
What Are The Risks Of Football?

Satisfactory Essays

Everyone loves watching a good game of football and cheering for their team. Some people might think it's a risk to their health. Professional sports are not dangerous if they know what's going to happen. In "Weighing the Risks",Let Them Play" and "The Proffesionals Point of View" discuss the risks about sports. It's their choice so let them play.

To begin with,there are risks that come along with playing football.. In the first source,it states all the terrible injures that could happen in game. It states that they can get a disease called CTE. The players should already know and understand that they are going to get hurt when they play. Even though it may cost them their life,they can choose to walk away but do not. In source three,it states that physical disabilities is one of the risks you have to accept when you play. "The object of the game is to slam into eachother.." as Chris Long states. Which,in this case,he is absoulutely right. Football is a violent sport and you cannot really change that.

In addition,the NFL cares about their players safety. In source two,"Let Them Play"states that the NFL donates money for research on brain injuries. It's amazing that they are …show more content…

Since in soure one,"Weighing the Risks",discusses that they get head injuries from having a helmet-to-helmet contact,they are working on more padding. The reason being is so football players don't get the CTE disease. The disease can possibly be deadly as it removes tissue from the brain. The reason how is by the hard impact. In source two, it gives us a visual of what the new gear/padding will be like. The caption states that the US Army Research Laboratory is going to add straps. These straps will make sure there is minimum head motion to avoid brain injuries. Even though footall is a violent game,they are working to make is safer so less players will die or get

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