El Salvadors civil war
What if you had to fight in a civil war at the age of thirteen. Well in el salvador that what was happening during the civil war. There are two sides to the story like in most cases. One side fought for the military led government and the other side was some of the people from el salvador who were with the coalition. The people who rebelled against the government did it because the government only supported the rich and most the people want equality. The war was very violent the soldiers would kill the people who followed the coalition and rape the women. Most the people followed the coalition because they wanted everything to be equal.
My mother was born in el salvador she remembers the war. She was a little girl
The Massacre at El Mozote as told by Mark Danner takes place El Salvador. El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. It shares borders with Guatemala and Honduras. El Salvador is divided into 14 departments and El Mozote is a village in one of the Departments called Morazan. According to the author, the Salvadoran Civil War 1979-1992 was a conflict waged by the Military led Government of El Salvador and coalition of left-leaning militias or guerillas called the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN).The FMLN was supported by peasants and indigenous Indian people. The United States supported the El Salvador Military government.
Imagine if you had a younger sibling or relatives between the ages nine through eighteen. What if they were forced to be sent to fight in the war at such a young age. But in Sierra Leone, that is not the case. Many children within that area were taken from their own homes and were threatened to become adult soldiers. As for the book, "A Long Way Gone” wrote by Ishmael Beah and the movie "Blood Diamond", shows a briefly description of how young innocent children were obligated to be committed to be a soldier. Most of the children were restrained from leaving the different rankings that they were sent to.
Many children are more subject to death and injury because certain weapons can hurt children more severely than adults. Also, children are more affected because during times of war adults love and attention can sometimes become scarce, which can cause them to make unwise decisions. After a war, such as the Salvadoran Civil War, there are many long lasting effects especially on the children because they grow up with the conflict. Which then usually causes them to continue the conflict. For example, in the Gaza-Israel conflict children lost their families and their opportunity to go to school, and because of this they face many psychological issues.
There was a major split in the people of El Salvador, The rich and the poor. That is when the riot began. Many innocent people were killed by the government, as long as you looked apart of the massacre, the national guard would kill you. On December 3rd, 1980, Three nuns
Colombia has been the setting for the longest-running civil war in Latin America. The conflict in this country takes place between the government and the two leftist guerilla groups, as well as the conflict between the guerrilla groups and the paramilitary forces. As in most wars, the most affected in this conflict are unarmed civilians.
The Civil War was also called the Boys War because of the large number of boys entering the war. Although there was age restrictions for both sides, young boys found ways to get around it. One thing they would do is lie about their age to recruitment officers. Recruitment officers would not care about the lie because they had to meet a deadline. Another way to get around it will be to get parental permission some dads would sign their sons up cause the dads would also be going to war. The last way kids get around this is that they would run away from homes to get recruited in another town and rename themselves so there parents won’t find them but the downside to this is that they would never be heard of again if they die in battle.
The Reagan administration substantially increased both military and economic aid to El Salvador. The civil war raged on in El Salvador, fueled by U.S. aid to the Salvadoran military. The government harshly repressed dissent, and at least 70,000 people lost their lives in killings and bombing raids waged against civilians throughout the countryside. The country's infrastructure had crumbled, and the nation. The government military also start force recruitment to the children who are already twelve years old for becoming the child soldier. so does the geurillas.
Children’s participation in the Civil War was common and tragic. Children had many parts to play in the Civil War in many ways. There were also drummer boys who played a big role in the civil war. African-American boys also had their duties to do in the Civil War because the brutal war meant freedom. There were many children who took arms and fought with their elders as enlisted soldiers. There were thousands of children between the ages of 13 and 17 who served their side in the war.
At birth, many families struggled to keep their children alive until adulthood. The countries poverty prevented people from feeding their children, leading to the malnutrition of thousands and the negative health effects that come with it. But even after reaching maturity the lives of people remain a struggle. Many women are forced to raise their children alone while struggling to provide a living for themselves and their offspring. Lack of education in Central America prevent men and women from finding work, making survival very difficult. Death squads murdered thousands of innocent lives in brutal ways. The human rights movement CO-MADRES was started to call out against the extreme lack of civil liberties. Other groups like the FMLN and the FPL fought against the government to stop the social injustices the Salvadorian government committed. The government needed to help eliminate the massive problem of poverty. But because it did not, guerrilla groups were formed by El Salvador’s people in hope to change what the government could not. By forming death squads in an attempt to stop those groups, the countries situation led only to more death and
The Guatemalan civil war is often seen as a class struggle. While it does have aspects of struggle among the poor and the elite, it was also an ethnic conflict among the government and the Mayan. Like the majority of the countries in Central America, Guatemala is one of the poorest. In the years of the civil war, their GDP was extremely low with the population living below poverty, and with very little or no education. The only president prior to the civil war that tried to enact social reformation was Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán in the 1950s, and due to the interference of
Colombia gained its independence in the late 1800s from Spanish forces due to the efforts of Simon Bolivar (Gascoigne, 2001, ongoing). After going through a series of name changes, the Republic of Colombia was deemed the official name of the country and has remains to this day. Colombia’s history of violence has plagued the country since La Violencia in the 1950s, during which time the conservative and liberal parties fought over dominance of the South American nation (Gascoigne, 2001, ongoing). The war lasted for ten years and was only stopped by the implementation of the National Front. The National Front, a plan created by the government of Colombia, was a deal made between the conservatives and the liberals that would ensure that every four years a member of the opposite party would be elected to rule the country (Mother Earth Travel, 2013). The deal was meant to last sixteen years. The National Front, however, had dire consequences for the
El Salvador, meaning “The Savior” in Spanish, is a small Central American nation, mostly known for its beaches near the Pacific Ocean. This place is home to over six million people whose spoken language is Spanish being the primary language and native languages such as Nahuan and Maya. Although we hear, little about El Salvador and the people there, they seem to be going through quite the struggle. El Salvador have a democratic government, who are trying to expand job opportunities for the people of El Salvador. Although they have shown success in trying to do so they still face major challenges such as high crime rate, natural disasters, etc. Not only do they face high crime rates and natural but they also struggle with rights and equality.
In 2011, President Obama highlighted the importance of U.S.-Salvadoran relations by selecting El Salvador as the only Central American country to be included in his March 2011 tour of Latin America (Seelke, 14). During the 2011, joint press conference with President Funes, President Obama pledged to continue working as partners to overcome the barriers within El Salvador’s economic development. El Salvador is one of four countries that have been selected to participate in the Obama Administration’s Partnership for Growth Initiative, which seeks to foster sustained economic growth and development in top-performing low-income countries (Seelke, 15). El Salvador immediately supported the United States following the September 2001 terrorist attacks and sent over four contingents of troops to Iraq from 2003 to
I don’t have any doubt that the social-political situation in El Salvador is crowded of poverty, violence and social unfairness. In a few paragraphs we can approach to the the main results of the wrong richness distribution and the goverment’s corruption and we said that is the same history all around in latin america.
In 2013, I was part of Operation Beyond the Horizon (BTH). This is a civil-military mission, which included humanitarian and civic support. In addition, it provides medical, dental, and engineering assistance by Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserves. This is when I first knew about the country of El Salvador and the tragedy it had suffered. This concrete experience has given me the opportunity and real world experience to first hand see what insurgency can do to a Country. Even twenty years later, going in to rebuild schools, provide medical outposts, and repair infrastructures, it is evident that insurgency and its effects are still seen today. What follows is the brief history of insurgency in the Country of El Salvador.