Dominant Philosophical Schools of Thought in Nursing
Dominant Philosophical Schools of Thought in Nursing
Modern science is currently dominated by three scientific philosophies, worldviews, or paradigms. The three dominant philosophies include empiricism, rationalism, and phenomenology/human science. Empiricism and rationalism are regularly referred to as received view while related worldviews and phenomenology/ human science are always termed as perceived view (McEwen & Wills, 2014). The two models dominated research and theoretical discussion in the nursing practice during the 1990s. Currently, attention has shifted on another dominant paradigm known as postmodernism view. Postmodernism attempts to integrate
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Equally, the received view is the label for experiential positivism, which combines the objectives of empiricism with logic in the scientific theories’ development. The received view denotes a set of notions that have not yet been challenged (McEwen & Wills, 2014). On the other hand, the received view has various weaknesses when analyzing nursing as a science. According to the received view, science is seen as a value free where ethical considerations and traditional metaphysics are regarded as relatively insignificant. As such, nursing’s growth in theoretical advancement which has depended on the received view has made the progress to be slow. The received view ignores the underlying problems, and their causes by treating the symptoms. This has made nurses to struggle in creating meaningful theories as well as achieve its objectives of becoming a scientific …show more content…
Currently, these constructions establish the care nurses give as well as govern their general nursing philosophy. In essence, postmodernism recognizes the significance of scientific methods and science as well as permits the use numerous meanings of reality in nursing. Similarly, postmodernism allows and recognizes the value of various ways of interpreting and knowing reality (McEwen & Wills, 2014). According to postmodernism view, knowledge is perceived as contextual, relative, and uncertain. Knowledge improvement moves from concentration on identifying a fact or truth in research to ascertaining practical relevance and significance of research findings (McEwen & Wills,
A1. The nursing profession has evolved significantly over the decades. One of the factors that have greatly influenced these changes has been the involvement of nurses in the development of theories and data base needed to support the advancement of our profession. In the last half of the twentieth century, nurse researchers (1950s) and nurse theorists (1960s and 1970s) greatly contributed to the expanding body of nursing knowledge with their studies of nursing practice and the development of nursing models and theories (American Nurses Association, 2010, p. 16). Like in any other research activity, a special set of
Nursing theory is the backbone of nursing. It is very important in the application of evidence-based practice (EBP). The functions of a theory are to narrow and provide specific information for the analysis of initially confusing behaviors, situations, and events (Fawcett & Madeya 2013). Moreover, nursing theory helps to improve not only the quality of care that we are providing to our patients but, they also help us make better clinical decisions. As a matter of fact, nursing theory gives the nurse a framework for organizing and analyzing information as well as a base for identifying with their patients throughout the nurse-patient relationship (Schick, 2015). I am very much interested in all the theories. The one that I relate to the most is Hildegard Peplau’s theory. It is a middle range theory that focuses on interpersonal relations. This theory teaches us about how to interact with our patients so that they feel more in control of their treatment. In this paper, I will be talking about the importance of nursing, the summary of Peplau's theory, and how as future nurse practitioners, we can apply it.
Nursing was, for my sixteen year old self, taking care of the sick. Little did I know the complexities of that definition. Still, taking care of the sick was interesting enough to make nursing my major. I started practicing nursing years ago. However, I still struggle defining and explaining my profession to others. I usually start by differentiating nursing from medicine. Nurses see patients as humans rather than a disease that needs treatment (Zaccagnini & White, 2014, p. 15). However, as I advance my career, I must actively incorporate nursing theory into my practice. Nursing theory gives a foundation to understand patients and their health problems better. The use of nursing theory provides a framework to evaluate nurses’ interventions on a higher standard (Zaccagnini & White, 2014). Kenney described five steps to follow once the decision to include nursing theory has being made. This paper will explore the process of applying the Kenney’s five steps into my practice.
The credibility of a profession is based upon its ability to create and apply theory. Nursing as a whole has not been at the forefront of theoretical research being much more practical or hands-on in nature. Unless nurses increase the value placed on research and the body of knowledge that establishes the legitimacy of their practice then nursing will remain in a subordinate position in the medical environment. Theorists anticipated that by conceptualizing models of nursing, practitioners would be able to become more autonomous in their clinical settings while increasing the visibility and authority of nursing as a discipline. It
Nursing is a unique profession which is built upon theories that guide everyday nursing practice. According to Taylor, Lillis, & Lynn (2015), “Nursing theory differentiates nursing from other disciplines and activities in that it serves the purposes of describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling desired outcomes of nursing care practices” (p. 27). Many nurses may unknowingly apply a theory or a combination thereof, along with critical thinking to get the best outcome for a patient. Theories are used in practice today because they have been supported by research and help the profession uphold its boundaries. Most nursing theories consist of four concepts which are the patient, the environment, health, and nursing. Each patient is at the center of focus and they have the right to determine what care will be given to them using informed
The development of a philosophy related to the profession of nursing is important in that it provides a framework for the nurse to base his/her work on. Philosophy is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means”. In other words, philosophies are based on beliefs and assumptions with an overall goal of obtaining an objective which states the nurse’s purpose in the profession. In my undergraduate nursing program I was exposed to multiple nursing concepts that guided my practice. Coupled with my ten years of experience in the nursing field, I was enabled to formulate my own framework or guide to nursing. The paradigm which resonates with me the most is the interactive-integrative perspective as it views practice “as having multiple, interrelated parts in relation to a specific context.” (Newman, Sime, & Corcoran-Perry, 1991, p.38). My framework includes three main components: the client, the professional nurse, and the nurse-client relationship.
For centuries the development of nursing knowledge has been influenced by numerous theorists and their respective theories. These theories have influenced, and continue to influence, nursing education, practice and research. (Johnson & Webber, 2005)
Nursing philosophy is defined as a nurse or students thought of what they believe to be true about the nature of the profession of nursing and to provide a base for nursing practice. (2016, para.1) The nursing field continues to develop into a professional scope of practice and nurses continue to work to develop a high standard for the profession. The values and skills that nurses’ learn as they care for patients continue to develop into rules and regulations for future nurses. As a nurse it is important to create the best environment for patients, family members and co-workers. After graduating from high school I obtained my STNA and then began my college career in the health field as a physical therapy major. This past year I transitioned to nursing after seeing how much more I am able to work directly with patients. The reasoning behind my nursing philosophy is that I have gained knowledge and love for the profession through working as a certified nurses aide for the last four years. The love for helping others and the ability to help individuals during their times of need has grown on me and developed into a passion. Through education and work experiences my philosophy will transform overtime. Currently, I believe in a nursing philosophy that states strong principals that encompass empathy, compassion, and respect towards patients and their families. In addition, nurses must stay abreast of developing health care trends, be critical thinkers and
Worldviews of science was once looked upon as the received view (Empiricism) which was derived from logical thoughts that require further validation. Nursing professionals in the 1960’s accepted this Empiricism as an actual science along with a body of theory to accompany it, known as scientific theories. This is no longer the view of nursing as it has evolved to incorporate research and become more science-based (Bluhm, 2014). Perceived view is what is accepted and respected now that philosophers of science mostly focus on scientific practice. It involves experiments and understanding the processes involved to arrive to a conclusion for an outcome that is seen.
Modern nursing is a rewarding, but challenging, career choice. The modern nurse's role is not limited only to assist the doctor in procedures, however. Instead, the contemporary nursing professional takes on a partnership role with both the doctor and patient as advocate caregiver, teacher, researcher, counselor, and case manager. The caregiver role includes those activities that assist the client physically, mentally, and emotionally, while still preserving the client's dignity. In order for a nurse to be an effective caregiver, the patient must be treated in a holistic manner. Within the subject of nursing, there are often times in which different aspects of the practice must be analyzed by using primary research from other scholars. Nursing scholarship is vital to the profession, as we have seen, in order for the modern nurse to remain current with scholarship and practice. At the very core of this paradigm, though, is the manner in which the blend of art and science in nursing will be expressed to others, to the next generation, and through pedagogical theory (Alligood & Tomey, 2002). To do this, however, requires a new approach to the paradigm of nursing leadership strategic thinking, planning and action and above all appropriate integration of a more holistic and multidisciplinary approach to professional nursing.
With the postmodern turn of nursing a focus on science as a process instead of a product has emerged (Rodgers, B.L., 2015). Postmodernism rejects the idea of a single truth and instead interprets knowledge as more contextual and relative. The discipline of nursing includes components other than just a knowledge base. Emerging within the 21st century, nurses especially involve the human component. Judgments are made about what is acceptable science and current priorities (Rogers, 2015). Previously in nursing, procedures such as medications and dressing changes were priorities. Today, medication and health care is expensive. Consideration must be taken to follow the whole patient, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and
Nursing theories can be categorized considering their levels of perception, and the literature mentions that there are two kinds of concepts: grand theories and middle-range theories. Whether concepts are grand or mid-range (MR), we establish corrective intellectual and influence practice and investigation. By description, grand concepts are theoretical, complex, and detached from practice. We are not destined to be simply grasped or experienced. Associated with grand theories, MR theories enclose less perception and interactions, are adjustable to an extensive range of practice and knowledge, can be made from numerous sources, and are solid enough to be experienced. For these reasons, MR principles are predominantly persuasive as nursing science statements the encounters of the 21st period.
Developing a nursing philosophy is important to a nurse as it serves as a guide and is the foundation for personal nursing practice. Following a personal nursing philosophy can enhance your nursing career, make you a better nurse and improve patient outcomes. However, it is difficult to choose one nursing theorist, as there are viewpoints from several theorists that align with my personal theories. Choosing one theory is not only difficult, it is possible to change a theory during your nursing career or draw from various theories while working with patients and their families depending on the situation. Consequently, nurses are taught the foundation of multiple theorist and there does not seem to be one correct model. It is a matter of finding one that fits your
A philosophy is created to find truth and meaning. It requires evaluation and use of critical thinking as to why one’s nursing practice matters. The history of philosophy and theories allows me to evaluate my personal nursing philosophy. I believe that each person is their own individual. My way of practicing nursing is by using compassion, listening to my patients and trying to understand them. It is not just the body or the disease but rather the holistic nature of the patient. I believe that nursing deals with promotion of health and prevention of disease. Lifelong education, research and evidence based practice are all utilized in my profession of nursing and are all concepts important to my nursing care.
There are different types of knowledge and different ways of knowing. Four fundamental concepts of knowing in nursing highlighted by Caper (1978) are empirical, personal, ethical and aesthetic. He divided knowledge into two forms which are tacit and explicit. Tacit is insights and based on experience and not easily visible and expressible, difficult to share and communicate with others which is highly personal. Empirical sources of knowledge depend upon an individual’s manner of observing and responding to events in the outside world (Higgs et al, 2004). Whereas explicit is formal and based on rationality and easily can be expressed, shared, communicate which are highly universal principles. Rationalism comes from within the individual and