
The Homophiles Of Penn State (HOPS)

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In 1971, the Homophiles of Penn State (HOPS) organization was founded as a resource for homosexual students, but was denied a charter by the University. HOPS sued the University for discrimination in 1972, and was eventually by the University as an official school-sanctioned organization in 1973. However, the group disbanded 10 years later in 1983 due to lack of membership . The First “Jeans Day” was celebrated in 1972 to raise awareness of lesbian/gay issues. In 1984, Straight Talks, Switchboard, and Gay Student Services (GSS) were introduced. Eventually, the GSS became known as the Lesbian and Gay Student Alliance (LGSA).
In 1985, the “Program for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Concerns” started. “Jeans Day” became known as “Gay Awareness Day” in 1987. In 1988, the LGSA was denied a seat on the University Student Executive Council (USEC). This year also marked the first weeklong Pride event when Gay Awareness Day became Pride Week and first celebration of National Coming Out Day. The LGSA restructured to 2 meetings per week, 1 political and one social/educational. The organization also gained a seat on the USEC in 1989. In 1990, the group and other advocates requested that Penn State add sexual …show more content…

The purpose of the Commission is to improve the climate for diversity within Penn State by specifically addressing issues affecting the welfare of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) members of the University community. The Commission serves to improve the climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender members of the Penn State community through examination of current policies and practices and through the initiation and promotion of programs which will result in a more equitable and supportive environment. This is accomplished through current standing committees and through the initiation of ad hoc committees for special

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