Air Masses
What are the Major Air Masses?
An air mass is a huge body of air in the lower atmosphere that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure at any given height. Four major types of air masses influenced the weather in North America: maritime tropical, continental tropical, maritime polar, and continental. Maritime air masses form over the ocean and can be very humid. Continental air masses form over land and drier than maritime air masses. Tropical air masses are warm, form in the tropics, and have low air pressure. Polar air masses are cold, form near the poles, and have high air pressure in North America, most air masses move from west to east. The jet stream is a band of high-speed wind about 10 km above the surface
A flight instrutor grabbed Lieutenant Ralph O'Hair and flew the two-seated aircraft into the eye of the storm. The two were flying till they hit a storm. The U.S. Weather Bureau and the U.S. Air Force. Two U.S. government agencies scout hurricanes. Between altitudes of 1,000 and 10,000 feet, Hurricane Hunters fly through three parts of a hurricane. Although hurricane season usually finishes around November 30th, the end of the season does not signal a vacation for the Hunters; they fly winter months. One siginificant weather system starts as a warm, low pressure center off Florida's coast. The system gathers moisture as it moves up the easthern seaboard. In winter, the low pressure system can meet a frigid, dry Arctic air
2- Air pressure is not usually a constant that’s why usually impacts therefore it usually weather not climate. Some several key areas of the globe have consistent highs and lows that affect the weather and wind patterns having a huge impact on the climate.
There are three different weather bands in each hemisphere, they are trade winds, polar easterlies, and prevailing westerlies.
As stated in the last paragraph air pressure is made up of air molecules. But wind is made up almost completely different. Wind is the flow of air or other gases that make up the atmosphere. Wind is so strong that it can cause to make differrent landscapes or cause a tornado also known as a cycone. There are global winds, such as the wind belts which are between the atmospheric circulation cells. There winds which typically include certain type of cells in the air that are called jet streams. Gusts are short-lived increases in the strength of the
The Pacific became cooler than normal as the Atlantic became much warmer. The two things did not combine good and reacted in the jet streams changing directions. The air current normally carries moisture from the Gulf of Mexico up toward the Great Plains. It then dumps rain when it reaches the Rockies. In return, when the jet streams moved south, rain never reached the Great Plains.
According to scientists the dust in the air reflected from the sun back into space. His caused air currents to change and the air precipitation levels to
It is not only the weather that the air masses bring that affects the climate of the UK, but also, the complex interactions between the air masses. Most importantly, the interactions between the Polar Maritime and Tropical maritime air masses can lead to the formation of areas of significantly low pressure called depressions. These depressions usually form in the Atlantic Ocean at the boundary between PM and TM air, and bring characteristic cloudy, wet and windy conditions. These depressions are what are responsible for many of the winter storms. They are regular occurrences and so contribute to the overall pattern of weather over a long period i.e. the climate of the British Isles. The interaction between continental air masses often leads to anticyclones which are the opposite of depressions – areas of significantly high pressure. They bring settled weather, with clear skies and light winds. In the summer they can be responsible for temperatures of over 30⁰C. Many say it is the pattern of depressions and anticyclones passing over Britain that is responsible for its
The northern and southern equatorial currents also affect the climate in Dominican Republic. Because of the current’s high temperatures it changes climate contributing to characteristics Dominican republics climate. However, the country’s geographically is close to North America, which also bring is close to the cold air masses. When the cold air that decent from the United States reaches the Dominican Republic it causes light ran as well as lower
Hurricanes usually form over the warmer tropical oceans. Hurricanes form from the evaporation of the warm water. Hurricanes are the most powerful over warm seas. Many of the hurricanes that hit the United States form near the African Coastline before traveling over the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricanes that hit the United States are most common in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Carolina, and North Carolina. Hurricanes are most common in early fall. Tornadoes form over land usually as heat from the surface causes air to rise. The air is humid which then becomes cooler and rises up making clouds that make
The southeast is a subtropical climate. The west is a tropical climate because it is warm all year. It is cold and moist in the southeast because it is near the ocean, but it is still in the 60 to 70 degrees in the fall.
2. Do these forces have different effects in other regions of the world? No, weather will always be a factor to some degree no matter what part of the
Warm air rises and cool air sinks, or subsides. If the Earth had no continents and did not turn, then the circulation of the atmosphere would appear much like this.
Climate is an atmospheric change in the average weather in an area over a period of
Since air masses come and go in a predictable way meteorologist or able to predict weather patterns with some accuracy. Every weather prediction is based on the chance that the weather conditions will act together in a certain way. However, forecasts can be wrong. Some general patterns help meteorologists predict weather for a local area. Moving weather conditions are causes by winds around the earth. However, geographic features in your area such as large bodies of water and mountains can affect local weather. For example, if you live near the Atlantic Ocean, conditions to the east often influence your weather. And whether you live near the east coast or west coast, temperatures near the ocean may be higher than they are even short distances inland. The heat-holding ability of large bodies of water causes warming of the air along the coast. In a city such as Chicago, which is located on Lake Michigan, forecasters often give two sets of information: one for people living within 5-10 miles of the lake, and the second for people in outlying areas. In the spring, for example, it's generally warmer in the outlying areas than it is closer to the lake. I got this information off of this website ---- I copy and pasted the parts that were really easy for me to
and at the fronts warm air is forced to rise over the cold denser air