“When you’re in bed, you’re dead.” I think this means that someone has come to the point in their life, that they can not even get out of bed by themselves. This is truly a point of total dependency. I agree with this aphorism because, at this point someone could not really do anything without help from others. How someone deals with this, is in fact in their own hands. They could either choose to one just lay in bed all the time feeling bad for themselves, or two get up and make something of their life with what they can do. I would choose to do something, anything with my life. I could not even imagine how boring my life would be if all I ever did was lay in bed. Right now I am not at that point so I can choose whether or not to get up
SFNL Character Change “We plunged toward the future without a clue” (Lubar 1). Sleeping Freshman Never Lie is about a freshman, Scott, and his first year of high school. Throughout the book, Scott loses and makes friends. Two of his new friends are Lee, the scary new girl and Wesley, the senior bully.
There are many questions about whether Edna is a good person or whether her actions were moral or right, but there is no question that Edna Pontellier went through an awakening in the book The Awakening by Kate Chopin. She was awakened to the idea of independence and freedom. This awakening has many effects on Mrs. Pontellier both physically, socially, and mentally. Though these make her more open and free they ultimately end up causing her demise.
Imagine waking up each morning to an aching sorrow built up in your chest. With every heartbeat, a pounding pulsates throughout your entire body, weakening every sense of yourself. Can you imagine opening your eyes only to feel entrapped in your very own body; awake, yet unable to feel alive? Deceased inside. Numb. That is how I felt for a very long time. It all happened once the atrocious beast that is named depression lurked uninvited into my life.
Major Depressive Disorder has claimed the lives of up to 15% of those suffering from the disorder through suicide (Belmaker & Agam, 2008). Different people are effected by depression in different ways. Some individuals, like Raquel, suffer from loss of interest, feelings of worthlessness, along with thoughts of suicide (Fave & Kendler, 2000). Others go on with their daily routine with a smile on their face, while hiding their emotions. Although most individuals will experience depressed mood or general loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed (Spaner, Bland, & Newman, 2007).
However, if you do not feel comfortable with this you can also talk to a profession to be more discrete. Taking to someone about your problems can help you come up with practical solutions or steps to help get you healthy. For myself, I thought I had been depressed or close to after the loss of my grandpa and I found comfort in being with my loved ones. Sometimes I found it was talking to them about how I felt that helped or just being in their presence would benefit me.
Wesley Cobble had always been a bully, that is, until he became friends with Scott. Wesley had been known as a bully throughout high school. But that all changed when one morning, Wesley picked up Scott (the main character) and brought him to school, it was as if Wesley had a change in heart and wanted to be friends with Scott. Wesley wasn’t usually the type to make friends, but for some reason, he became friends with Scott, which changed him and benefited him. Wesley changed the most in Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie because he went from being a bully to Scott to being his friend, and he learned to stop stealing.
“High school is going to kill me” (Lubar 32) said Scott on his first day of school. In Sleeping Freshman Never Lie, Scott started high school, which was not the only big change. He starts off school trying to win Julia’s heart, doing every activity she does. It doesn't work out too well though. Without knowing them Scott usually judged people on their appearance or how they acted. He also realized that his mom is acting pretty weird, and come to find out she is pregnant. Since Scott is having such a hard time in school he decides to write a journal for his new sibling. His friend group starts to change dramatically. His three best friends he would always thought he would have go off and do other things. Scott changed the most in Sleeping Freshman Never Lie because he became less judgemental, and made new friends.
The depression is overwhelming. I cry uncontrollably. At its worst, I cannot move. Gravity seems to have added weight tenfold. I wake up in my bed, struggling to get out. I am unable to. Breathing hurts. I try to cry out for help, but I cannot move my mouth to form the words in my disgusted mind. I am trapped in my own head. I am trapped in my own body, a body that is entirely numb.
People of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life have felt depressed and unhappy at some time in their lives. These periods of sadness usually pass after a short time, but for some people, this feeling can remain for weeks, months, and even years. (1) This prolonged state of unhappiness is called major (or clinical) depression and is characterized by a persistent sad or "empty" mood, loss of interest in favorite activities, difficulty concentrating, and many other symptoms. It is not simply a mental state but an illness that interferes with the way people feel, function, and think.(2)
Everyone in life has been in front of this huge wall to where they had to climb over it, but sometimes that wall will come again, or they’re just afraid to climb that wall, or they keep falling and keep trying again. I went through something like that as well except I was scared of falling again and I just stopped to trying. It was a horrible feeling, where you feel like no one cares and you’re just by yourself. Alone. I was soon able to climb over the wall with some help. There were people that kept telling me that I can do it and encouraged me to climb that wall. Once I was over it, I felt free. I felt like I could do anything, and now I’m better than I was before. This obstacle is called Depression, and I have been through some other obstacles
“The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to, then forcing oneself to stay awake for days on end must surely come a close second.”
Once you find other things to occupy your time you will not even behave the same way when you come to certain obstacles in your life you will know how to overcome that obstacle and every time you face any life obstacle it will be easy to get the monkey off of your back and move on with your life.
It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because of a few bumps in the road should never be an option.
Most depressed individuals feel there is no way to end the misery and torture of
Life is something that requires a considerable amount of physical and mental effort. Some are fortunate enough to have everything prepared for them. Such as some are born into money; some come across good fortune yet most work hard from the start to get some where in the world. It just all depends on how you were brought into this world. For some people, life is full of stress and hardships. That’s how life was for someone very dear to me. He had it difficult from the start. However he chose not to let life get him down. When life gave him lemons, he made lemonade.