In today’s society, young adults rely on pop culture to teach them the ways of the world. No longer do parents sit down and teach their children right from wrong. With practically all young adults having a smart phones or some type of technology at their fingertips, they learn how to act in society from what they see on these devices. This content affects various subjects, but the most troubling is the potential impact it has on human sex trafficking. Music videos are a facet of pop culture that influences young adults’ moral views of prostitution and pimping. Because these young adults can see prostitution and pimping depicted as something accepted by society, they are more likely to accept it in their own lives. As a result, they are more susceptible to manipulation by perpetrators who run human sex trafficking outfits. This is depicted …show more content…
If he sexy, he planking on me; So when them big boys want all of that”. This continues to promote prostitution when Nicki sings about getting money and having sex with the guy. She makes an assertion that if a guy expresses interest in her, he will get whatever he wants. A combination of Nicki’s lyrics and music video for “The Night is Still Young”, attempts to bring a positive light to the promiscuous lifestyle of a prostitute, making it seem glamorous.
Both 50 cents “P.I.M.P.” and Nick Minaj’s “The Night is Still Young” have the potential to influence young adults who depend on pop culture to teach them how to act in society. As young adults become more accepting of prostitution and pimping as a legitimate way to make a living, it also creates a culture susceptible to human sex trafficking. Many argue that prostitution is human sex trafficking and even when it is by choice, it is what a German abolitionist call poverty
Theresa Flores, a girl from Detroit, was 15 years old when a boy she had a crush on from school offered her a ride home. Instead of taking her home he brought her back to his house where he insisted she come in. Red flags went off in Theresa’s head, but he told her he liked her, and that’s all it took to convince her to come inside. He offered her a soda laced with drugs that made her become dizzy, and then he raped her. The next day at school the boy and his friends informed her of the pictures they had taken of her, and threatened her to “earn the pictures back”, or they would share the pictures with everyone at school, her church, and to her family. From that day on, every night Theresa would receive a call around midnight and the boys would pick her up and bring her to random houses where often several men would be waiting for her. This continued for almost two years till her family relocated (Zukowski, 2015). This is one example of a girl being lured into sex trafficking as a teen and is one out of an estimated 800,000 women and children that are trafficked across international borders every year (Facts on human trafficking and sex slavery, 2012). Sex trafficking is a huge issue today and is only continuing to grow as an industry. In order to put an end to this horrifying issue more action must be taken in order for a difference of significance to be made. However, in order to take action people must understand the essence of what it is,
In an Interview with Vibe Magazine, Nicki stated, “When I grew up I saw females doing certain things, and I thought I had to do that exactly. The female rappers of my day spoke about sex a lot… and I thought that to have the success they got; I would have to represent the same thing. When in fact I didn’t have to represent the same thing”, this is the perfect example of the hypodermic needle theory at work. As Nicki Minaj grew up, her inspirations were Foxy Brown and Lil Kim. Nicki Minaj was also a passive watcher, as she watched all her favourite artists perform and talk about women in a degrading way. The affects of this on Nicki was she also became thinking like a woman who had no respect.
Julia Muraszkiewicz argues in her article, “Can Apps Prevent Human Trafficking” on Project Syndicate, that apps should be used in the prevention of the illegal act of human trafficking. The writer begins her article by analyzing the forms in which technology are currently being used for preventive measures. She refers to technology as the “double-edged sword”. Moreover, the meaning of this phrase is that technology such as mobile phones, instant messaging, are already being used by human traffickers for recruitment purposes. Thus, she argues if technology can be used to help the attackers, then it must also be used in counter efforts to prevent the increase of victims. Muraszkiewicz then continues on to depict how apps can play a fundamental
Sex trafficking is becoming more of a problem as time moves on. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, harbouring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion [Internet Safety 101]. Sex trafficking is increasing due to the evolution of modern day social services and sources. From safety sources, it is the second fastest growing criminal industry, [Internet Safety 101]. Increasingly, sex trafficking is coming about due to the evolution of the internet and the improved ability of GPS tracking. On social media, many people find other people and try to be their friend, even if they don't know who they are. This provides opportunities for fake people to create more of a problem. The internet is providing different advertising places that can increase the effect of sex trafficking and lure in citizens to becoming victims. Sex trafficking has to come to an end for the safety of citizens, for the safety of their pride and dignity.
Ronald Weitzer states that human sex trafficking is defined as “recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act.”
When one hears the words “Human sex trafficking”, they probably think of girls being stolen from their homes or lured into mysterious white vans and whisked away into the black market of sex trafficking. While these methods are not uncommon in the world of trafficking, the rise of technology and popularity of social media has given way to completely new opportunities for sex traffickers and pimps to scope out and lure potential trafficking victims. In the same way, this rise in technology and social media also offers law enforcement and special agencies new and unprecedented ways to stop black market deals before they happen, locate victims, set up sting operations,
The adult services ads on the internet offer an accessible means for the commercial sexual exploitation of children, but the truth is that the demand for sex with underage girls precedes the technology. Closing down such avenues may temporarily interfere with business, yet the industry of selling children for sex continues as long as there are buyers. (Axtell, pg.2) According to the U.S. Department of Justice, human trafficking is the second fastest growing criminal industry- just behind drug trafficking. Approximately half of all victims are children. (Axtell, par.2) The buyers have it made so easy when they can just go online and purchase their girl of choice. The internet has black market pages for buying humans, but most are only open for a certain number of hours then deleted completely. Websites such as Backpage and Craigslist are monitored but not all are captured. Backpage accounts for about 70 percent of America’s prostitution ads (many placed by consenting adults who are not trafficked), according to the AIM Group, a trade organization. Backpage cooperates with police to screen out ads for underage girls. (Times, par. 9) With all of these portals being available it makes capturing some of the sick people out there buying their own kind close to impossible. Craigslist used to have an erotic section but it was removed from the page after the infamous “craigslist killer” case. However, there is a personal section
The author of this book gives an in-depth explanation as to why many people today still do not view human trafficking as slavery. Because of mainstream influence, society assumes only females that are uneducated, poor, or in prostitution are trafficked. In reality, young children or teenagers who are kidnapped and forced into trafficking make up a lot of the sex trafficking industry. The writer goes on to explain that this stereotype is both inaccurate and a hindrance to obliterating trafficking in today’s world. Lastly, this author thinks that in order for human trafficking to be viewed as a real world threat to society, the media must step in and cover this topic with tenacity in hopes to uncover what really goes on behind the trafficking
Human trafficking is illegal trading in people for various forms of modern-day slavery such as forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation (Lee, 2007, p. 56). Thesis statement: technological transformation plays a crucial role in the facilitation of processes and practices that surround human trafficking. In particular, networking technologies such as the internet, social media, and mobile phones have served to increase the incidence of human trafficking. This paper looks into the ways in which various forms of technology facilitate different aspects of the human trafficking network such as recruitment, transit of victims, control of victims, advertisement of services, selling of services, and money transfer. It relies on literature
Human Trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purpose of forced labor or commercial sexual abuse. Traffickers use violence, threats, deception, debt bondage, and other manipulative tactics to force people into this business (Polaris, 2016). It is worldwide, ran and participated in by many, and brings in approximately $150 billion and involves 161 countries, annually (Polaris, 2016). Kids and teenagers are obsessed with phones and other electronics, but do they really know who they are talking and giving personal information to?
Sex trafficking, particularly that of children, has become a growing concern in the United States over the past several decades (Kotrla, 2010). By definition, child sex trafficking is “when a child (under 18 years of age) is induced to perform a commercial sex act” (U.S., 2013, para. 4), and includes forms such as prostitution and pornography (Kotrla, 2010). Researchers suggest that children are the most vulnerable to becoming victims of prostitution (Kotrla), and it is estimated that there are at least 100,000 victims in the United States (Estes & Weiner, 2001). Sex traffickers, otherwise known as “pimps,” often lure children with promises of food, clothing, love, and shelter, and then the pimps manipulate the children to keep them in prostitution (U.S. Department of Justice [DOJ], 2015). Awareness of the issue has led to the development of organizations, such as Children of the Night, that seek to help victims escape the sex trafficking industry (Children of the Night [COTN], 2016d).
As humans dehumanize one another, sex trafficking is constantly evolving. The primary targets of sex trafficking are young girls and women, who are given opportunities by wealthy men. Young girls are taken from their families and put into a society where they do not fit in. They are unaware of the idea that they soon will be sold to someone else and a profit will be made. One’s need for cash causes someone else to feel less of themselves. Eventually, girls become vulnerable to the situation that they are in since their life is being controlled by someone else. Adolescent girls are terrified of their trafficker, so they result into child pornography as a way to keep him or her pleased. This is demonstrated in Margaret Atwood’s “Oryx and Crake.”
Human trafficking is often looked over by people because nobody is ever looking for it. Reports have shown that seventy- five percent of teens ranging from the ages 12-17 years old receive their first cell phone, approximately ninety-three percent goes online, fifty-four percent have received
The sex industry is rather large in Hungary and the majority of prostitutes who are called “sex workers” willingly participate in their act. There are many reasons why they choose this “occupation”. With the recent economic downturn numerous people were left without a job, and they need to act to survive. Most of these people decide to work as a prostitute, because the poverty level is high, they don't have opportunities to train for new jobs or their educational level is low to reach another level or society. The absolute majority strongly believe that their activity is merely a source
One day, her boyfriend claims they need money for food and that is when she is introduced to prostitution and starts working for a Romeo pimp (Trafficked Teen Girls, 2010). Romeo pimps are human traffickers who often attract young girls for the purpose of exploiting them later (Abolish Child Sex Trafficking, 2015). Romeo pimps tend to use psychological manipulation as the central means of control (Abolish Child Sex Trafficking, 2015). To explain, Romeo pimps come into the lives of the adolescents through comfortable locales or social media platforms to get to know the child’s vulnerabilities as well as to become the person the child desires in their life (Abolish Child Sex Trafficking, 2015). Once they gain the trust and love of the individual, the exploitation begins and the child is usually unable to withheld from their partner’s demands since he/she trusts them and feel life without them is unthinkable. Thus, the children are deceived into committing sexual and illegal acts as the pimps are psychologically manipulating them into believing these acts are done for love when in reality they are collecting money from these acts for their own advantages. In conclusion, due to emotional susceptibilities, traffickers are easily able to wield and influence