
What Are Outsiders Misunderstood Or Misjudged?

Decent Essays

Outsiders: Misunderstood or Misjudged? Outsiders, defined as a person who does not belong to a particular group. The bigger question is: What qualifies them as an outsider? Or how does one determine that this “outsider” really is different from everyone else? Do we get to know this person before we provide them with the title or do we simply give it to them based on the way we view them from afar? Let us consider that the title of “outsider” is mainly given by observation, judgement, rather than by truly getting to know one, understanding. Some examples to back our consideration are real-life situations, in circumstances of the short story, “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, and in the song “Dumb” by Nirvana. We can refer to either a present or past situation, maybe a class or while walking through the halls of school, picture someone you think of as an outsider. You most likely barely know them, you probably have not even spoken to them. Take a look at that situation and you can determine that you may have only misjudged them, they may have some of the same interests and likings as you, but you have never taken the time or gotten the chance …show more content…

When Gregor ever so suddenly transforms into a beetle, his family avoids him in disgust and makes no effort to cure or ameliorate him. In the beginning of his transformation, Gregor’s sister tries to accompany him in his tough times, but this is only to please her parents. The story exemplifies common misjudging of outsiders because Gregor’s parents barely do anything to alleviate his complications, they misjudge him because of his appearance and assume he is no longer capable of functioning along with humanity. They never attempt to understand him. In fact, Gregor’s father even attacks him: “And so he scurried away from his father, stopped when his father remained standing, and scampered forward again when his father merely stirred.” (Kafka,

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