
What Are The Ethical Issues Of Coca-Cola's Dispute Against POM Wonderful

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Coca-Cola is one of the companies in the world with the largest supply chain and distribution system. This identity is facilitated by the company's large global presence. The large distribution channel enables the corporation to distribute over one million products across the world every day. In this case, the operations of the company are facilitated by over 100,000 workers across the world. It also implies that the firm has relationships with second and third parties such as suppliers of raw materials, wholesalers, and distributors. Apparently, Coca-Cola products are sold even at the small kiosk outlets. Therefore, Coca-Cola’s large and successful corporation stature makes it susceptible to various ethical issues. The existence of potential ethical issues is underpinned by the fact that the company interacts with a lot of business elements, most of which are heavily regulated in most countries. Additionally, the company’s tradition of successful business venture and the focus on expanding their product portfolio exposes them to various ethical risks. In this case, this paper examines the pertinent issues related Coca-Cola’s dispute against POM Wonderful. Background POM Wonderful was victorious in the sale of pomegranate juice as indicated in the company's rapid revenue growth within a short duration. Specifically, the company's …show more content…

In other words, POM Wonderful maintained that Coca-Cola deceived the public by naming their product as pomegranate-blueberry juice whereas the product consisted of 99% apple and grape juices. It implies that the product contained fewer percentages of pomegranate and blueberry juices. According to POM Wonderful, Coca-Cola’s product had no justification to be called a pomegranate juice. POM Wonderful's case was based on Lanham Act which contextualised Coca-Cola's sale of this product as unfair competition and deceitful to

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