
What Are The Chances Of Having Twins?

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This research began when two people fell in love and started a family. They learned their family would grow by four feet instead of two feet. The couple wanted to know more information regarding twins. What are the chances of having twins? They know there are varying types of twins, such as fraternal, identical, and conjoined twins. The chances of conceiving twins are growing in numbers. The BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board stated, “As of 2010, twins accounted for about 1 in 30 births in the United States or 3.3 percent.” The odds of having multiples are determined by many elements such as a single egg splits in two or using in vitro fertilization (IVF) to stimulate release of eggs from the ovary. Identical twins are hereditary and …show more content…

IVF increased stimulation of the ovaries that released several eggs at one time (BabyCenter). Using IVF resulted in more fraternal twins caused by two sperms fertilizing two eggs at the same time. IVF can be expensive and the majority of the time this method did not work. Fertility drugs and treatments became popular which gave woman a higher chance to conceive multiple births. Once you have a set of twins, the levels of having another set are greater. Although the rate of twin births has changed throughout the years, the human womb is honestly not adequate to produce a cluster of children, no matter how healthily the fertilized egg might be. The author N.J. Berrill from the book The Person in the Womb, multiple births is not necessarily the result of several releases of eggs at one time. More than one embryo might form from a single fertilized egg (63). Ironically, older women have a harder time getting pregnant, however; their chances to have twins are greater. The majority of twins end up in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) because the babies are not fully developed. The babies are not considered developed until they reach 39 weeks in the mother’s womb. According to Nicole Missmer and her experience with her pregnancy of Monoamniotic- diamnionic twins, identical twins occur as Monoamniotic-Monochorionic (mono-mono) or monochorionic-diamnionic (mono-di). Mono-mono twins share the same placenta and the same amniotic sac. Unfortunately,

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