment in high school and college. They get paid more than most other jobs. Also athletes are idolized. Parents put money in their kids sports than their school.
First of all sports keep our youth out of trouble. “Sports lead to less smoking, drug use, pregnancy, and risky sex”(“Active Kids Do”). Sports lead to less of all these things because most high school sports have a two hour practice 4 - 5 times a week plus a game so, in doing that it gives less time for our youth to be caught up in illegal activities. Also kids will have to feel the rave of the coach if they get in trouble because that usually means they can’t play a game and the whole team is depending on them. All in all sports help kids stay out of trouble.
Lastly, athletic sports takes away from other extracurricular activities. In What in the Name of High School Football? Hank Hill writes, Yet only a few weeks ago, 16 MVRHS vocalists and instrumentalists auditioned for the competitive All Cape & Islands music festival. And the judges selected a remarkable 16 of 16. Unheard of success. And yet not a mention in the local papers. Not a word on the radio. Not a sentence in the principal’s address. Not a squeak on the morning announcements. Not a face on the Wall. The gift of music came wrapped in silence.” Athletic sports get so much attention that
Sports are a popular pastime among all ages and types of people. People not only participate in them for fun, but also for money, physical fitness, rush of competition, and for many other personal reasons. Playing sports is especially common among young people in schools. Athletics are great and enjoyable for many reasons, but there can be a point where sports participation can go too far and become negative for children and adults. Sports specialization for young people is an increasing trend that results in sports having a negative impact on individuals and society.
Sports are embedded in many American schools in a way they are not anywhere else. One element of our educational system consistently surprises them, “Sports are a huge deal in American schools,” says Earl Smith of the New York Times. The positives have always outweighed the negatives in the case against high school sports. As Sato Kai state, “The benefits of sports as part of the education process are abundant and sometimes beyond quantifications,” According to many academic specialists, sports offer formative and life long lessons such as: discipline, responsibility, self confidence, and accountability. These skills can furthermore excel your later life and give you a greater chance of being employed in a high level job. Participation in high school sports helps your later development as an adult and teaches you life long skills that can't be taught elsewhere.
This study deals with high school athletics and their long-term effect in the lives of those who participate; it also deals with the positive and negative aspects of athletics during high school, and the treatment of those who participate. This study was conducted with qualitative data obtained from five personal interviews with previous high school athletes. These five people come from a range of places, ages, and experience. Conclusions are that participation in high school athletics is a contributor to a better social life and experience during high school. Good friends and influences are obtained through the pursuit of high school athletics. The long-term effects
You can go on and on about High School sports being a factor of high schools nationwide. People don’t believe that students are getting any real benefits from sports, nevertheless, those people probably never did sports during their school years, whereas sports, provide students academic benefits.
For years, sports have been a part of American high schools. They have been a source of school pride and give people a connection to their school. They break up the otherwise mundane routine of going to class and doing schoolwork. In recent years there has been a huge push by researchers, educators, politicians, and parents to figures out why America’s schools are constantly falling behind other countries in crucial test subjects. One of the latest reasons to blame for the shortcomings of American students is the incorporation of sports in the American school system. Some are beginning to think that the focus of schools is no longer education and that sports are taking on a greater role within schools. It’s
High school sports are good for students because they can get a better education. Playing sports helps students get a better education because when they are focused on sports, they also become focused on their school work. According to the video Sports How Much is Too Much, “playing multiple sports seem to have a positive effect on their grades.” This shows that high school sports are not a distraction, but a way to get better grades in school. While students are playing high school sports, they’ll want to study more in school. In this quote, S:HMITM talks about how coaches want students to be able to have good grades and be able to train hard in sports at
Sports programs have been an integral part of all schools. They support the academics of the school and therefore foster success in life. These programs are educational and help produce productive citizenship. They help students experience and build skills that may help them in their future, like interpersonal and time management skills. Education may kindle the light of knowledge, but sports help to maintain the proper physique. Sports are also an important means of entertainment and a use for energy after long hours of study. Sports increase a student’s performance not only in the classroom but also in their life.