
What Are Slave Codes Wrong

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Slave Codes are rules placed by the government on how you're supposed to deal with your slaves. The Slave Codes stated that slaves aren't allowed off the plantation, and they determined what you should let your slaves have and own. The slaves thought that it was unfair and not right that they had were treated in such a way they felt that it was not fair for them to be treated this way they thought that they should be able to do the things that the white people do Such as having animals or growing any kind of vegetables they were not able to have weapons or any kind of anything to defend themselves against the dangerous that were out to get them are anything trying to kill them. The bill of rights guarantee the right to bear arms/guns/weapons but such …show more content…

They felt that everyone could been treated fairly no matter what color their skin is or what they are wearing and they also feel that the treatment is un just and unfair. Eventually they abolish some of the slave states and made them free they helped some of the slaves get to the north so they coud have freedom and not have to worry about physical abuse and boy were they happy when they fond out that they were going to have a chance at freedom they were also happy that they could be getting away from all the physical abuse and the rape of the female black women and the verbal abuse from the slave owners. although it would make you think that after all the wiping and beating of the black men and their family you would think that it would make them start to listen instead of the always revolting against their master/owner but the mindset of the slaves was freedom are death ether way it did not matter to them the just wanted to get away from all the abuse and I do not blame them if I was in their situation I would probably feel the same way depending on the

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