
What Are The Missteps In The Declaration Of Independence

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An Analysis of The Declaration of Independence In the short span of thirteen years; how did the American colonies go from loyal subjects of King George III, flush in they victory over the French in the French and Indian War to becoming rebels capable of overthrowing the most powerful government in the world? It was not one single factor that caused the colonies to rebel, but a number of missteps by the smug and out of touch English government that caused the colonies to declare their independence in July 1776. The first missteps that started the revolutionary wheels turning happened when parliament enacted the Sugar Act in 1764 followed by the Stamp Act in 1765. In the wake of the French and Indian War, Britain had amassed a massive wartime debt. Parliament thought it only fair and reasonable the colonies chip in to help pay some of the war debt, considering the war was fought in their defense. Almost immediately the colonists pushed back. The colonists felt without a colonial representative in Parliament the taxes were illegal. …show more content…

Again too smug and out of touch with the politics and ideals of the colonies, Parliament decided to give it another go at generating revenue from the colonies. This time parliament enacted the Townsend Acts in 1767, placing themselves directly behind the colonial mules hind legs. Again the colonists, fought back with protest and boycotting English goods. There were violent protest within the colonies most notably in Boston, Massachusetts. Frustrated by the actions of the colonists, the English government sent in troops to quell the violence and make the colonist submit and obey the law. It was in response to the Townsend Acts that the Sons of Liberty organized, the Boston Massacre erupted, the Committee of Correspondence was established and the East India Tea Companies tea was dumped into Boston

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