History task 4 speech:
“ when the spanish arrived in Tenochtitlan , they claimed that the Aztecs were an uncivilised group of people” . A civilization is known to have:
A regular way of getting food e.g. farming
Protecting the people
A system of government
A common language
Usually have a religion of some kind
A way to teach their young the knowledge they need
Some kind of writing.
I strongly disagree with the statement made by the Spanish regarding the civilisation of the Aztecs. According to the Spanish, Aztecs were not civilised. However, Aztec civilisation explores and demonstrates many key factors that portray a developed society. Even though the Spanished claimed that they weren’t civilised it doesn’t mean that is correct. Today I will be focusing on the Aztecs:
Food, farming and agriculture.
Society and social structure.
Religion and festivals
1st argument: Food,farming and agriculture.
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The Aztecs efficiency in Farming and agriculture only prove they were civilised as to be civilised you must be able to get food and they accomplished that. The Aztecs farmed for food and common farming products and also grew crops. Some of the main crops the Aztecs grew were maize,beans and squash also tomatoes and chillies. The areas that they used to grow these crops were often very large areas with a lot of flowers which made it very visually pleasing. I strongly believe that the fact that the Aztecs having a way to get food for everyone should have classified them as
All of the Aztecs were brainwashed to think that the success of their culture was more important than their own lives. Some may argue that they were showing loyalty to their community and religion. In reality, killing a myriad of people for the purpose of pleasing the gods and cannibalism in order to be rewarded, is not justified by religious beliefs. The Aztecs teach us good lessons today about government and countries competing to be the best. From these examples modern world society leaders can learn how selfish actions can impact the entire community in a negative way. It’s conspicuous that Aztecs were doing many things wrong that led to the death of thousands of innocent lives and the suppression of people under their
The Aztecs were a remarkable civilization. Th is civilization were distrusted and disliked because they tended to push others out of their way. They ruled an empire in Tenochtitlan in the time of 1350 to 1519. They also were known for their agriculture and human sacrifices. Agriculture was a very important part of their h istory because without their farming method the Aztec couldn't have created such great civilization. According to Document A of the Aztec DBQ, states that the Aztec empire grew more than 200 miles west to east, and north to south. Th is means that with the growth of the empire the population also grew and more effective agriculture techniques were needed to feed the people. They created the method of ch inampas because they
The Aztec civilization was the most dominate complex society in Mesoamerica of all time. The Aztecs were an innovative and sophisticated civilization that became superior due to their elaborate engineered cities, pyramids, and temples. Their proficiency in trade, expertise in agriculture, religious traditions, organized government, and progressive technology set a firm foundation for the distinguished Aztec empire.
The Aztecs were a civilization of brave and strong warriors. They ruled their empire in 1350 to 1519. Tenochtitlan was the capital of their empire. Two things the Aztecs were known for were human sacrifice and agriculture. However historians should emphazise agriculture.""I think historians should emphasize Aztec agriculture because of these three reasons. One reason is their farming method called chinampas. According to Document B it states that when the Aztecs used the method of chinampas they did not get cut short of food. Second reason historians should emphasize mor aztec agriculture is because they created many popular Mexican foods of today. According to Document C it states that they created tortillas and popcorn. Laslty Aztecs agriculture
The author argues that the Spanish were completely at fault for the total destruction of the Aztec Empire. In Broken spears, the author explains how many factors other than Spanish power contributed to the downfall of the Aztecs. Not only did the Spanish have many advantages over the Aztecs, but also they also exploited them and took advantage of the cultural difference. The main key aspects to the Spanish victory, is that the Spanish were viewed as gods at first because of their appearance, the Aztecs welcomed the Spanish with gifts and festivities, which showed the Spanish had total control of people. The Aztecs also held a ritual ceremony for the arrival of the “god” that included a human
The Aztecs were very innovative and had created an organized way of growing their crops. They built islands called chinampas, where most of them farmed and lived. The Aztecs had innovated a new and different way of cultivating crops on their chinampas. According
The Aztecs were an ancient civilization that existed in present-day Mexico City from 1350-1519. The two most interesting parts of the Aztec civilization were their highly advanced agriculture and their religious beliefs, which included human sacrifice. Historians should emphasize the agricultural aspect because the Aztecs had an amazing farming system, and they centered their lives around agriculture. The modern-day Mexican culture chooses to focus on agriculture, and not make human sacrifice their focal point. Throughout the Aztec’s existence, they had an incredible farming system.
In the book Daily Life of The Aztecs On the Eve of the Spanish Conquest by Jacques Soustelle you are walked through what life was like for the Aztecs. You are in 16th Century Mexico, or to them Mexico-Tenochtilan. Soustelle does an excellent job immediately putting you in character with the introduction of the book. The book is broken down into seven different main chapters detailing major aspects of the Aztecs lives in the late 1500’s. You learn about where they lived, to the wars they fought, and what life was like for them from birth to death. In this paper I will further discuss four topics that were very crucial in the daily lives of the Aztecs. I will help you find a better understanding in their daily life as well as the many changes they migrated through over time. The four topics I will be discussing are: 1. Culture and Customs of the Aztecs 2. Civilization vs Barbarism 3. Art and Architecture 4. Education and Home Life.
The Aztecs were a marvelous civilization that were located in the Americas, from 1350 to 1519. Their main city was tenochtitlan , in a geological basin of modern day central Mexico.Two things the Aztec culture is known for are their complex farming methods and their somewhat disturbing religious beliefs. However historians should emphasize the role of agriculture in the Aztec civilization .""The Aztecs farming methods helped them expand their territory and empire. Document A shows that the Aztec empire grew to more than 200 miles west to east and north to south . As the empire started growing , the Aztecs needed a efficient method of farming . This means that the growth of the empire meant that the population also grew and since they had an effective
The Aztec were a powerful group but did not have an imperialistic worldview like the Spanish. The Spanish expanded their empire and travelled across to the America’s. Here they explored and conquered many groups of people. As they fought the Spanish army grew with more slaves being taken in. This was very different from the Aztec people who fought only for control. They were not focused on expanding their religion and allowed conquered areas to keep their religion and way of life. They did not take slaves and used the captured men for human sacrifice. The Aztec thought that sacrifice would keep their gods happy and increased the amount of before they were conquered. Thus the Aztec worldview was based on religion and the gods. The Aztec and Spanish worldviews were different. The Aztec respected their gods and only conquered land to not be destroyed while the Spanish conquered land to expand their empire. These factors helped contribute to the fall of the powerful Aztec
In the 16th century Spaniards Herman Cortes and Christopher Columbus set out on endeavoring journeys in search of new worlds. Christopher Columbus encountered, in the Caribbean islands, a group of extremely simplistic Native Americans. Herman Cortes however encountered a much more advanced Native American group in Meso America; we formally know this area to be Mexico. In my essay I will be comparing and contrasting several aspects between both of these Native American Civilizations including sophistication, technology, housing, weapons, religion and their reaction to the Spaniards. Letters written by Columbus and Cortes will be used to make these comparisons.
Some major aspects of the Aztec civilizations were farming and trading. The Aztecs were hunters and
Well the aztecs had to major ways that they believed in. one was human sacrifice and the other was aztec agriculture. the one that i chose was aztec agriculture. I chose that because it seemed easir to me and because we use stuf that they had come up with.like the canals and the ittagaint and the islands. The aztecs were around 1350 to 1519. during that time they were in mexico city. And where they were there was 300,000 thousand people.they were not in a very big area. the religion i would stress about the most is aztec agriculture.and the three reasons that i'm gonna talk about is large scale, clever construction, and cultrera everyday life.
The Aztecs were a ancient civilization who ruled an empire in the region of mesoamerica between 1325 A.D and 1521 . From their capital city of tenochtitlan, presently the site of modern - day Mexico City, the Aztecs had many achievements. Two things they were most know for is Agriculture and Human sacrifice, which was very unique. However, historians should emphasize the role of Human Sacrifice in Aztec culture."
Many decades ago, northern Central America and southern Mexico cultures developed complex political and social ranks. Researchers today know this region as Mesoamerica, known for its rich soil, abundant amount of rainfall, and agriculture. (Judge & Langdon, 2012) The Mesoamericans, Aztec and Mayan tribes, developed into complex civilizations for multiple reasons. These societies were advanced and complex for their time in areas, such as architecture, agriculture, militarism, and education. Each had unique religion and political systems as well. The rise and fall of both were due to several factors.