
What Are The Arguments In The Sun Also Rises Bullfighting

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In the Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, Jake Barnes, Lady Brett, and their fellow drinking buddies go to Spain to watch the unloading of the bulls. In bullfighting the three main components are the bulls, steers, and matadors. Each part of the bullfight symbolizes different human characteristics, but every piece is just as important in order to have a bullfight. Barnes, Lady Brett, Cohn, and Romero are all counterparts to the bullfight. The dangerous and wild bullfighting in Spain parallels human behavior. Bulls are aggressive animals that represent passion, freedom, and power. Lady Brett is a strong and independent woman who does not have a desire to be tied down to a family. Lady Brett, a promiscuous woman, is full of desire to be with …show more content…

Steers control the bulls and prevent the bulls from fighting. Barnes is one who mediates his friends when they are rowdy and drunk. Steers are known to be stable contrary to bulls that are free-willed. Barnes wants stability by living with Lady Brett, but she does not want to give up her freedoms of doing what ever she pleases. Barnes understands that realistically him and Lady Brett will never work, but “it[‘s] pretty to think” (250). Bulls and steers add meaning and purpose into the others …show more content…

The matador must kill the bull before the bull gets a chance to kill the matador. Romero attempts to “kill” Lady Brett by marrying her “so [she] [ca]n’t go far away from him” (246). Romero wants to settle down with Lady Brett and start a family, but Lady Brett is not willing to let go of her freedom. In order for Lady Brett and Romero to be together they must sacrifice parts of their lives. To be together Lady Brett would have to give up her freedoms and Romero would have to abandon his successful career as a matador, and neither one is willing to make these changes. A bull and matador cannot live together in peace; one will prevail

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