3.) I believe that Menendez’s actions are well courageous and justified. At the time, Menendez didn’t know what to expect out of the reaction of Halliburton. However, Halliburton didn’t take the whole whistle blow action by Menendez well, and went on to retaliate against him by exposing his identity which shouldn’t had occurred. Knowing that he was at its best ethical behavior, Menendez went on to expose the violation of the section 301 to the SEC after waiting for Halliburton to respond about the policies that didn’t connect with the proper accounting rules of GAAP. Although the company’s revenue hadn’t change, the fraud had a high possibility from occurring in the future if the whistleblow hadn’t occur. After revealing the inappropriate policies
Without a question the BOD should have placed a high degree of reliance on Andersen, which at the time was one of the most prestigious worldwide accounting firms. The auditors should have known the kind of accounting taking place in Enron. In my opinion, Andersen knew, at least to some extent, the company’s financial condition. However, Enron was already too deep under water that blowing the whistle so late would have created problems for Andersen as well. According to the case, on 02/05/01, Andersen held internal meeting during which it addressed the company’s accounting from and oversight of the LJM partnership. Andersen never discussed these concerns with the Audit and Compliance Committee. Although the BOD has its faults, it should have been able to rely on Andersen’s work.
Congressman Ruiz serves under the southeastern area of the 36th district of California. The district is located near two small towns called Hemet and Blythe California. The issue of access to state of the art hospitals and facilities would be high on the list of concerns for people living in this area. Small towns like these do not have the funding as the bigger districts. The less people living in the area, the less money is allocated to that district.
In the case of Loureen from “POOF!,” I do believe that her actions were justified for a number of reasons. First of all, her husband abused her terribly, illustrated when Florence recalls that Samuel, Loureen’s husband, nearly took her eye out just for changing the TV channel. Now, many people would say that if one is in an abusive relationship, the victim always has the option of escaping said relationship. However, many victims of domestic abuse may be dependent on their counterparts, as Loureen was with Samuel, so escaping was never an option because she would have been unable to support herself and her friends, who are also victims of domestic abuse, would be unable to help her while they are in their own extreme situations. In addition,
Óscar Romero was a Roman Catholic priest that stood up for the poor and injustice in the troubled nation of El Salvador. In the early stages of his life, Romero had entered a boarding school for priests at the age of thirteen. Then he went to the national boarding school in San Salvador. He finished his studies at the Gregorian University in Rome, and was appointed a priest in Rome in 1942. Although Romero wanted to acquire a doctorate in theology, he had to go home to El Salvador in 1944 due to a lack of priests. He initially served as pastor, but because of his outstanding talent, he was marked for greater responsibilities. In 1970, he became the auxiliary bishop for San Salvador. As Romero began to rise as a notable Catholic bishop, a
Victor Cruz was born in Paterson, New Jersey, on November 11, 1986. The son of Michael Walker an African-American firefighter and Puerto Rican born Blanca Cruz young Victor was grew up in Paterson were gangs and drugs were dominate. Opportunities for young boys of color like himself were limited.
Imagine having to work all day in the hot sun and barely get paid any money. Working in a place with no bathroom, no clean water, and getting sprayed by pesticides. The only reason why this is not happening right now is because of Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez, grew up working in the fields so he know how low the wage is and how bad the working conditions are. After being in a farmworkers organization he saw the opportunity to create his own organization to change farmworkers work problems.
Eric Holder is a bad guy. He is a far-left racist ideologue who never should have been our attorney general. He did significant harm to the nation. He refused to prosecute the Black Panthers, who clearly intimidated white voters during the 2008 election, giving them carte blanche to continue their bad acts. He refused to admit the administration's role in the Fast and Furious gun-running scheme. That plan was apparently purposefully to let thousands of guns be sold illegally to the Mexican cartels via straw purchasers, knowing they would be used to slaughter innocents, and then to blame those deaths on American gun laxity. The ultimate goal? To strip Americans of their guns by convincing voters that our Second Amendment is responsible for gun deaths around the world.
Madoff clearly did not have any views of ethics or social responsibility towards his investors. All he cared about was the green dollar signs. I think that his sons took a major stand by outing him to the public officials. To me, it showed that at least all ethic values were not lost with this family. Madoff’s sons are the ones the investors should thank for giving them justice.
Benito Cereno by Herman Melville, the reader is left with a crucial question : was the ruthless murder of the crew of the San Dominick justified? There are many factors leading into the conclusion a reader may make. Were the slaves poorly treated? Was Babo merely a cold blooded killer? I believe that although the murder of the crew was particularly brutal, the uprising was justified as the slaves merely wanted to go home.
Cesar Chavez was described as ¨one of the heroic figures of our time,¨ according to Senator Robert F. Kennedy. He was a true American hero, was a civil rights, Latino and farm labor leader, religious figure, community organizer, and social entrepreneur. Chavez was born in the North Gila River Valley outside Yuma and born on March 31, 1927. When he was at the age of 11 his family lost their farm during the Great Depression and had to become farm workers. Traveling through the migrant streams throughout California laboring in the fields, orchards, and vineyard. This happened during his youth and into his adulthood. This exposed him him to the hardships and injustices of farm worker life. He attended many schools before graduating eighth grade,
For the high-level management staffs in Enron, I think they should not ordering their staffs for making stories in the reports and giving pressures to focus Arthur Anderson to counterfeit in the accounting works. It is because these acts are unethical and not in line with the corporate social responsibility. Using Utilitarianism for the explanation, they act can boost the stock price of Enron, which can increase their assets (Since they holding the share of Enron), but it is clear that Enron will fall if they keep making stories and hiding the loss in the financial reports, and it impact will relatively large. Such as the investors of Enron will lose money since Enron’s stock will become useless, the supplier and customers of Enron will also loss an
An argument can be made that whistle blowing should only be warranted when there is a group or a majority that feels something should be brought to the attention of an outside authority if deemed so. As discussed in the study the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) determined that since his actions were not a concerted effort among him and his colleagues, the
It seems like business morals and ethics are being whisked to the side in lieu of the ever growing demand of higher stock prices, rising budget goals and investor profits. Despite the increased regulation of corporations through legislation, such as, Sarbanes-Oxley, some corporations still find themselves struggling to maintain ethics and codes of conduct within the workplace. In reviewing the failings of the Enron Scandal, one can heed the mistakes that both individual and organization malaise, such as, conflicts of interest, lack of true transparency and the sever lack of moral courage from the government, executive board, senior management and others, contributed to the energy giant’s downfall.
This investigation will analyze the different causes of the murder of Eduardo Mondlane in 1969. The investigation analyzes different possible reasons for this political murder. The concentrated struggle in Frelimo between 1964 and 1969 and the role of the PIDE will also be analyzed. This investigation will be supported by documented history from various books and articles. The books used are Eduardo Mondlane: Panaf Great Lives Series. Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution, 1900-1982 by Allen
One Merrill Lynch analyst began to question the numbers and profits that were being produced by Enron and eventually he was fired. Enron invested a lot of money with Merrill Lynch and they didn’t want Enron to stop investing so Merrill Lynch got rid of the employee who question Enron, when in reality they should have listened to him. Merrill Lynch’s decision not to listen to him showed other employees that they better keep quiet with their opinions or their jobs would be on the line. If they listened to him they might have lost the deal with Enron, but in the end they lost it anyway and lost millions along with it. Merrill Lynch’s main focus should have been their employees and their investors, not solely Enron. They should have stuck to their code of conduct and followed their values.