
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Transaction Processing System

Better Essays

It is needless to say how a transaction processing system(TPS) is a crucial part of an online store in this day and age. Its help the online to stay effective when customers are proceeding to checkout. Therefore we demand a TPS which assists our online store to run smoothly. Having a satisfying TPS benefits us from receiving payment in a short time so we can deliver goods to customers as fast as possible. We have set a few criteria like price, reputation, advantages and disadvantages in finding the most suitable TPS. After putting in serious consideration, we all agree that Payzer is the best receipt for our online store.
In terms of pricing, Payzer has a more reasonable price among three choices. It aims to provide a fair deal without any extra fees like annual fees and cancellation fees. Payzer also has a lower transaction fee than the other two options. Unlike Stripe, which does not refund processing fee when the company refunds a customer’s card. Moreover for, which does not help users to retrieve failed payments. These two TPS have shown a great drawback in terms of pricing.
User-friendly is also another reason for us choosing Payzer as the software is easy to use. Most of the users are impressed by that. The automatic payment feature is very satisfying for companies. Furthermore, it allows user to customise the program in order to fit their personal needs. When being Compared to Payzer, shows a great weak point which the customer

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