Furthermore, strength of the genogram is its multiple uses. As information that can be included on the genogram is so diverse, it can be tailored to suit the type of discipline it is going to be utilised. For example, nurses may include information on disorders running in the family such as alcoholism and depression, whilst, social workers may include emotional relationships within the family. However, one of the limitations of the genogram may rely upon the size and complexity of the family structure and relationships to be portrayed, and/or type of contexts. The illustration could be too complex rendering it difficult to read and analyse. Likewise, another drawback of the genograph is that it is focused on the context within the family
One potential benefit could be that a person could chart out their family in a genogram and see their family and family crisis as a whole. Most people see family crisis and events as individual occurrences however it has potential to be extremely therapeutic to see everything from a holistic approach. Seeing how everything fits together and intertwines to make us who we are can be beneficial as we process areas that we may not have seen before only looking at circumstances individually. A potential negative that could result to making a genogram is that it is very time consuming to make. You could risk time with a client to make a genogram that could be spent completing other therapeutic techniques and processes. Also a potential negative would be if you accidently left someone out of your genogram. This could be intentional or unintentionally left out because of lack of information or
Genograms are used to graphically represent a family tree and display detailed data on relationships among the individuals included in the family tree. In essence, families are complex systems that interact with kin groups in specific ways, and a genogram helps to show a diagram of a family tree, but also maps out interactions, relationships, traits, and characteristics that may otherwise not be noticed. The purpose of a genogram is to identify and understand patterns in family history which may influence an individual’s personal behavior and traits. Family Systems Theory, presented by Dr. Murray Bowen, suggests that an individual cannot be understood in isolation from their family members. According to Dr. Bowen, the family is an emotional
Since all families are different, a diagram could potentially assist a client to become aware of many aspects of their family. They construct a diagram in which they are familiar with all of their biological family members or they could construct a diagram in which they are not familiar with their biological family. Although they may not be familiar with their biological family, their adopted family is their family. Being able to see the members represented within the digram can allow the client to understand how theories and therapies can influence knowledge of the client’s
Additionally, incorporating the emotional and relational components into the genogram and asking for input from each family member could elicit thought-provoking discussion and insight for each individual member of the family, in addition to the
DNA profiles are very useful as although 99.9% of human DNA sequences are the same in every person, there is also enough DNA present which is different; this allows you to be able to distinguish one individual from another. This is the case for everyone apart from monozygotic twins. (Joseph Wambaugh)
This paper offers a critical reflection and analysis of my genogram. My family consists of two completely different families thrown together who coexist together without much intermingling. When viewed as one unit, I would describe my family as a loose knit, hardworking, Black middle-class, southern, Christian family. I use the term loose knit because my family is not close at all. We can go months without talking to or seeing each other and there is nothing wrong with that. There have been many times I have been in conversation with family friends and find out information about my family because we do not interact with family members often. The anchor that each of us is close to is our mother, Sandra Smith-Graves.
women, children, and it also create cross-generational influences unique to every family. In using this example of Asian American families, Brooks (2008) suggested:
The sequencing of the human genome has a new approach to health care in regards to promotion, maintenance, and treatment. Genetic research is defined as a new approach to a better understanding of the genetic components of common diseases: Cancer, diabetes, stroke, and creating new gene-based technologies for screening, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of both rare and common diseases. Nurses are a main aspect within the first line of care, and therefore will contribute fully in genetic-based and genomic-based practice activities such as collecting family history, obtaining informed consent for genetic testing, and administering gene-based therapies. Lea, D, (January 31, 2008). My paper is based on an article Genomics in the public
The result is that families are repeated in each generation with similar attitudes and character shadings. The objective is obviously to refine the classes and keep them pure. Aunt
The benefit of genetic science for individuals is that it can determine if the person has a possible genetic disorder and give them
How you ever feel that we, as sons or daughter tend to repeat our parent mistakes? I have always asked myself why and I still have not have the right answer. For example my mother grew up in a very strict environment when she was a child, with my grandmother and my great grandmother coming from a Japanese Culture; my mother grew up to be a very quiet and reserve young adult. She is really kind, strict, helpful and with a very big heart. Although we had our differences when I was growing up, we get along pretty well. One of the things that stand out from her, it is her stubborn personality. Although she is a really good listener, I always feel that it has to be her way. I believe she is more like her way or the
Many of the concepts and or methods of this theory serve and techniques. The techniques used in the Bowen Theory are detriangulation which may be the most significant technique in the Bowen therapy (Kerr, & Bowen, p. 150). A counselor will determine how they will detriangulate based on the emotional process within the family. The Nonanxious Presence, is directly correlated to the self-awareness of the counselors own family-of-origin. It is important for the counselor to have acknowledged and worked through their own family issues before delving into the Nonanxious Presence technique (cite). Genograms serve as an assessment tool provide a lens into the family tree and is beneficial for the client as well as the
The objective of doing the genogram is to get to know the patient by gaining understanding of his/her family background. Assessing the family using systemic approach enables health care providers to learn about the ways in which family members interact, what are the family expectations and norms, how effective is the members communication, who makes decisions and how the family deals with life time stressors (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2007). This paper outlines the assessment and analysis of the three generation of Wits’ and Smiths’ families, its relationship, health pattern, habits, tradition and structure. It also provides a nursing teaching plan. The interview was conduced with Alina Wit, a second generation mother of three.
A genogram is a type of family tree, but with more detailed information. It is often used as a diagnostic and assessment tool by physicians or counselors to obtain individual and family history in order to help in the establishment of a diagnosis and treatment plan.
The family that is being observed for this assignment is headed by a married couple who has been together for a little over 40th years. Cliff Barnes a 61 year old male is married to Amy Barnes 66 years old. Their immediate household composition includes Amy Barnes’s 44 year son from a previous relationship, her 22 year old grandson and the couple’s 15 year old adopted daughter. I have included the immediate family members in the attached genogram because they play a major role in the family dynamics.